Sunday, March 21, 2010

33 Weeks!

Here I am in all my lovely pregnancy glory! Not really, that is why I added my cute Kambri to make me look better:) I was doing really well at being pregnant until I swear my last post at 28 weeks. I am officially done and still have 7 weeks. Bennett came 11 days early so let's cross our fingers on that one. It doesn't help when my feet could barely fit into my high heels today and my toes look like sausages. Also my baby's head is in my ribs and I can't bend over or sit very comfortably. Since I am on a complaining streak I might as well mention my back hurts, I wake up with charlie horse pains in my legs and about die, sleeping is getting harder and harder, my pants won't stay on me and I am constantly pulling them up, and I can't sit on the ground without having help getting up or about dying from pain when I get up myself. Good thing this is all worth it in the end.
I had my appointment last week and couldn't get a good picture because my babies hands were covering it's face. Hopefully next appointment my baby will have flipped. I asked Kambri if she wanted to go with me and she said, "Is the baby coming out now" I told her no, so she decided she didn't want to go. So funny she asks me all the time when our baby is coming out! Hopefully sooner rather than later!
Wow sorry about the negative post, I'm just a little ready to not be pregnant anymore.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Painting on the walls!

Since we are getting closer and closer to remodeling I decided I wanted to start tearing off the lovely wallpaper. Brock and Kambri decided to join in and help me. I know you are very jealous of this beautiful flower decor. Kambri was a little sad to see it go and wanted to leave the rest up.

Sad until I told her she could paint on the walls! I explained to her and Bennett that this was a one time thing so hopefully I don't have a painted wall in the future!

She had so much fun. It made a crazy mess, but it was water colors and cleaned up nicely. Now I have very decorated walls until I take off the wallpaper backing off the walls.

Bennett was very excited to see his sissy painting on the walls when he got up from his nap. He wanted me to paint with him so we added some other colorful things to it a couple days later.

And who wouldn't want their kids darling hand prints on the wall! That was her idea and I think it turned out great:)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It has begun!

I knew it was only a matter of time before Kambri started dressing Bennett up. This is how I found them the other day running around the house. Oh the joys of being a younger brother. I really wanted to put a picture of my brother's when we dressed them in my dance outfits, curled their hair, and did their makeup. And my friend's Mom thought Dennin was our cousin!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My little girl is growing up!

Lately I have been seeing Kambri change and start to grow up a little bit more. It is fun to see her starting to figure things out on her own and work through things, but I'm sad at the same time that she isn't my baby anymore!!! The last month or so has been a real change in how she is with Bennett. She is so sweet to him and loves him so much . She will help him with whatever he needs. She has also started to solve problems instead of getting mad and yelling. It's nice to watch her little mind work as she tries to figure out a different way of dealing with things. They play for hours together playing hide and seek, puppies, Kambri pulling him around the house with a scarf, and anything else she can think of. They always think of each other and when someone has treats they both make sure and get one for the other one. He loves his sissy too!

Kambri can sleep about anywhere. She decided she wanted to have this box that my brother Brock was getting rid of. When I came upstairs this is how I found her.

At our Riverdale house this was her absolute favorite place to be. Laying on the heater vents. And a lot of the time she would fall asleep on them. I think she is a little sad that our new house doesn't have them in the floor.

She loves to collect little things. This is her little box of treasures and wonders as she calls them. My brother thought it was pretty hilarious all of the stuff she puts in here. She adds to it all of the time and don't try to throw anything away without hiding it from her first!
She asked to borrow my camera and this is what was on it when she gave it back. Out of all of her toys her dollhouse is her absolute favorite. She plays with it all of the time and wants her Daddy and me to play with her too! She is so good at playing by herself. She can be in her room for a long time just playing, reading books, or coloring. She is getting good at writing letters and her name. She is a perfectionist and gets frustrated that when she writes it doesn't look perfect. But she is getting better and better the more she practices.
She still has her cute things she says like andult (adult), pignic (picnic), woofs (wolves), ioteyes, (coyotes), you member (you remember), footie playdo (silly putty) runy (pruny fingers), and other cute grammar things. I hope it takes her awhile to get it all right because I love it! She cracks us up with the things she comes up with. She has been asking a lot of questions lately trying to figure things out. She wanted to know how bees made honey and how it got to the store. She listens really well as we explain things to her. She is also a very good colorer. She loves to color and does such a great job!
She has been having growing pains and eating a ton lately so maybe she will hit a big growth spurt. Right now she weighs 27lbs, and wears a size 7 shoe. She is a sweetheart and tells me everyday how much she loves me and that I am the best Mommy in the whole world. (I try and remember that when she is telling me the next second I am a mean Mommy). She is very excited for her baby to come and will be a big help. We love her so much!