Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I could use some inspiration...All three of you who actually read this, please!!! share some good news with me. I want to hear something happy going on in your life!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We had another field trip for preschool this month. We went to Joan's farm. Last year Kevin and I took the girls and they loved it. Here's to another successful trip!
this is the closest I could get the girls to the ruler (?). I was a little disappointed they couldn't paint the current year on him. I mean really, a paper plate? Is it that hard?
It finally got warm enough for the girls to take their jackets off. I love Charlie's shirt, "Watch Out, I Bite! Perfect.
Yes, there is one little boy. Poor sucker... or is he lucky?
My attempt at a photo together.
Very friendly livestock!

My attempt to get a group shot of my girls. Dismally failed!

I love Charlie in pigtails!


I survived another year at work. Yahoo! October 15th could not have come any faster. This year at work wasn't particularly stressful (for me); but you can't help but feel the heat of a deadline. With Kevin not working, it actually allowed me to work more and on varying days, so I got most of my work done earlier this year. I ended up helping a lot of my coworkers with their clients. It is always nice to have one more year done and under the buckle. I feel like I am really getting the hang of my clients and I am getting fast and more efficient - always a bonus when Bonuses come around! ;)

In other news.... Kevin started working the last week of September. It has been SO nice to be a FT mom (and PT employee). I started getting the house organized, we were doing more activites together, and Charlie started to like me again. And then... Kevin was laid off! Yes, two weeks ago his boss called him in and said he wasn't a good fit. That's it. Lame. We had our pity party that night and then moved on. We both know there is a better job more suited for him. So, we are back to our old arrangement of me going to work and Kevin at home with the girls. It's not the ideal situation, but we are both grateful that I have a job and the girls are home with Dad and not in daycare! I am very excited to switch roles again in the future. Being a SAH mom is so much more fun as the girls get older!

I also have been busy with some girls in the ward putting together a Super Saturday. Our current RS didn't want to do one, so we decided to do it for them. I am so excited. Who doesn't love a SS?
Check it out:

And that is why I haven't posted in so long!