Sunday, February 20, 2011

More Thanksgiving Pictures

Our adorable little twins!! Oh and Auston and Janelle!
Grandma Belka had some fun games to play. Bingo is always a big hit especially if you have prizes and Grandma had good prizes for everyone. Another game we played was charades. We were to acted out something we were thankful for. We had lots of interesting thoughtful ideas. No one seemed to appreciate my indoor pluming act. Honestly who isn't thankful for indoor pluming? Come on people.

Playing Basketball at a church on Thanksgiving day has been a tradition in our family for a long time. We use to get into it more and play full court two teams for a few hours. This year we had a few games of tornado and called it good, but the tradition is still going strong.

We have so much to be Thankful for this year! Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving 2010

This is everyone all together in one place! We had Thanksgiving up north this year. All my siblings were there and many of my aunts uncles and cousins. We had a great day!!!
My sweetie sister Stace with husband Aaron and baby Spencer. We have so many babies in our family right now. I feel lazy when I am around the mom's with babies, babies are so much work! My kids do there own thing with the cousins and I can help in the kitchen or visit, it is nice.

Jake and Kaycee came all the way from Oklahoma! Still in love after 6 months of marriage.

Taylor and Natty

I love this pic my big bro and my dad laughing! Both of these men are my heroes. When we are around the Belkas there is always a lot of laughing.

Brynn gets Baptized

My sweet little niece got baptized on November 6. It was such a special day she was so happy!
Cousins and Friends! Macie is the oldest grandchild on the Belka side, then Brynn then three more little girls. It is so fun when all these girls get together.

Sariah is the next in line to get baptized.

Looking sharp, picture time before going into the church.

Then back to By and Monica's house for some good food!

Travis turns 6

On Travis' actual birthday we were up in Utah county at our niece, Brynn's baptism. That night we took Travis, Macie, Nate and some cousins to a nickel arcade. They had a good time playing games, earning tickets and trading the tickets in for cheap toys. On the way back to Kanab we stopped in Richfield to visit M and M and family. It is always a good time there and they spoiled us. They had this cake for Travis.
At school Travis got this fabulous birthday hat! I made him put it on for a picture.

We had a crazy party at our house. Lots of boys, games and sugar!!!!

I hate to see my kids grow up! I am going to be that deranged old woman at some nursing home who carries around her grown children's baby books to show people how adorable they were. I loved Travis at age 5, age 6 has a tough act to follow. Happy Birthday to my rowdy, tough, adventuring super kid!!!! Love you!!!