Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Eve

Wow we had a busy Christmas eve. I did this post backwards so I will explain in reverse order. Every Christmas Eve we spend the night at my parent's house. This year all of my brother's and sister's were there so it literally was a full house. After we got done with Brandon's parent's Church we headed back to my parents house. We wanted the kids to act out the saviors birth and Kambri said she wanted to be Mary. The whole time she was in character. My brother was joking that she had found her natural ability to be an actress. She was loving on, and worrying about the baby the whole time. It was so cute.
We had a fun time that night. We played Rollo's, the new Wii Fit we got my dad, Jenga, and of course Catch Phrase (this is a great tradition that we love because of the awesome explanations that some of my family members give). And as always we stay up way too late. Here are the angels and Mary. So cute!

My parents lab wouldn't cooperate so I filled in as the donkey!

Every year we do the traditional opening of the jammies. These are the sexy jammies that some of my fam got!!! Never too old for feetie jammies. My talented Mom made all of the grandaughters nightgowns with matching ones for their babies. Kambri loved it and especially because they were purple.

Earlier in the day we went to dinner at my Uncle John's and Aunt Marla's. We had yummy food as always and it was good to see all of my cousins. My uncle John was acting as you know who. And the only thing he kept saying was HO HO HO. Kambri wouldn't go near him, but she wanted me to tell him what she wanted for Christmas. Then she kept saying Mommy look at that silly Santa.

I guess Kambri and Halen didn't want their picture taken!
But the girls sure did.

This is my Dad and my uncle John. I thought it would be fun to put a picture of them on my blog. Twins could be in my future!!!

And last but not least, my cute Grandmas. It is so much fun having all of my family live so close to us. I am grateful to be able to spend time with them and love all them!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Lights and Santa

Before Christmas we went to the Christmas Village in Ogden with Brandon's family. It was pretty cold, but we had a good time. This was as close and Kambri got to Santa. She was all ready to sit on his lap and once she saw that her cousin Kenlee wanted nothing to do with him she didn't either:)
Bennett wanted nothing to do with him and instantly started crying. Poor little guy was wondering whos lap his mommy and daddy were making him sit on!
All bundled up!Bryson, Jordan, Bryndie, and Kenlee
Bennett and Nana Debbie

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I love this time of year and everything that goes with it. It is so much fun to spend time with family and eat yummy food. I am so excited to spend the night at my parents house, eat yummy walnut bread and eggnog, play games, watch the kids act out the birth of Christ, and to really remember why we celebrate this time of year. It has been so neat to be able to teach Kambri the true meaning of Christmas and about our Savior. I am so blessed and couldn't ask for anymore. I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

Monday, December 22, 2008

SnOw DaY & ToFfEe

Last Friday my Mom and I made our annual English Toffee. We make it every year and it seriously is one of my favorite things about Christmas time. While we were cooking Aubrey took Kambri and Halen out to play in the snow!

They had a good time swinging on the swings in the snow! Halen didn't have any of his snow clothes so he is sporting Kambri's stuff:) Thanks Aubs for being a great Aunt!

Here is my cute Mom and me with our toffee. I could seriously eat an entire plate by myself. Good thing it has a 1/2 lb of butter in one batch! I love all of the yummy treats during Christmas time!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Got Tagged

My cute friend Carly tagged me awhile:

Gossip Girl
The Amazing Race

Favorite Restaurants.....
Cafe Rio
Olive Garden

Tried to sleep in (I stayed up until 4 am reading a book!)
Drove to Bri's to take Kambri to preschool (that is the only time I left the house)
Made dinner
Got ready at 3:00, I wonder why I even did!
Hung out with Aubrey
Pretty boring I was exhausted all day!

Christmas and everything that goes with it!!!
Bennett getting teeth
Bennett's birthday
Going to the lights with my fam
Kambri going to Primary

Having more babies
Being safe and healthy
A new car in a year or so
Having Brandon's business stay successful
Being with my family and friends

Hanging out with my friends
Meeting lots of new boys
Having a good time as a Junior in High School
Getting good grades
Trying not to fight with my brother:)

Wrap the rest of the Christmas presents
Finish my neighbor gifts
Delive nieghbor gifts
Take clothes back to the Layton Mall
Put stockings together

Cinnamon bears, bunnies, santas, devils, etc
Candy Cane kisses
Chips and Salsa
Yogurt covered raisins
Ice cream

Pay my tithing
Pay my house off
Buy a bigger car
Go shopping for me and my family!!!

Wallpapering with my mom
Cleaning my grandma's houses
Delta Airlines
America First
American Family Insurance

-Whoever wants to:)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Family Home Evening

Tonight we painted ornaments for FHE. Kambri absolutely loves to paint, so I thought it would be fun for her. She really loved FHE too. It took awhile to get the hang of things, but the older she gets the better it is and the more she listens. This is the picture that Kambri took of us. She did pretty good! She absolutely loves to take pictures with my camera. She will love her one of her presents:)

My little artist. She seriously is starting to color so well, she is getting the staying in the lines and does great!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Give a helping hand!

