Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday Kambri!!!

Today is Kambri's 3rd birthday and I can't believe it. Where does the time go? I love her more than I can ever express and I am so lucky to be her mom. She brings so much love and joy into our home.
(I'll post more about her birthday later)
Here is Kambri at her second birthday! So cute:)
This is Kambri when she was one. Oh she was just as cute then as she is now!
Kambri was born at 6:30pm. I was due on November 28th and she didn't come. I was trying to go on my own but after I passed my due date I couldn't do it anymore:) I was started on a snowy morning of Nomber 29th. I got my epidural when I was about a 5, and everything was going well. My water broke by itself around 1:30 and then it started to go faster. I pushed for about 25 minutes and had my beautiful baby girl. She was such an angel baby. She never fussed or cried and we couldn't of asked for a sweeter baby!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I know I did!
Now on to the shopping! So this is how much we love our brother. He is staying over night at Best Buy to get a laptop and we decided to take shifts for him. So first my parents sat for awhile and then my sisters and I came. We watched a little Sydney White and had a good time. Good luck Brock:)

Bri found some guys that had a sweet set up playing rockband and joined in. I better go to bed because I am getting up nice and early for the deals. Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


So I am finally posting about my trip to Texas. First I have to say that I have the best kids ever. They seriously did so well on the flights. Bennett got a little restless on the way there, but finally fell asleep. And Kambri did so good on the plane. On the way home I was worried because it was really late. But they both fell asleep and this sweet lady next to me helped me get them off of the plane. We didn't get home until 1:00am but they were both asleep.
Now abut my trip, Kambri had so much fun seeing Madeleine, Bitoria (Victoria), Nicholas, Danielle, and Afaniel (Nathaniel). They played really well together. Bennett was sick and it took him until the last day to feel comfortable, but he was a sweet baby as always!
Of course Kambri couldn't stay away from dressing up. She wanted to dress up every second she could.
We went to this fun Children's Museum in Midland. Kambri really liked it. You could call each other from different rooms, I think she thought it was pretty cool to talk to me on th phone.

We went to the park and to feed the ducks. It is seriously hard to get a good picture of 5 kids. We had a lot of fun and I am glad that I got to know my nieces and nephew better. Thanks so much Danielle and Nathaniel for having us and feeding us. It was a nice break from cooking and cleaning. Thanks again!

Brandon's White Tail Deer

Alright, here is Brandon's great deer that he shot with his bow. Him and Jeremy had a good time in North Dakota freezing their butts off. But they both got their bucks and came home safe. We are happy to have him home. I don't know about having another animal in my home, but he loves it! Kambri kept wanting to touch the deer and today she said she was going to go and shoot her self a deer. Oh boy I don't know about that:)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Random Question?

Does anyone know of anyone in Rock Springs Wyoming? My hubby is meeting his friend there and needs to park his truck somewhere, while they then continue on to hunt in North Dakota. Yes, North Dakota, he is leaving me for 9 days! On the positive side he felt bad for leaving us so we are going to Texas this Friday to see my sister! But wish me luck because I am traveling with my two kids by myself. And my connection is only 33 minutes long ahhhhh!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Giddy Up Horsey

Last weekend we went to Bob and Debbie's (my in-laws) church for some fun HoRsE RiDiNg. Kambri Loved it, she got to ride by herself and then with Bennett. ChArLiE was such a good horse. Debbie thought Kambri was a natural!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here are my little witch and lion!!! Kambri told everyone she was a nice witch. But as soon as she got her green skin, she became a mean witch. Bennett looked so cute as a lion. My talented mom made his darling costume.
Help help the witch is attacking me!!!
Here are the cute trick or treaters. Graicee was a also a witch, and Halen was a wizard. Kambri was so excited to go out and trick or treat. But about 10 houses in she wouldn't get out of the wagon and said, "Mom I have enough candy" We had a good time even through the rain.
It was also my birthday so it was kind of a crazy night. I had a really good day, we went out to lunch and had a little party before we went out trick or treating. Brandon is the best at presents and I got some fun stuff. Including Memory Mixer, which I am so excited for. I also got some cute clothes and the Kone vacuum, which I love! Thanks everyone who made my birthday great!!!