Monday, February 4, 2013

~2 Year Old~

Seriously where does the time go.  I can't believe my little Brynn is two.  Everyone always talks about how time just moves faster and faster and I am not liking it so much.  When Kambri was little I remember thinking when she gets bigger we can do this or that. But now that they are all getting bigger I think they can stop for awhile!  Bennett always asks when he is going to be a undult (love that him and Kambri still say that)  He wants to be big like his Dad!

Brynn is so much fun and I have said it once but I'll say it again. I can't believe I got a little blondie.  I really have always wanted a baby with blonde hair and blue eyes like Brandon, and that is Brynn.  My family is so dark I thought there was no way, but it happened!  She had such a great birthday party.  It is always chaos when we have mine and Brandon's families there. Lot's and lot's of people.  But I love that I have a great house and backyard to put everyone.  I went pretty simple with the cake this time around.  I am still a little new to fondant so I will have to try that next time.  She did a pretty good job blowing out her candles with a little help from Kambri.  
 Family pic minus one little boy. And don't you love Kambri's glasses. She found them in Brandon's old stuff and decided she wanted them. That kid cracks me up with her fashionista business. 
 Oh I love my Brynnie boo. It might not look like it here, but she is the only one that really looks like me. I really like it when people tell me that since my other two look their Dad.  

She had so much fun opening her presents, with lots of help from her sister and cousins.  She got lots of fun new stuff for her kitchen and a lot of dress-up clothes.  
Brynnie loves her Papa's!

A new B!  I'm hoping she will attach to this one since her other ones are pretty worn and tearing. Such a perfect day for my little 2 year old's birthday!  

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kambri's graduation from Kindergarten!

 Oh my tell me it's not true! Kambri cannot be going into 1st grade?! Seriously it makes me really sad to think about it.  She is still my little girl and I don't want her gone all day.  I have a little while before that happens.  She had such a great year in kindergarten.  She really loved it and was excited to go to school even though she has the hardest time getting out of bed:)  She made so many cute friends and learned so much.  I was able to volunteer a few times a month and I was amazed at the stuff they were taught.  I was also surprised at how quiet she was in class.  She isn't really a quiet girl, but in school she didn't speak up very much.  She was so good and always listened to everything her teacher told her to do.  Miss Ashby couldn't believe that Kambri ever talked back to me!  I would just tell her that I was going to record how she was acting and show it to her teacher. She was so quiet after that one!
This picture is too funny!  She is 2nd smallest in her class. And in this picture she is standing next to the tallest and looks so tiny.  She told me she was the smallest and I asked her if it mattered and she told me no. I was glad to hear that. She is at the age where she is trying to figure everything out about what people think and how she looks.  I hope she always has a good self esteem and that she knows she is beautiful inside and out. 
 I have really liked Uintah Elementary.  We are lucky enough to know the lovely secretary Nancy who is my good friend from Riverdale. And also the principal Mr. Karlinsey who is also from my old ward. It was nice to have a few familiar faces in a new place.

 I cannot say enough good things about her teacher Miss Ashby.  I loved her and so did Kambri.  She could do no wrong in Kambri's eyes and she had so much fun with her.  She was very patient with the kids, but yet expected a lot out of them.  I don't think I could ever be a kindergarten teacher and she made it look easy.
 This is Kambri's little best friend Macey.  I love that Kambri once again picks the tallest and blondest girl in the class to be best friends with (she did this in preschool too) Macey is living at her Grandparents in our ward so Kambri and her have got to spend a lot of time together. This is the first friend that Kambri would ask to play with almost everyday. They are really cute together and Kambri is always so caring about her feelings and what Macey is doing.

 Saw a lady doing this and thought it was such a fun idea. Kambri got into the Chinese immersion program at Uintah. Just another reason I really like this school. She is going to learn so much as long as we can get through the homework schedule.  Love this little girl so much.  She is learning and growing up too fast. She asks questions that are way beyond her six years.  Can't wait for what is in store for us with her:)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bennett's preschool graduation

 This handsome little guy had a fun graduation!  He really LOVED preschool. He had the cutest little friends in preschool and I am really sad that we won't see them as much since we aren't going to the same preschool.  And we are really going to miss Ms Michelle. She is the best teacher and Bennett really liked her.  He would continually ask me everyday when it was his turn to go to preschool.  He was sad that he only got to go twice a week.
Here is his little buddy Jaigon, they had a lot of fun at school together. Bennett always wanted to play with him after school.
These four little boys are the best of buddies.  This makes me sad that we left Riverdale.  Every one of these little dudes live in my old neighborhood and they would have grown up being best friends. Hopefully we can keep in touch since I love their Moms too!

I had to include a cute little picture of little Bynnie.  Ha ha and I just noticed B for Brynn!
Bennett's Nana Debbie came to watch him sing in his cute graduation.  Such a great picture.  I can't believe my little Bennett is growing up so much.  He only has one more of preschool and then he is in the big time school. Ahh that makes me really sad.
Bennett and his great teacher Michelle.  She is a great lady and probably the most organized person I know! Her preschool ran very smoothly and I was grateful for her weekly letters and continuous reminders. It helped me stay on top of things.  I was surprised at how unprepared I was for two kids in school and everything you have to remember for them. I am in trouble when all my kids are in elementary!
I love my little man!  
This picture is so cute.  I am one lucky lady to have such an amazing little family. So blessed beyond belief at all I have in my life:) Good job Bennett we are proud of you!

Friday, July 13, 2012


 We went with the cousins and headed out to the aquarium.  We haven't been in a long time and it was a lot of fun. The kids loved it and were able to just run around checking everything out.  The coolest part was being able to touch the stingrays.  My kids thought that was pretty cool.

 There were tons of huge aquariums filled with awesome fish and even a shark.  They also had a penguin exhibit where we got to see them feeding them and watch them swimming and waddling all over.

 Look at these kiddos. Our family is continually growing and I LOVE it.  I love that my kids have so many cousins that see all the time.  I always wished I was closer to my cousins that lived by me so I hope their relationships continue to be strong with each other. My kids are starting to get a little older which is bitter sweet.  They are growing up, more independent, and able to do their own things.  We will have to go to the aquarium again soon. It is really fun and very interactive for the kids.