Friday, December 25, 2009

MeRrY ChRiStMaS!!!

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a wonderful day. We are so grateful this time of year for everything we are blessed with. We truly have many things in our life to be thankful for!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Half way there!

This week I am 20 weeks pregnant. How crazy is that? My belly has officially popped out! I feel like it was really slow in the beginning, but it is going by faster and faster. I feel so good now. It took a lot longer than I thought it would and was worse than my other two but I feel great now. I still dry heave over smells and if I'm hungry. Which is no fun since nothing really sounds good and I have to shove food in my face to keep from dry heaving! The baby is moving a lot more, which is one of the best parts of being pregnant. I can't wait until my kids can feel it. Kambri says it's a girl because we already have a brother and don't need another one:)
I'm still staying strong on not finding out. I have kinda had some doubts lately though. I really want to be able to be surprised at the end, but I feel like there is some excitement missing now. I can't really get too excited because I don't know what it is. I feel like I'm missing the bond that you form when your pregnant. So if I find out what I'm having you'll know why!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Happenings!

We have had a fun December so far. Brandon loves to take the kids behind his 4-wheeler when it snows. They had a lot of fun and love the snow!My cute little guy!
Oh how I love this little face:)

We decorated a ginger bread house and the kids had so much fun. Bennett loved putting on and eating all of the candy. Kambri did a really good job decorating. I love that we get to watch our kids have so much fun doing these new traditions.
Bennett got so excited every time he would put candy on the ginger bread house.

The first of the month we went to the Christmas Jubilee at the Eccles building. This was the first time we have gone and it was a lot of fun. The trees were are beautiful and they had fun things for the kids to do.

Kambri was so excited to see Santa and Mrs. Clause. They were so cute with the kids and when Santa asked what Kambri wanted she said a dragon! She wants a pink Webkinz. It was cute though because Santa had no idea what she was talking about. Bennett was a little nervous, but did OJ and didn't mind it too much!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ariel Birthday Party!

Kambri told me over and over that she wanted an Ariel cake and party. So I decorated the house in Ariel decor and BriAnne and I had a good time making her cake. I had a lot of help from Bri and my Mom and my cute friend Kami made her darling invitations. Thanks so much! The cake I made was so yummy and it turned out way cute. Kambri loved it and Ariel. We had about 24 people in our house for dinner and cake. It was madness, but a lot of fun!Here is Kambri with her "American Girl Doll" and horse. She absolutely loves it and changes her name between Felicity and Quinn! She had a great night and we are thankful for everyone that came and loves our little Kambri!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Kambri!

Yesterday was Kambri's 4th birthday! Wow my baby is getting so big, I can't believe it. She is so special and we love her so much. Here are some things about Kambri

*She loves to color, paint, and draw. She is a pretty good at coloring. Hopefully she will get my Mom's artistic ability:)

*She loves her books and will go in her room and look at them by herself all the time.

*She knows her letters and sounds and is starting to sound out little words. She loves preschool and has fun making crafts and learning.

*She is feisty as can be and doesn't like people to tell her what to do. I am hoping this will benefit her when she is older, I just have to be able to deal with it now!

*She loves her brother and can be so sweet with him, helping him with his toys and reading books to him.

*She loves learning about Jesus and asks me questions all the time. She has her own little testimony.

*She loves dance and will show me little moves she is learning. I can't wait until we can see her dance recital!

*She is very loving and wants to be cuddled, rocked, and have her back scratched. She is still tiny as can be, she weighs 25 1/2lbs 5% and 36 inches tall 10%!
*She says the funniest things all the time, the other day she said Daddy here is your bean stalks (meaning our Christmas stockings)
We are so blessed to have her in our family!

Friday, November 20, 2009

New Pictures!

We have had a bunch of pictures taken and I am kinda slow at posting some of them. Bri took our family pictures a couple of weeks ago. We got some really good ones amidst the craziness that comes with family pictures. Ok maybe it's just the Mom's that are crazy, at least I am. I want everything to look perfect!

Kambri had pictures at her preschool. Who knew that preschoolers did pictures, not me. She loves her pink boots and wears them almost everyday! The pictures turned out really cute! I can't believe my little girl is going to be 4 next week!

This is one that BriAnne just snapped, it is so her personality and adorable:)

In August (yeah a little behind) Bri took Bennett's pictures. I loved all of them. These are just a few of them. They turned out so cute, Bri always does a good job. It probably helps that she loves my kids as much as they love her! Such a handsome little guy.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Disneyland, Halloween, 28th bday!

We went to Disneyland over Halloween with my parents and had so much fun! The weather was perfect, a nice 75 degrees. Here we are in front of the castle!

