Thursday, January 28, 2010

TV Withdrawls!

Confession, I really like TV. Some might say I was a little addicted. The DVR could quite possibly be one of my best friends. However; not all friendships can last forever. I have had this nagging feeling that the TV was becoming the main attraction in our house. Kambri and Bennett loved it a little too much and that's all they wanted to do. The first thing they did in the morning was want to watch TV. Being pregnant, I wanted to take a nap and have a break and Kambri is always up for watching a movie, which ended up happening way too much. And I am guilty too, I had too many shows recorded that I had to watch and would end up going to bed way too late every night. I love reality TV and felt like I was spending too much time invested in other people's lives. Well I could never bring myself to get rid of it, but when you move you don't have it anyways. Therefore the break-up happened. I no longer have TV. Now I'm not just talking Dish, I am talking nothing, zero, zip, nada. It has been almost a week and like all addictions I am having a little bit of a withdrawal. To my credit Brandon has been working nights on a job for the last week and I am all alone in this house with nothing to do! I did watch the Bachelor on Hulu (which now might be my new best friend) but that is the only thing I have watched since we have moved. My kids are doing OK, they still ask to watch it every morning but now they can only watch movies and one a day to ease them out of the habit! It's not as bad as I thought, but it is a little too quiet right now and I would love the noise of my long lost friend! In the long run though, I feel like my kids will benefit from it and I will be able to get a lot more done at night, like blogging!!! And who knows maybe we will end up getting some TV, but for now I will have to rely on my lovely computer to comfort me:)
PS my kids seem to be doing really well with the move! They are sleeping good and hopefully have adjusted well. Bennett now says I want to go home to the new house! And me, I am doing pretty good too. We closed on our Riverdale house today which was 5 years to the date that we moved in there, crazy!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Goodbye's and Hello's

We are officially in our house! Thanks to the muscles of some great guys we moved in on Saturday. I was doing really well with the whole situation until I had to say goodbye to my neighbor. I hugged her and we cried! I will miss them and my wonderful other neighbors and ward. As I was leaving my house with sleeping Kambri in my arms I lost it. I thought about the babies that I brought home. The many family dinners and parties. All of the birthday parties and holidays. Watching my kids grow up and us starting our little family. The memories were just pouring out to me. I absolutely love my house. For memory sake I wanted to put a few pictures on here of my Riverdale house.

I never put pictures of my basement on my blog. I was waiting until I got it just right. Well that never happened so this is how it was when we left. These are the cute windows that go into the little under the stairs area. There is a chalkboard and bright green paint on the other wall.

This is the toy room. Quite a mess but what's a toy room for!

I love my shelves that Brandon built. They worked out so great. I really am going to miss this room!

Here is the main room in the basement. What I'm not showing you are Brandon's lovely deer that he hung on my walls! Oh Brandon and his deer. He has already hung them in his office in the new house!

Our first night went a lot better than I thought. It's hard to adjust and to be in such disorganization, but it didn't feel as strange as I thought it would. Bennett has had a hard time going to sleep, which requires me to sit in his room until he falls asleep. Kambri has been doing awesome. She really likes it here. She is so cute she keeps asking things like did we take the doors from the other house, I really like those. Do we have all of our food here? Are there people in the other house yet? She is full of questions, but has adjusted really well. I have been spoiled with having a new house and I am trying to get used to everything being so old. At least it's only temporary. I will keep updating on what is going on. But as we move into the next chapter of our life I can always make it as long as I have the most important people in my life with me!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

We are Moving!

Yep that's right we are moving!
Back in November we bought a foreclosure house at the auction. It was too good of a deal to pass up, but it happened really quickly and the house was ours within 24 hours. Brandon and I were going back and forth on the decision but decided it was the right thing for us. The way we got the house felt like a small miracle and that it was meant to be. But I definitely was freaking out because we hadn't even talked about moving and if we did it was always to build a house. So we put our house up for sale the first of December. I wasn't too worried about selling it and didn't even want to until April or May. But the first couple that came and looked at it put an offer on it. To put it mildly I was freaking out, I was so not ready for that. The realtor asked me why I was selling such a beautiful home and I was like I have no idea! When Brandon told me they accepted our counter offer I cried. I couldn't believe it happened so fast and was not prepared for that. Even though I know we made the right decision I couldn't help feeling so sad. The next day I couldn't stop crying and had the worst day. Every time I thought about leaving my family (both my sisters and my Mom live within a mile of me), neighbors, my ward, and my convenient little life in Riverdale I would start crying again. So now we have to be out by the 28th of January. Yep that soon! Brandon keeps telling me how many days we have left and I think I'm in denial.
I read an article in our church magazine the Ensign and I know it was written for me. It talked about leaving the past behind you and looking for the future. So I haven't cried in a couple of weeks and I'm trying to be postive and look for the good. Here are the wonderful things about the house. It is in upper Uintah and has an incredible yard, over an acre and fully landscaped. It has a hill with a basketball court and a firepit with an awesome view of the valley. It has solid trees on both sides of the house, a built in swing set, and a walk out deck. It is 4500 sq feet, with three levels. Enough room for us to stay there as long as we want to. It has a gorgeous office right off of the kitchen that I can't wait for! Now I forgot to mention that we have to remodel the top two floors and since we sold our house so fast we will be doing it while we live there. We will all have to move down into the basement, one big happy family! Hopefully we all survive. Good thing I have the best husband ever and he wants it to be done fast which I know he can do. I am excited to be able to remodel, so all of my great friends that have good design ideas throw them my way! I still have a had time thinking about leaving my house with all of our memories , but I am excited for our new adventure! Wow that was pretty long but I wanted to write down what was going on in my life. Wish us luck!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas 2009

