Sunday, April 10, 2011

Molly turns 2....

Molly turned two at the end of March and had two parties. The actual day of her birthday the Tarbets came over to our house for cake and ice cream. I wussed out this year and just bought a cake. She got truckloads of presents. She was thrilled with all of them. After each present she opened she would get all excited and run over to a random family member and give them the present. She was very enthusiastic.

She got some new books.

Lots of bubbles. And basically a whole new wardrobe.
The next weekend we went to Kaysville where my siblings and their adorable kids spoiled Molly with the attention she so desperately needed.
She and Chase played really good all day long together until Grandma got out their favorite book. They started fighting over the pages. It was subtle at first, they would just kind of move eachothers hands and try to get to the page first. Then they got fiesty.

Then they literally kissed and made up. He is such a stud.
All the kids but Gus. This time I made up for the store bought cake and made two. They were both pretty yummy if I do say so myself.
Cruizin' on her cool new bike.
The baloons may have been the best part of her birthday. I had to get her untangled from them more than once.
Kade even snuck out on his own and got her her own soccer chair which she loves.

Overall it was a great celebration and I can't say how much I appreciate all of the family support that we have. This is one lucky kid to have so much family close by that loves her!

Friday, March 11, 2011

New job, new school.....

I am proud to announce that I have a new job. A few weeks ago a friend asked me if I would be interested in a day job. A couple weeks and three job interviews later I was able to turn in my two weeks to the Youth Center. I am so relieved to be moving on. This has been a good job but has no future and I don't know how much longer my poor body can take working graves.
I will be starting at Legacy House Of Logan as the Marketing Director. Don't ask me how I'm qualified because I'm not sure. I figure that apparently I sold myself to them so I should be able to do the job, right?!? I'm really excited. I think it will be a fun job. Molly will have to go to an actual daycare now and at first I was really struggling with the idea. I started looking around and it seemed like all of the really nice stuff was ridiculously expensive and everything else was at some random persons house. No offense but I don't know you, I don't know your family, why should my kid be in your home? Don't get me wrong, there were some good ones at homes but overall it just wasn't what I wanted. Anyway, I started finding some good options and since my mother-inn-law works at the hospital I could get Molly into their daycare. Molly and I went and took some tours on Wednesday and when I walked into the Hospital daycare and smelled clorox, I knew I had found the right place. While we sat in the director's office and talked, Molly was pulling me out the door to go play with the kids. We went and saw her classroom and met her teacher and she wasn't shy in the least. It was very reasonably priced and everyone was so nice. So she will be starting there on Monday. We keep talking to her about going to school and I think she will do well. She will probably do better than I will. But I'm really excited about this opportunity.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pictures finally...

There have been some changes around the Tarbet household lately. A little two year old has been spending more time in "time out" lately, asking "why" after pretty much everything, and stripping naked during bedtime and nap time and jumping around in her crib. The joys...

A friend borrowed Molly's baby sit the other day and after returning it Molly reacquainted herself with it. She wanted me to sit there and rock her in it all day.

Some sunshine took us outside, at least until it snowed again. Lame.

I thought it would be fun to try some sponge curlers in her hair one night. I couldn't believe she actually left them in all night. The next morning when I took them out this is what I found:

If you wonder why she looks so sad, she is wondering why her mom is laughing hysterically at her. The poor kid is probably scarred for life.

Lately, after bath time she likes to pick out a bow or two, or three to put it in her hair. She really likes to accessorize.

At least she is cute. Doesn't she look so grown up? I wish this coat was my size!

Monday, February 7, 2011

My daughter diagnosed....

I think it is official. According to my extensive expertise in the field of psychology, and by extensive I mean none, my daughter may have a very specific form of OCD that is focused on chairs. Now I know many of you will leave comments saying that toddlers like to organize things but I'm just saying, this is weird. So the past few days, in a row I might add, Molly has come into the kitchen while I'm cooking and arranges the chairs. Now the first day she lined them up side by side and I might add that they were perfectly aligned (she even managed to blockade herself out of the kitchen which didn't end well). The next day they were in a row front to back. Yesterday they were in pairs, two in the front perfectly aligned, and two right behind them perfectly aligned. In the process of arranging them they often get stuck when I tried to help her she freaked out at me, if I waited for her to ask for help she was fine with it, but only to get the chair mobile again. She arranges them and then leaves the room like nothing has changed. She doesn't ask for recognition or even care if you notice. It's as though she is satisfying some inner need to have the chairs arranged her way. Maybe this is a creative outlet. Maybe this little girl will become very famous through her provocative chair art work.

Speaking of the little girl Molly is chattering away constantly and sometimes whole intelligible sentences escape. I'm amazed at what she picks up. Molly and I have always had the same little conversation when she wants something, usually a treat- Molly: "I wan treat" Me: "What do you say?" Molly: "Peas" Me:"And" Molly:"Tank ew". Well yesterday it went more like this- Molly: "I wan treat" Me: "What do you say?" Molly: " tank ew". I have often wondered if she is actually listening to me. There is my answer.