We went to the Princess Breakfast and Kambri couldn't have been happier. She was in complete awe and could barely even talk to the princesses. She had so much fun with all of them and loved every minute of it. She said her favorites were Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Snow White, Cinderella, and Ariel. Go figure:)

For Halloween Kambri and Bennett were Peter Pan and Wendy. We went to Mickey's Trick-or-Treat in CA Adventure. There were tons of characters out and we got to see a lot of them. Peter Pan and Wendy were so cute with Kambri and Bennett. They loved that they were dressed like them. My Mom even got to see Captain Jack Sparrow and he tried to steal her diamonds off her rings!
This picture is so cute with my Peter Pan and Wendy!

We went to the beach when we first got there. It was so much fun. This was the first time my kids have seen the ocean. Kambri loved jumping the waves and getting soaking wet. She ended up putting her swimsuit on even though it wasn't super warm! Bennett got taken under right when he got in and didn't want anything to do with the water after that. But he did love playing in the sand.
We had so much fun on all of the rides. Bennett's favorite was the Merry-Go-Round and Kambri loved the roller coaster. Brandon and I were able to go on a few big rides. We went on the Flying over CA ride and ended up sitting two seats away from Liv Tyler!!! Crazy huh? I was trying not to stare at her. She is way pretty and I got a little star struck when she smiled at me:)
We had fun at all of the parades too. Kambri couldn't get enough of them. Every time they would announce them she would start running and wanting to see them. She got picked to dance in all of them and absolutely loved it. She was so cute out there. She is our little performer!

Kambri wanted to see all of the characters. They were so cute with her and gave her kisses. When we saw The Incredibles she wanted to know where Dash and Violet were. She then said"They must still be in the cave." So cute! Bennett didn't really want anything to do with them. He would let them touch his hand but that was about it.
We had the best time! It really was awesome. It was decorated so great for Halloween and they had an awesome Halloween fireworks show. I even got to wear a Happy Birthday Kara button! People kept telling me happy birthday all day it was nice! My kids had so much fun and it was great to be able to have my parents with us, they were a big help. We loved be watching Kambri and Bennett play and interact with the characters. Disneyland is an amazing place and we can't wait to go back!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

And the baby is....

going to be a surprise! I went to the doctor and stayed strong, and didn't find out what I'm having. I was going back and forth between finding out and not finding out. And my dear friend Nancy made up my mind by telling me there was no way I could do it! So I just need to keep telling myself I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! Wish me luck:)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baby oh Baby!!!

Well a new baby that is! Yes I am PREGO! After convincing Brandon we weren't done with two we are having a baby. I am a little over 12 weeks and due on May 9th. I think it is a blessing you don't quite remember what it's like to be pregnant the last time around. I haven't been feeling too hot, probably worse than my other two. I am good until around 1:00 in the afternoon, then it's down hill from there. They should change the name to afternoon and nighttime sickness. Brandon has been so good helping with the kids and around the house. I keep telling him he will get his wife back soon, and dinner on the table! We are really excited. Kambri is super excited and changes her mind daily on whether it's a boy or a girl! Bennett knows there is a baby in my tummy but that's about it:) I still am undecided about whether or not I want to find out what it is. I don't know if I can handle not being able to plan, but it would be exciting! I can find out next week if we want so I will keep you updated!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Trip to Texas!

We went to sister Danielle's house the first of September. My kids did really well on the flights and thankfully I had my parents to help me this time. I love this picture and that they are my little baggage's:)

Danielle has all sorts of animals at her house! No really she only has turtles and chickens but it was pretty cool. The turtles just show up in her yard and stay there for a long time. Kambri liked them, but Bennett not so much.
We went there for my niece Madeleine's baptism. It was such a neat experience. She is so sweet, and a good example to Kambri.
We can't go to Texas without visiting the Children's Museum. My kids love it and we are usually the only ones in the whole place.

While we were there my very talented Mom made Kambri this adorable bag for preschool. I love the way it turned out and I think I might like it more than Kambri does. I got the idea from a girl that makes the cutest bags Danielle also helped me sew Kambri this skirt. It turned out so cute and I can't wait to make some more.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bridger Lake Camping!

Oh wow I am so far behind on blogging. I have so much to blog and just can't seem to get it done. We went on our annual family camping trip in August. We headed up to Bridger Lake in the Unitas. I had so many pictures that I decided to do collages for them.
We had a good time hanging out in the hammock and swing, that Dennin scaled the trees to put up.

Good times playing rummikub at night, Dennin finding pet bugs, my brothers jumping over the fire, and being crazy all the time. We had the best food, fun playing outside, and just being together.

Of course there had to be lots of fishing. The kids love to go in Brandon's pontoon boat, although Bennett wasn't too sure about the fish being so close to him! The highlight of the fishing was Kambri's barbie fishing pole that kicked butt and probably caught the most fish. Kambri and Halen loved to play with the worms and Bennett was absolutely obsessed with his shishy (fishy) pole!

More good times watching Dennin stalking a bunch of cows, and then turning and running once he realized they were about to charge! Playing and forging the river, riding the 4-wheeler or ride as Bennett calls it, and getting rid of Bennett's binky! I look forward to this trip all year and can't wait until next year to do it again:)