Thursday, October 30, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

This is my cute family (minus a few) on our weekly Sunday dinner. We had a good time carving pumpkins. I am so blessed to have my family so close to me. We always have a good time together:)
Kambri didn't really want to carve the pumpkins, but she is always game for a cute picture.

Halloween Party!!!

Our good friends Chad & Nancy had their annual Halloween party. Bri and I decided on our costumes that night when we saw our Mom's wedding dress. Bri had a dress that was supposed to be her acutal dress when she got married, but didn't work out:) We had a good time being dead brides. Everyone couldn't believe I was wearing her actual dress, gotta love the 70's!
Brandon was a good looking Joe Dirt! He was digging the teeth, I'll have to post a picture of him in his normal clothes and the teeth. They looked so real. We had a lot of fun. Thanks guys:) It was the first time we had a real babysitter (no family or good friends). This cute girl from our ward came over. I was really worried, but Bennett was asleep and Kambri was still happy when we got home!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Any time now!

My kids are the latest teethers ever. Kambri didn't get her first tooth until she was 10 months old. Bennett has been drooling for over a month now and still no teeth. I guess I should be glad, except for the fact that he really can't eat very many things without teeth. Check out that drool:)!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

PuNkIn PaTcH

Last week we headed to pick out our pumpkins. Kambri was super ornery and not cooperating. Of course I had to get a picture of her and her happy face! So much fun:)

But by the time we left she was in a better mood and I was even able to get her to smile. She loves to hang out with her cousins and picked out great pumkins for us. I love all of the fun things leading up to Halloween! Tired Bennett fell asleep on the way there!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Park City

Last weekend we went to Park City with some friends. Rhett and Julie's family have an amazing condo and invited all of us to stay. It was a much needed get a way! It was the first time I have left Bennett over night. I was a little nervous, but he did awesome. He stayed with Brandon's mom and slept from 7:15 to 5:15, he doesn't even sleep that long for me!

Here are the girls before the shopping trip, Britt, Me, Laci, and Julie (Krishel was there but had to go home early) I was so excited to go shopping, I love it! Oh and the boy guys, they were supposed to go golfing while we shopped but it snowed and snowed. So they ended up staying at the condo and then shopping with us for a little while. Yeah husbands and shopping do not go together:)
We went to dinner at an Italian resteraunt and I swear our waitress was on crack! This was my conversation with her "Do have lemonade?"
her: "yeah we have lemonade" me: "like strawberry or raspberry?" her: as she is looking at me like I am an idiot "we have lemonade!" I was like ok well I'll have water! Then Krishel and I decided to split a meal and asked her if it was big enough to split. So we ordered raviolis with meatballs. When we got our meal we about peed our pants laughing. We each got 3 yes thats right 3 raviolis, and one meatball a piece! We paid 8.50 for 3 raviolis! Good times at the resteraunt! Oh and thanks Rhett for telling her that we were a little tipsy:)

The boys hanging out in the condo! And the girls hanging out in the hot tub. I think its funny when you get together as couples and it usually ends up the guys in one spot and the girls in another. We had a great time, thanks Rhett and Julie!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Which one are you?

I'm a Alice! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
You are intelligent, outgoing & stylish. A true girly girl, you love shopping & makeovers.
Although you are a generous friend, you can be coy, tricky & very persuasive in order to
get your way. You are known to zone out occasionally during conversations, but your
friends forgive you because you are understanding, supportive & know how to throw one
heck of a party!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Deer Hunting

Every year we go hunting we our friends Jeremy and Heidi. This year Heidi picked us up so we could meet the guys up in Wyoming. They were up there for a week and we met them up there on Thursday. I like to support my husband, but I can only handle so much of being in a trailer. It was pretty warm the first day and the trees were beautiful.
Kambri and Kaylee were born on the same day and really like to play together. Its nice to have someone else to entertain her!

Bennett did so good and loved to just crawl all over the trailer. Brandon thought it would be ok to let him crawl in the dirt too. Dirt can't hurt right!

Bennett and Ryken are only 3 months apart, hopefully next year they can play together.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bennett is 9 months

I can't believe my baby is 9 months. It is amazing how fast time flies. I wanted to write down his stats and what he is doing at this age.
28.2 in (55%)
17.9 lbs (15 %)
75% head
Bennett is the happiest baby ever. He just plays all day long crawling and walking around furniture. The only time he cries is if he is hungry or tired.
He started walking behind his little walker and loves it. He is still a little wobbly, but getting the hang of it. He will let go and stand for just a second.
He started clapping his hands and gets so excited when he does.
He wears me out when we go places and just wants to get down and play, he is a wild boy!
He loves Kambri, especially when she chases him. He also gets so excited to see his Daddy.
He loves yogurt, banana oatmeal cereal, cottage cheese, sweet potatoes, carrots, and pears. He does not like peas, applesauce, peaches, or any of the food I made him:)
He takes really good naps and I just lay him down and he goes to sleep on his own, now we just need him to sleep through the night!
He loves his bath, he crawls to it all the time and has fallen in a lot. When I get him out he just wants right back in. He is a wiggle worm and is almost impossible to dress or change his diaper.
We couldn't imagine life without our precious baby Bennett!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Family Pictures

Why are family pictures so stressful? I tried to make it so it would be ok and we would have happy kids, but Kambri didn't want to cooperate. She was so ornery before we left and I was about to lose it. So this picture is an example of the craziness! My talented sister Bri took these and was able to get some really good shots too. Cute pictures to follow later. Check out her website