Wow now that I have no more birthdays and we are relatively healthy in our house I figured I better do a Christmas post!

Christmas Eve we go to Brandon's Mom's church which is always an event when it seems that only my kids are loud! Then we continue to my Mom's for the Christmas story in the Bible and new jammies. My mom surprised the girls with matching American Girl doll jammies too.

Kambri and Bennett putting sprinkle dust on the porch for Santa's Reindeer to find us! We all sleep at my Mom and Dad's so it is quite the madness. The kids were so excited they could barely fall asleep. But once they finally do the adults get to play games and eat and eat some more!

Christmas morning, I love the look on her face!

Bennett checking out his new "ride" as he calls 4-wheelers. He was so excited he couldn't believe he had his very own. He loves his Daddy's!
Kambri had a rough night with leg pains so it took her awhile to get excited about everything. But she did have a good morning and loved her new 4-wheeler too.

My Mom passes out the presents so we can have some kind of order with all of those people! I don't know how much longer we can all sleep over so it is fun to be able to do it still.

Kambri going outside to try out her new ride.

It was a little too much for Bennett. This picture is hilarious it took him some getting used to, to be able to ride it on his own!

We had a great Christmas with both sides of our family, and love that our kids are getting older and enjoying it as much as us!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Party and Cake!

The Train Cake!
Yes this beauty was made by BriAnne and myself. We had so much fun making his cake. It was my first time working with fondant and I definitely need some more practice. Bri was the major artist behind this master piece! The top tier is made of fun fetti cake and the bottom is a vanilla almond cake that I made, with butter cream frosting. It was really yummy! It took us a long time, but it was great to be able to see it all come together.

Bennett loved the cake and we had a hard time keeping him from pulling it all apart. He saw the train on top that I made and wanted it so bad!

The great family picture! Kambri's look is priceless. She really was happy to be there:)

Bennett has been practicing blowing out things to get ready for his birthday. He did a good job and loved everyone singing to him. And even though it looks like Halen helped him, Bennett was able to blow them out himself! I kept telling him all day that it was his birthday and he would get kinda shy. So when everyone came over he was pretty excited, but still didn't wasn't so sure that it was all for him!

We had about 25 people there and there were about 7 missing! It was mad chaos as always.
My cute birthday boy!!!
I don't have too many pics of him opening his presents. My father-in-law has most of them on his camera still. Bennett had plenty of help from his sister and cousins! He would open something and love it so he didn't want to keep opening other presents. He got lots of fun stuff, books, car table, leap frog alphabet, tools and tool set, match box cars, zhu zhu pet, and other fun stuff. He loved all of them and had a good night. Thank you to everyone that helped out and came to celebrate with us!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

You've had a birthday shout Hooray!!!

Happy Birthday Bennett!!!

My baby boy is 2 today!!! I am absolutely in love with this little guy. I love this age and could listen to him talk all day long. Some little things about Bennett

Height 34.4 inches 55%

Weight 25.6 lbs 18%

Head 80%

*He is all boy and loves to play with trains, cars, pretend he is a puppy, tiger, and loves playing with baseballs, and footballs!

*He wants everything you can think of in his crib with him when he goes to sleep. All of his blankets, books, cars, and of course a drink!

*He is talking really well and says things so cute! He is learning fast and knows and is learning his colors and how to count to 10.

*No matter what time he goes to bed he still wakes up super early. He is so loud in the morning and will stand at Kambri's door and yell over and over Sissy!

*He is the pickiest eater and still won't eat fruit or vegetables. But he loves dairy, meat, instant oatmeal, dum (gum) and instant breakfast.

*He loves to color, play with pay doh (play doh), take baths, read his books, play with his dinohores (dinosaurs), and play with his sissy.

We love him so much and he brings love and joy into our home. He is feisty and full of it. He never stops and keeps us laughing all day long! We hope you had a happy birthday Bennett boy! Stay tuned for party pics and his fabulous cake:)