Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy B-day Natalie

Yesterday was Nat's B-day. She was asked to MC the Hurricane Idol. I learned this is an annul event in Hurricane. Because she was going to dance and sing as well as announce in the production and because it was her 20th B-day my parents came down to watch. Natalie did such a great job she is so beautiful and confident! We were all very proud of her.
Clay and I brought the kids. We were going to leave them with a sitter in Kanab but they begged to go. They wanted to see Grandma and Grandpa. It was way more work for Clay and I to bring them but we all had a good time. The behaved pretty well for the 2 hours of amateur singing we all endured. We only had one eye poking incident were one the boys jabbed his sister. But after the lengthy production I about poke my own eye out J/K. During the slow songs people would wave their lighted cell phones over their heads back and forth. Macie and Travis both participated and thought it was an awesome thing to do.

Here we are at the restaurant. The service was very slow but the company was awesome!!

What can I say? My parents are the BEST!!!!

My parents kid-napped my sis Stacie and she came without husband or kids. It was so fun to see her. Luckily she had stashed suckers in her purse which she shared with my kids during the production. I have been a mother longer then her, you would think I would think of such a brilliant idea????After the show we went to my aunts house in La Verkin and had ice cream sundaes. Natalie had about 6 friends that came to watch her and they all came. We laughed late into the night telling funny Natalie stories. Macie got a huge kick out of it! I think she is the biggest Natalie fan. Before Natalie and her friends left to go to yet another party. Uncle Kirk and I made sure she had 20 birthday spankings. Clay, I and the kids didn't get back to Kanab until midnight. Fun Times!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

8 is GREAT

Macie turned 8 on Dec. 27th and She was baptized on Jan 2, 2010. It was such a great day. I played the part of the proud mother. I was so happy she made this choice and that Clay is a worthy priesthood holder and could baptize her and confirm her a member of the church and give her the gift of the holy ghost. My testimony was reaffirmed of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, and I felt so much gratitude for the love Heavenly Father shows us. Macie hasn't always wanted to be baptized, up until about a year ago she was nervous about going under the water. Those nerves vanished as she witnessed cousins and friends baptisms and the decision was hers. So thanks for all the good examples!!! It makes a difference.

It was a very special day, not only for Macie but also the Brinkerhoff family. We had two baptisms and two baby blessings. Clay's brother Mark and wife Marilyn blessed their baby Addison and Marilyn's sisters blessed a baby and baptized a son. We had a lunch at the church after, we had a big group.

This is some of the Brinkerhoff crew.
We had a lot of family that came to support Macie. Thanks everyone for making the trip we had a great weekend. On Friday night we had 21 people staying at our house.
My parents have 8 grand children with two on the way. All eight grandchildren were there.

These are some pics from the lunch. All the grand kids adore Grandpa Belka, especially these two youngest grand boys. Can you blame them? Look at that animated face!
My oldest brother and his wife Monica. They are such thoughtful kind people. Monica and their daughter Brynn played the violin and viola during the program, they did such a beautiful job.

My sis Stacie and her Hubby Aaron. They came a night early and rung in the new year with us. We had a blast! Stacie also gave the talk on the Holy Ghost, thanks Stac.

My sweet mother who is always so positive and HELPS so much, from dishes to meals to kids to sewing, she can do anything. She has spent years giving to us kids and never stops. I love you Mom!

Nat and our family friend Cindy.
MY two Sisters

Grandma and Grandpa Stewart, always so supportive. Joe and Josie and there girls came to. They left before I broke out the camera. We love you guys, thanks for coming. We also had some dear friends there too. We appreciate all the support

Jake and Kaycee are getting married in May. They are so excited!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Best Season of All

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve. We were invited to our friends house for the evening. They made this delicious turkey dinner with homemade stuffing, green bean casserole and pies! It was like Thanksgiving Dinner.The kids frosted cookies and played the WII. It was a fun night. We went home and opened the PJs and the gifts they bought for each other and the kids made it to bed around 10:00pm. Clay and I were not so lucky. It was 12:30 before we called it a night.

Christmas morning the kids didn't get up until 8:00am. Nate got up first and went and woke the other two. They were so excited to see that Santa had come. Travis asked Santa for a Bat helicopter, which he got, along with a marble maze, remote control car and a train set. Nate got the bat cave he asked for, and a remote control car that broke the first day (gotta love wasting money) Macie asked for an Ipod which she didn't get for Christmas but got two days later for her Birthday. She was happy with the Karaoke machine Santa brought her and has been serenading us with Taylor Swift songs ever since. We also bought our first video game system this year. With boys I worry, but the flood gates are open and they are having fun fighting over the one family Nintendo DS system. All in all we had a wonderful Christmas and have been so blessed this year!
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Chritmas Afternoon

After we opened presents and played for a while we headed to Tropic for Christmas Dinner. I took these pics in the truck on the way over with my awesome new CAMERA, Clay got me for Christmas. We have a Stewart tradition of cooking a prime rib dinner on Christmas. I look forward to this meal all year! It was such a wonderful day to be together. Both Clay's brothers families came and Bonnie's husband and boys came too. It was very therapeutic to be together.

The kids had a blast flying behind a four wheeler all over the field on a blow up mattress.
Babies make everything better. This is our adorable niece Addie. The thing I love most about Christmas is that our focus changes from day to day actives, to the Savior and Family and Good Friends! We take the time to travel and spend time together. Christmas is the Best!!!
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