Monday, March 31, 2008

Bowling Fun!!!

This past weekend we went out to eat and bowling with the Ryan, Jamie, and Jaxon. It was a first for Kambri and Jaxon. They had so much fun together. Kambri and Jaxon love each other and have so much fun together. We are planning on them getting married one day! We had a lot of fun bowling
Bennett had a good time too. He was such a good boy!
The kids decided that they had were just too tired to bowl anymore and had to take a rest!!!

I gave Brandon a hard time because he doesn't think its necessary to smile in pictures.
The Hadlow family, it was fun to hang out. We live about 30 seconds away from each other and it is so fun. I am glad that we have kids that are the same age.
The first time Kambri bowled she thought it would be a good idea to run after the ball. She was sliding all over the place. She insisted on pushing the ball by herself, it took about 5 minutes to get to the pins:)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I love KSL classifieds

I just wanted to give a little shout out to KSL. For those of you who haven't used KSL classifieds, let me just tell you it is the best. We are finishing our basement (pictures of that will come in a little while) and we had a few things to get rid of. We put a couple of things on there for free and some for sale. We put them on there on Friday afternoon and they were all gone by Saturday night! I have also bought a few things from there. Its nice to be able to clean out your stuff and give or sale them to people that need them or want them and its all FREE!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Fun

I am a little slow posting, but we had a really good Easter. On Sunday morning we had Kambri look for her basket, which she didn't really want to do. She was only interested in the basket from the night before that had her candy in it. But when she finally looked at her basket she said, "who bought this, did you bought this momma?" So I couldn't really decide how to answer that. I said the Easter Bunny, but then I started thinking about it and I don't know if I really like that idea. I explained to her why we celebrate Easter, but the verdict is still out on the Easter Bunny. I guess I will have to find a happy medium between doing a basket and treats and the real reason we celebrate Easter. We had Easter dinner at our house and it was good times. I cooked a ham and everything. There were about 21 people there so it was pretty crazy. Holidays are getting more fun now that Kambri is getting older and can do more things. I tried to get a good picture of her and Bennett but you see how well that worked out!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Danielle!!!

I just wanted to tell my sister happy birthday and share a funny little story about her present. We flew to Tennessee for Thanksgiving on Delta. Danielle loves the Biscoff cookies that they have on their flights so she asked me to save her some. Well I got the cookie and I noticed that they have a website on them so I got home and looked it up. I found out that you can buy these cookies in boxes of 200 packages. Yes 200 so that means 400 cookies. I thought that would be the best present ever. Last week she went to the store and was all excited that she had found a package of these cookies. She came home and showed her husband who gave her this look like she shouldn't have bought them. Then he came out with our present. The plethora of cookies!!! She loved it and now has tons of her favorite cookie. Hope you have a good day on your big 3 0 ! Love ya:)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Is that a hair piece?

If you haven't noticed yet, our little guy has a serious hair piece. After I give him a bath it turns into a fro. I love it so much, everyone keeps asking us where in the world he got all of this hair and we really don't know. Brandon and I both had hair, but nothing like his. However; Kambri also had this much hair just not as crazy or long. I thought these pictures were so cute. I have decided I will give it another month or so and then he will probably need a haircut. We just love our little guy!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Cancun for 700.00

This is a little ad to sell a week stay that we have in Cancun. It is at the Club International resort. The website is If you travel before August 9th you can stay in a 6 person villa, after that date it would be a normal hotel room. It is really nice and has free equipment rental for golf, tennis, biking, snorkeling, and ping pong. My brother just got back and said that it is an awesome resort. You can also use all of the amenities at the other four royal resorts for free. They have a free shuttle that will take you back and forth between them. This would be great for a senior trip! Let me know if anyone wants it, I don't care if you are just looking at my blog and don't know me. Email me if you are interested

Friday, March 14, 2008

What you said?

Have you ever noticed that once your little ones start talking that they repeat everything you say. The other night I am putting Kambri to sleep and she is talking away. These are some of the things she was saying. "Your a sassy frass, and I said no I'm not a sassy frass." "You be nice to people, and don't say no to people, and don't shut doors on people." "If you say that again you are going in time out." I am sitting there trying not to laugh as she is repeating everything I have said to her in the past couple of days. I better be careful what I say to her if I don't want it told to the whole world. Kambri also has these cute things she says all the time. She will say, "What you said, wook it daddy, snile (smile), you did such a good job mommy, you a good girl mommy, and tons of other things. Every once in a while Brandon and I will say them and I started thinking, did she learn that from me or the other way around. You start to wonder how much you teach your kids compared to how much they teach you.
ps I saw her reading to her doll, so cute!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One of those things

Last night was our ward temple night and since the last time we went was before Bennett was born, we definitely wanted to go. Brandon's mom came over to watch the kids and we were set. So I had had this feeling earlier in the day that we wouldn't be able to find our recommends but I just blew it off. As we are about to leave I asked Brandon if he had his. Well we looked and looked and couldn't find it. This isn't the first time this has happened either. It makes you think about the powers to conspire against you. Hopefully, we know that we are trying to do our best and we will shoot for another day.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sassy Frass

So this face is exactly what my little sassy frass looks like when she is mad. Lately she has had attitude like a teenager. Every time she wants something she yells at me. I have to keep reminding her to use her nice words. I can't decide if I should just ignore her or keep telling her to talk nice to me. The other day she kept yelling at me and I said "Kambri you don't talk to your mommy like that" well she walked away yelling and then came back a couple minutes later and said, "I being nice now mommy" Her favorite thing to say to us is don't talk to me! Oh yes, the joys of a two year old. I swear I don't know how our parents did it. I ask myself that all the time. Good thing the good times out weigh the bad.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Fettucine Alfredo

So this picture doesn't do it justice but I thought I would share with you this yummy recipe I just tried out for Fettucine Alfredo.

1/2 c butter
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese
2 tsp garlic powder
2 cups milk
6 oz grated parmesan cheese (not the kind in the can)
1/8 tsp black pepper

Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add cream cheese and garlic powder, stirring with wire whisk until smooth. Add milk, a little at a time, whisking to smooth out lumps. Stir in parmesan cheese and pepper. Remove from heat when sauce reaches desired consistency. Sauce will thicken rapidly, thin with milk if cooked too long. Toss with hot pasta to serve.

This makes a ton so if it isn't for a lot of people I would half the recipe. Also we put chicken in it and it was really good. Obviously this isn't for someone that is on a diet!!! Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Men

Brandon was holding Bennett and I just thought they looked so cute, both in red. I am so grateful to have two great men (ok so one is my little man) in my life!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Purse Tag

Alright, so I thought I better do the purse tag. So I use this as my purse and my diaper bag so there are quite a few things in there. I have my wallet, and some change that I keep in the back pocket. I have my softlips lip gloss, lipstick, and another lip gloss. I have two diapers one for Kambri and one for Bennett, (Kambri better be pottery trained in not too long!) wipes, a little thing that holds plastic sacks for dirty diapers, a burp cloth, a binkie and binkie clip. I have their immunization papers, our passports, (why they are in here I'm not quite sure maybe so we always have them with us!) tissue, hand sanitizer, tylenol, two pens, two kinds of lotion, (one for Bennett I guess) a spare key to my car, fingernail clippers, a movie stub from Fool's Gold, stamps, Brandon's business cards, (he is a plumber if anyone needs one!!!) pictures of Kambri, a free car wash and other gift cards, a granola bar in case Kambri and I get hungry, and finally a Tide To Go pen! Wow that is a lot of stuff.

I tag Krishel next!