PS Sorry I'm so lame with no pictures lately, I promise they are to come.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My daughter the hoarder....

It all started in the kitchen. I was cooking in my cute pink apron when a little almost two year old came mischievously walking into the kitchen. She didn't look at me but looked determined. I watched quietly. She opened a bottom cupboard on the other side of the kitchen, reached behind some soda cans, pulled out a bracelet and put it on. I still said nothing but kept watching. A few minutes later she returned to the next cupboard over, opened it, placed her bracelet inside, shut it and walked away. I thought that maybe she had found her own personal hiding spot for her valuables and figured there was no harm in it. A few days later, Kade and I were looking for the remote to the tv in our room. Before we had completely destroyed our room in the search I happened to remember earlier in the day the same culprit pushing one of my drawers shut. I thought maybe I had left it open and it was bothering her, so she shut it. I was wrong, I opened the drawer and there placed among my pjs was the remote control. This is starting to get wierd. A few days ago while getting ready for bed I opened the drawer above the one previously mentioned to find a snack container (full of snacks), butt paste, and three headbands. It seems as though the items are becoming more elaborate. Is this a sign of some bad parenting reflecting in her behavior, a mental illness, a wierd fetish?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Las Vegas

Kade and I snuck away for a weekend in Vegas. Kade surprised me for Christmas and got us Garth Brooks tickets. It was so nice to get away. We flew out on Friday. We wanted to get there early in the day to pick up our tickets. Last year picking up the tickets was quite the ordeal. We had to go wait in a huge line with our ID to pick up wristbands for our tickets. So, this year we found out when the box office opened and prepared to go wait in line. We walked to the back corner of the Wynn, where we went last year, but no one was there when we asked they said to just go to the ticket office. So we found it, no one in line, walked right up to the counter told them our names, got our tickets. Apparently they have eased up a bit. Anyway, we went to the show that night. It was terrific! It was a little longer than last year, he told a few of the same stories but he did a great job of mixing it up. We saw Trisha again, I swear she was wearing the exact same outfit. You know that look on movies when I guy sees the popular, gorgeous girl walking by and he gets that dopey smiling look. I kept catching myself with the same look. Anyway, it was great and I'm so glad we got to go again. After the show we got a late dinner at PF Changs. Always yummy.

On Saturday we did some more walking of the strip and a little shopping, and then went to Mystere by Cirque de Soleil. It was really good, they do some amazing things but there seemed to be a lot of down time in between the major stuff which they filled with some cheesy things but it really was amazing. I don't know how those people do that stuff.

Sunday morning came and I was actually ready to come home. Of course I missed Molly, but also I think Vegas gets less fun the older you get. I used to be able to just laugh at drunk people but this time I just found them so agitating. The girls are getting even more out of control. I could not believe the skin I saw. Not that I think girls should be stick skinny but I can't believe how confident certain girls are in VERY tight and short clothing. Sick! But I found my biggest complaint/observation was how many people had kids and babies there. When we went to get our late dinner it was after 1100 pm and people were walking around with strollers, there were kids in the restaurant. Wierd, or maybe I'm the lamest mom ever but there is no way I could handle that. Such a strange city! Regardless, we had a great time and I guess we have to go again considering Garth still didn't pick on me for a request. Next time, Garth!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas, the big day....

After all of partying, Christmas finally came. We actually had Christmas with Molly on Christmas Eve because I worked the grave so then I wouldn't have to worry about getting up early. Molly did great, she liked every present. We actually took away some toys a while ago that she was still a little young for and just re-wrapped them for Christmas. She was just as delighted with those.
She really likes trains so we got her this cheap little Thomas the Train toy. I wish I would have gotten a picture of her face here because she was literally shaking she was so excited.
After the train she didn't want to open anything else. You can tell by her enthusiasm here.

Once she figured out that they were all toys just for her she did great and loved everything.

She and Kade playing her first game of golf.

So Christmas Day at 11:00 we went to Kade's parents. The first present they gave Molly was a little (it's not so little) Mini Cooper. It is the cutest thing. Molly was very focused trying to get it open.

All of the kids were pretty excited.

Kade and his dad couldn't get it put together fast enough. Here Molly is sitting in it before the seats were even in. She loves it. She spent pretty much the rest of the day in it, with her baby of course. She calls it "Blue".

After we pried her away from the car we were off for more presents and food. We went down to Kaysville and got loads more presents.

She got a new Alice doll, some hand puppets, and a matching tinker bell pillow case and sleeping bag. She just calls her Bell.

She had to go find Mr. P literally every 10-15 minutes and check on him. Which includes putting her head on his, giving him kisses and just generally annoying the poor cat. She talks about him constantly.
She did great but was definitely spent by the end of the day.

Here she is in her Christmas dress and, yes, she is actually smiling. Of course this is after Kade bribed her with gum.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!