Monday, May 18, 2009

First year of preschool

Travis loved going to preschool this year. Here he is with his teacher Ms Deb. She is such an awesome teacher, love ya Deb for all the good you do all the time!!!
We met at the park the last day of preschool for a program and a picnic.
I loved it that Travis learned the pledge of allegiance. It is so cute to hear such little people say such big important words.
Travis with his good buddy Trent. I love this pic of Trav it captures his personality. He gets so excited about life. Four has been my favorite age for him. Congrats Trav we love you buddy.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mothers Day 10K

Here Nicki and I are posing after our 6.2 mile race. This was my first race. It was the first time I have ever had the desire to run in a long distance race. Clay ran this same race last year and I thought he was crazy. I would have never guessed that I would run a 10K just one year later.
I had been walking in the mornings with some friends. Nicki and I decided walking wasn't enough anymore and we needed something more challenging. We began jogging in March in preparation for this 10K. From 2 miles to 5 to finally 6 the day of the race. Slowly but surely. What a great sense of accomplishment I felt. I ran the whole time and did it faster then I ever expected. With consistant effort and hard work anything is possible. What a great lesson. Mark that off the list of things to do while on this Earth.
I was so proud of my little sis Natalie. She ran too. She had been training some in St. George. She came in 4th in her age group.

We are so excited to have Natalie live with us this summer. She found a job in Kanab and has moved in. My children are so happy to have her here, especially Macie. I moved out of our parents home when she was 7 and haven't live with her for 12 years. Clay is in for some major sister bonding this summer, poor guy.