Saturday, December 19, 2009

Moving forward

This year the happiness and joy I usually feel at Christmas is over shadowed by a cloud of grief and numbness. Bonnie would want us to move on and live good lives. This is difficult to do. We were given the advise at the funeral not to rush through the grieving process. With that said I want to post some Christmas pictures and focus on the good in life.
These pics were taken at the Christmas Festival. This was the sweetest Santa I have ever met. He took time with the kids. He asked them what they wanted and then told them to mind their parents and say their prayers. Before they left he said to remember that Santa loved them. I was so impressed.
Some of our dancers danced at the Christmas Festival. They did a great job and were so adorable!!! Here they are waiting for their turn on stage.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Trust in the Lord

Beautiful Bonnie returned home to her Heavenly Father on Thursday Dec 10, 2009. Her Funeral services will be held in Tropic Utah on Wednesday Dec 16, 2009 at 1:00pm. The viewing will be on that same day 11:00-12:30.
We love you Bonnie! Your life will live on in our memories and in the lives of your sons.
We will miss you Bonnie until we meet again!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving Trip

We spent Thanksgiving up in West Valley this year. We split our time between Grandma and Grandpa Belka's and The hospital with the Stewart family and sweet Bonnie. It was a tough holiday because of Bonnie's illness. She is currently still up at the U of U Hospital fighting to live. Her stability continues to weaken but she hasn't left us yet, and many of us still have hope. We appreciate the fasting, prayers, thoughts and good wishes from many of you. It gives us so much strength so thank you.

Nate is sitting in The "king" chair at the table (grandpa's chair) He made this Indian head dress in preschool and insisted on bringing it to Thanksgiving dinner. It is a wonder that it made the 5 hour drive.

Aunt Ruth, Uncle Louis and my great aunt Irmgard where at the feast. I loved listening to Aunt Irmgard talk, she has lived in so many different countries and is so knowledgeable about many things. She is the sister of my Oma (grandma) who pasted away 5 years ago. Her mannerism reminded me of Oma and made me miss and remember her.
Posted by PicasaOf course the cousin pictures.

We went over to Aunt Kathie's Thanksgiving night and they had the game Rock Band. Everyone had fun jamming out.
Posted by PicasaMom is in the upper left corner picture playing games with the kids. She is such a good grandma and made a tasty thanksgiving dinner! Thanks Mom, she also spent a lot of time tending kids so I could go to the hospital with Clay. I am so grateful for family!!!!!!!Byron and Natalie had a jam session. I don't know how I missed out on all the musical talent in the Family?

Grandpa's zip line

This is a big hit with many of the fearless grand kids. My dad has this zip line in his back yard.

"How dare you let a 3 year old on that contraption?" As you can see they are belted in.

Isn't that smile worth standing out in the cold waiting at the end to catch the soaring child?
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