Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baby oh Baby!!!

Well a new baby that is! Yes I am PREGO! After convincing Brandon we weren't done with two we are having a baby. I am a little over 12 weeks and due on May 9th. I think it is a blessing you don't quite remember what it's like to be pregnant the last time around. I haven't been feeling too hot, probably worse than my other two. I am good until around 1:00 in the afternoon, then it's down hill from there. They should change the name to afternoon and nighttime sickness. Brandon has been so good helping with the kids and around the house. I keep telling him he will get his wife back soon, and dinner on the table! We are really excited. Kambri is super excited and changes her mind daily on whether it's a boy or a girl! Bennett knows there is a baby in my tummy but that's about it:) I still am undecided about whether or not I want to find out what it is. I don't know if I can handle not being able to plan, but it would be exciting! I can find out next week if we want so I will keep you updated!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Trip to Texas!

We went to sister Danielle's house the first of September. My kids did really well on the flights and thankfully I had my parents to help me this time. I love this picture and that they are my little baggage's:)

Danielle has all sorts of animals at her house! No really she only has turtles and chickens but it was pretty cool. The turtles just show up in her yard and stay there for a long time. Kambri liked them, but Bennett not so much.
We went there for my niece Madeleine's baptism. It was such a neat experience. She is so sweet, and a good example to Kambri.
We can't go to Texas without visiting the Children's Museum. My kids love it and we are usually the only ones in the whole place.

While we were there my very talented Mom made Kambri this adorable bag for preschool. I love the way it turned out and I think I might like it more than Kambri does. I got the idea from a girl that makes the cutest bags Danielle also helped me sew Kambri this skirt. It turned out so cute and I can't wait to make some more.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bridger Lake Camping!

Oh wow I am so far behind on blogging. I have so much to blog and just can't seem to get it done. We went on our annual family camping trip in August. We headed up to Bridger Lake in the Unitas. I had so many pictures that I decided to do collages for them.
We had a good time hanging out in the hammock and swing, that Dennin scaled the trees to put up.

Good times playing rummikub at night, Dennin finding pet bugs, my brothers jumping over the fire, and being crazy all the time. We had the best food, fun playing outside, and just being together.

Of course there had to be lots of fishing. The kids love to go in Brandon's pontoon boat, although Bennett wasn't too sure about the fish being so close to him! The highlight of the fishing was Kambri's barbie fishing pole that kicked butt and probably caught the most fish. Kambri and Halen loved to play with the worms and Bennett was absolutely obsessed with his shishy (fishy) pole!

More good times watching Dennin stalking a bunch of cows, and then turning and running once he realized they were about to charge! Playing and forging the river, riding the 4-wheeler or ride as Bennett calls it, and getting rid of Bennett's binky! I look forward to this trip all year and can't wait until next year to do it again:)