In order to keep myself awake I figured I would allow myself this time to rant, rave, complain, discuss, express, and vent my feelings on issues that I have been thinking about currently.
1. Organic vs. Non-organic: I have actually been meaning to post on this subject for quite some time and I also had detailed issues and pictures that I wanted to post. This, however, will be an abbreviated discussion on the matter and maybe at another date I will elaborate. I want to preface this discussion with the fact that I am only talking about milk, I am not knowledgeable on other products and thus will not be discussing them.
In recent years there has been a large movement towards products that are "organic". I personally feel that this is a great idea, I think we eat too many foods that are processed and have ingredients that most of us can't even pronounce. We are not a very healthy country and I think the push to be more aware of what is in our food is a very positive thing. However, I am afraid that a lot (not all) of this movement is largely a marketing scheme that allows producers and sellers to make more money. They change a label but they don't change the product and consumers pay double,even triple for these products.
Since marrying a dairy farmer I have tried to become educated in this area. We attend dairy conventions at least once a year. Organic vs. non- organic has become a hot topic at these conventions, therefore I have tried to learn all I can on the subject. I have to admit, through everything I have learned, I have come to the conclusion that I can find no difference between organic and non-organic milk.
I was watching Rachel Ray the other day and they were taste testing different products, one of the products was very expensive and the other was fairly cheap. When it came to butter, they tested the average butter one buys in the store to organic butter from a farm in Wisconsin which was $50. When Rachel asked why it cost so much the guy said that it was organic and antibiotic free. I found this very interesting and I will explain why shortly.
Milk is a touchy subject sometimes. There are opinions all across the board when it comes to milk consumption. For instance, I do not feel comfortable drinking milk without pasteurization. However, I know some that do. There are some that prefer soy, some goats milk, some are allergic. I do not see a problem with any of these opinions, I am not attacking anyone who does not drink milk or drinks organic. There are just some facts you need to know before you pay double for milk.
When you are in the grocery store I'm sure you read labels, as I do. I'm also sure that you tend to believe what the labels say, and why wouldn't you?!? Some of you may have noticed that new statements are being put on gallons of milk. Maybe you haven't noticed but here are the most recent:
"This milk is hormone free"
"This milk is antibiotic free"
"This milk does not contain BST" (a hormone injected into cows that
increases their milk production.)
I personally like all of these statements. I don't want to drink hormones or antibiotics. I don't know anyone who would. Now, in order to explain why these statements are purely marketing schemes one would need to know some basic facts about milk production:
1. Dairy Farmers CANNOT milk cows that are on antibiotics. If milk from a cow on antibiotics accidentally is milked, the farmer has to dump the
entire tank. Tanks are tested every time they are picked up by the
company. Therefore, we can conclude that all milk is antibiotic free.
Remember that butter that cost $50 because it was antibiotic free... so is
the butter that is currently in your fridge.
2. It is impossible for milk to be completely hormone free. Question: Does
breast milk contain hormones? You bet it does. All milk contains
3. There was quite a large controversy over the use of BST. Many farmers
used it to increase milk production in order to make more money. The FDA
could not find any problems with it but public perception was very negative
towards the use of it. I'm not promoting or condemning its' use. While
I'm not sure if this is the case with all milk companies, ours will not accept
milk that has been produced using this hormone.
I am not here to say anything about why one should or should not drink milk, organic milk or anything else. Drink whatever you want. I guess I just want people to be a little more educated on what they are spending their money on. And maybe it has something to do with the fact that it is 2 AM and I'm bored out of my mind.