Saturday, June 20, 2009

Air Show

I forgot to post about the Air Show we went to. It was pretty cool, minus the hundreds of thousands of people there! Perfect weather and the kids had a good time.

This is the only picture of the grandkids that I could get. Nana Debbie waited in line forever to go through this airplane. So exciting!

This is Brandon's brother Bryson, Jordan, and Kenlee. We had fun together.

I thought this picture was so cute. Especially since they look exactly the same. Bennett loved looking at the planes in the air.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Waffles for Dinner

I remember when I was little I LOVED to have waffles for dinner. So I decided to try out a new recipe. Can I just tell you how much I love food blogs? They are my favorite. These are chocolate waffles with caramelized banana topping! Hmmm they were sweet:)

Rain Rain Go Away!

I really do love the rain, but enough is enough. Hopefull this week will be the last of it so we can enjoy Summer time. But what is rain without puddles to play in. Kambri put a plastic bag on her feet and I thought she would have fun in the puddle:)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Oh bloggity blog I haven't forgotten about you, just on a little hiatus (I love saying that word) We have been loving the nice weather. We put in a fence and it is so nice to have, hopefully it will be done soon. Jamie and I decided it would be fun to take the kids to Lagoon and get our season passports. So we get there and the kiddie land is closed. We were so sad and so were the kids. It was high school and junior high day so we went in and walked around and teenage watched! Next time we go they will have a good time:)