Sunday, April 26, 2009

No longer a baby!

Bennett had his 15 month appointment. I can't believe it, he is no longer a baby and now my little toddler. Even though I love all of the new stages, it kinda makes me sad to see him get so big.
Favorite food: Bennett loves scrambled eggs, yogurt, milk, and oatmeal!
Least favorite food: I cannot get Bennett to eat fruits or vegetables.
Latest trick: Bennett thinks he is so funny when he dances and runs around in circles.
Words he says: Ball, Dada, Mama, Siss(for Kambri), Daadaa (doggie), out(outside),shoes,uh-oh, he says and signs fish, please, Jesus,hot. He also signs all done, drink, thank you,bath, book,elephant, and night night.
Number of teeth: two on bottom, two on top, and two more on the way!
Latest struggle: He hasn't been feeling well and getting teeth so he won't eat. All of the things he normally loves he won't eat them anymore. Hopefully he gets out of this stage soon.
Favorite thing to do: He loves to play with balls. Bri's little boy has a T with a bat and ball. He will put the ball on the T and swing the bat and hit the ball. It is so cute to watch.
Dr office stats: Height-30 1/2 in 45% Weight-22lbs 20% Head-80%
We just love our little man so much. He is such a sweet heart and couldn't imagine life without him!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

BrItNeY BaBy

Some of my besties and I went to the Britney Spears concert last night. Ashley, Sarah, Jamie & me. Pussy Cat Dolls opened for her and they were so awesome. I totally wish I could dance like that:) Oh and Britney, wow let's just say that she put on a crazy and amazing show. Seriously it was so entertaining and insane. It was a circus and lots of performers in between songs. It was so great and we had so much fun!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Highlights

(This wasn't the best pic but I had to hurry before church)
We had a great Easter and I am so grateful for my Savior and hopefully I can remember why we celebrate Easter all year long. I was trying to teach Kambri about Easter and the real reason we celebrate, so I asked her why. She said because Jesus wants us to die. Ok that's not quite what I was looking for. Well she had her first talk in primary yesterday and right before I asked her again why we celebrate. She said because Jesus died for all of us. Yay she got it! It makes you feel good when you kids start to understand and actually listen to what you tell them:) Oh and she did so well with her talk!
They had a really fun morning. Kambri had to find her basket and was so excited. Bennett didn't quite no what was going on, but he loved his new bat and ball. We had a busy weekend, with lots of fun. Four Easter egg hunts. Kambri loved all of them, Bennett just wanted to play with the rocks. Yummy food, fun with lots of family, and getting to see Kambri so excited about everything. Oh and an overload of candy!

This was one of the funnest things that happened yesterday. We went outside to try out Kambri's new kite and saw all of this. There were tons of eggs filled with coins, little prizes, and of course a half eaten carrot. Brandon and I have no idea who did it and kept saying that. Kambri would say, "I know it was the Easter Bunny." We still don't know who did it and it was so much fun, so thanks to whoever it was! Oh and of course I can't not put the funny things Kambri said. She kept pretending she was the Easter Bunny and would leave things for me to find and then hide and say hop hop. When she was going to bed she said, "Mom when the Easter Bunny comes again outside I want to go out there and give him a hug. And then I want to take the carrot from him so I can make carrot soup for dinner!"

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We had our annual friend Easter Party! Every year we get together and do a Easter Egg Eggtravaganza! We have so much fun and it is total chaos the entire time.

Kambri and all of her loot!

Bennett had a good time running around the yard.

This was the madness that was going on outside. We were so happy it was nice outside.

Here are most of the kids, some are babies, and some didn't want to be in the pic:)
Kambri took this picture for us. She did a pretty good job! I love hanging out with these girls we have such a great time!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter Eggs!

While the boys were at the Priesthood session on Saturday we decided to dye some Easter eggs. Kambri had a great time putting her hands and eggs into the dye!
I took so many pictures of her and every time she would look away right as the picture took!
The gang, they have a lot of fun together:)

Aubrey and the crazy kiddos.
Bri said she is never in any pictures. Isn't that how it is though, the Mom is always the one taking them and never in them!