Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We had an awesome Christmas break! Christmas day was so much fun and we loved spending time with our families. Kyle has been lucky enough to get some time off as well to spend with us and is has been great. We have been busy doing legos, coloring, shopping, and playing together. We have had a minor mishap with Chloe breaking her arm during this week, but it hasn't stopped her much. She is slowly starting to figure out how to function with her one hand. It hasn't broken her spririt at all.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday as well and would like to wish everyone a very happy new year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Quite a Day!

Yesterday started out as a really fun day! We woke up early in the morning, and Chloe, Tamara, Grammy, and I took Peyton to get her ears pierced. She did so good! She only cried while I was holding her head still. As soon as i let go, she stopped crying. This picture was taken about two minutes after we were finished. Isn't she so stinking cute?!? This picture was taken after Peyton got her diaper changed. She literally sucks on her own feet every chance she could get. I can't get a straight on picture of her face with her earrings, because her chubby cheeks hide her ears!

A couple hours later, Chloe was jumping on a trampoline. As she was getting off, she lost her balance and flipped off the end. She landed on her wrist. She cried a little bit and tried to be brave, but her wrist continued to swell up. Within an hour, it was twice it's normal size. We loaded up and took her to urgent care. They did some x-rays and told us that Chloe had broken her wrist. Fortunately, we will not need surgery on it but it does need to be in a cast. She has an appointment with a pediatric orthopedist tomorrow to get the cast put on. This is a picture of the temporary cast they put on her.
She's been a trooper and really has not complained too much. She needs help doing pretty much everything, so that is frustrating to her. Hopefully she won't have to wear the cast for too long and she's hoping for a pink one for everyone to sign! The good news is that she broke her right wrist and she is left handed, so she can still use that hand to write and eat with. She is extremely disappointed that she can't go golfing with her dad though!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas

Dear Mom,

Seriously? What is on my head and why is everyone laughing at me?!?

Not so happy,

P.S. I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

4 Months

My baby is 4 months old! I just can't believe that time has gone by so fast. Her personality is developing so fast and she is turning into such a happy baby (it was a little touch and go in the past...)!
She went to the doctor on Thursday and everything looks good with her. She weighs 13 pounds 2 ounces, which is in the 50th percentile. She is 25 inches long, which is in the 70th percentile. She has basically doubled her birth weight, so that was exciting! She also got 2 shots, which was so sad. She was having such a time with the nurses and then got so upset when she got her shots. :(
Peyton is a good sleeper, but still doesn't sleep all the way through the night. We have had a couple of nights where she slept about 9 hours, but mostly she wakes up every 4-5 hours. Hopefully she will start sleeping for longer periods soon!
Our family just adores Peyton and she has wiggled herself right into the center of everyone's hearts. I honestly can't imagine my life without her in it!

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Lost Tooth? Say it isn't so!!!!

It's official... my baby isn't a baby anymore. Chloe lost her very first tooth at school on Friday during snack time. In fact, her teacher thinks she may have swallowed it!
Chloe was really upset that the toothfairy wouldn't come if she didn't have a tooth to give her. We reassured her that the tooth fairy would come and leave her a special present for losing her first tooth.
She gave Chloe $10! Do you know what Chloe decided to spend her money on? Presents for her Grammy, Grampy, and Grandma! I thought it was pretty cute!
Congratulations on the first lost tooth. Your family loves you very much!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dash's Turn to Get Groomed

Tonight it was Dash's turn to get a haircut. You should have seen him before... he looked like a 'wookie' from Star Wars. I brushed through him with my cool new tool and shaved him in less than an hour. It was a little easier this time although Dash doesn't sit quite as still as Barkley did. He was still a very good boy and now he's so handsome!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Please Stop Growing

Dear Peyton,
I need you to do Mommy a favor and stop growing! You need to stay a baby for a lot longer... :)
Tonight you rolled over and that made the whole family jump for joy and we made you do it over and over, a little tiny bit of me was sad. You are getting so big and beautiful. I love your giggle and how you talk to yourself when you think nobody is around. I also love how when I put you to bed at night, you generally go right to sleep.
Tomorrow you turn four months old and I can't believe time is flying by so quickly. We cherish every minute with you and are so glad that you joined our family!
Love Mommy

Friday, December 3, 2010

I Groomed Barkley

So, Kyle and I decided to groom our dogs from now on. It's so expensive to take them to the groomer, plus it is so time consuming and generally we spend a whole Saturday waiting around to pick them up. We got on and got some really nice dog clippers and a de-matting tool (seriously, coolest thing ever!). They arrived today, so guess what we did tonight?
I think it turned out pretty good considering it was our first time ever grooming them (with the exception of a terrible experience 6 years ago). They were so grown out, so I had to make up a pattern and I am positive it will only get better as I practice.
Anyways, I was pretty excited so I needed to write it down!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Who Tied Their Shoes???

Why my genius daughter, of course! She learned how to tie her shoes in less than 15 minutes!!! She's pretty awesome, and yes.... I am a gushing mom!!!