My friend Kami had a great post about helping out those that are in need the Christmas season. I though I would join in with her efforts. If anyone has anything they would like to donate you can get it to me and I will take it to them. It's nice this time of year to be able to help people in anyway we can!

Mount Fort’s 4th Annual Charitable Event
Saturday, December 20th 8:00pm - 4:00pm Mount Fort Junior High

The principal of Mount Fort told me that they are looking for help with donations of non-perishable food, clothing, toys, & blankets to help needy families in our community. From 8:00- 12:00 volunteers can help sort clothing and set up for the public to come. From 12:00-4:00 the public is invited to come and get the clothing and food that they need. Volunteers are still needed during this time to help the families find the right sizes of clothes, and restock the clothing. You don’t have to stay for the entire time, but any help is appreciated.
Also…The principal still has a huge list of families that really need help this holiday season. So, if you are looking for a family to help, let me know and I will give you his information!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Wild Man

Bennett is such a boy! He is in to everything and anything lately. We might actually have to get locks for our cubbards! He loves to climb into things. He loves to play with balls and put them in cups and anything they can fit in. He also loves to throw things. The other day he took all of Kambri's crayons and threw them down my stairs! He has started throwing temper tantrums lately. He will get mad and scream and sometimes throw his head back. I'm not quite sure what its all about or if it is a boy thing, but its new for us. Church is a struggle with him, its like trying to control a wild animal. He is all over the place and just wants to get down and go!
This is one of Bennett's favorite things (besides playing in my bathroom stuff!) He loves to climb on the dishwasher and pull all of the silverware out of it. Bennett is also the most lovey and cuddly baby. He is always giving everyone loves and the occasional kisses:)

FYI Bennett is still toothless! He is going to be our toothless wonder:)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One More!

So this will be the last post this week about Kambri! We went to her 3 year appointment and I wanted to record some things about her. (This was her cute invitation that Bri made, following along with the PuRpLe theme of course) She is so tiny, but I couldn't believe she was actually on the charts!


Weight 23 lbs 5%
Height 35 in 10%
Head 5%

*Kambri loves to CoLoR and is getting really good at staying in the lines.
*Kambri is very strong willed, which can be a good or bad thing:)
*Kambri loves to dress up and changes about 10 times a day!
*Kambri is very loving and will tell me she loves me all the time, she is very good with her little brother too!
*Kambri has a great imagination and will play for hours by herself.
*Kambri is learning how much her Heavenly Father loves her, she told me the other day that if you are scared ,you just need to pray to Heavenly Father and he will make it so you aren't scared anymore.
*Her favorite color is PURPLE!
*She loves playing with her cousins and talks about them all the time.
*Kambri is very intelligent and loves to learn and absolutely loves books!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday Kambri!!!

Today is Kambri's 3rd birthday and I can't believe it. Where does the time go? I love her more than I can ever express and I am so lucky to be her mom. She brings so much love and joy into our home.
(I'll post more about her birthday later)
Here is Kambri at her second birthday! So cute:)
This is Kambri when she was one. Oh she was just as cute then as she is now!
Kambri was born at 6:30pm. I was due on November 28th and she didn't come. I was trying to go on my own but after I passed my due date I couldn't do it anymore:) I was started on a snowy morning of Nomber 29th. I got my epidural when I was about a 5, and everything was going well. My water broke by itself around 1:30 and then it started to go faster. I pushed for about 25 minutes and had my beautiful baby girl. She was such an angel baby. She never fussed or cried and we couldn't of asked for a sweeter baby!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I know I did!
Now on to the shopping! So this is how much we love our brother. He is staying over night at Best Buy to get a laptop and we decided to take shifts for him. So first my parents sat for awhile and then my sisters and I came. We watched a little Sydney White and had a good time. Good luck Brock:)

Bri found some guys that had a sweet set up playing rockband and joined in. I better go to bed because I am getting up nice and early for the deals. Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


So I am finally posting about my trip to Texas. First I have to say that I have the best kids ever. They seriously did so well on the flights. Bennett got a little restless on the way there, but finally fell asleep. And Kambri did so good on the plane. On the way home I was worried because it was really late. But they both fell asleep and this sweet lady next to me helped me get them off of the plane. We didn't get home until 1:00am but they were both asleep.
Now abut my trip, Kambri had so much fun seeing Madeleine, Bitoria (Victoria), Nicholas, Danielle, and Afaniel (Nathaniel). They played really well together. Bennett was sick and it took him until the last day to feel comfortable, but he was a sweet baby as always!
Of course Kambri couldn't stay away from dressing up. She wanted to dress up every second she could.
We went to this fun Children's Museum in Midland. Kambri really liked it. You could call each other from different rooms, I think she thought it was pretty cool to talk to me on th phone.

We went to the park and to feed the ducks. It is seriously hard to get a good picture of 5 kids. We had a lot of fun and I am glad that I got to know my nieces and nephew better. Thanks so much Danielle and Nathaniel for having us and feeding us. It was a nice break from cooking and cleaning. Thanks again!