Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lets Climb a Mountain

Out of the blue one day Travis declared that he wanted to climb a mountain. This was about two weeks ago when the weather was so beautiful. I put off the request for a few days, but finally gave in. Luckily squaw trail head is only about mile from our house.
At first Travis tried to go straight up the cliff face. After he was half way up and terrified, I coaxed him down. I introduced him to the concept of a trail the, safer prepared way, which he accepted only after he tried it his way first (isn't there an eternal lesson in this?) Nate and Travis climbed, ran, jumped, galloped and leaped all the way to the first look out.
It was one mile up and one mile down. I was so impressed that Nate walked most the way. I carried him only the last stretch to the van. It was such a great morning. Does anyone know any other fun hikes close to Kanab? I want to take advantage of the cooler spring before it gets to hot to hike here.
Happy but exhausted boys. I recommend a morning hike for a guaranteed 12:30pm nap.
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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ten Year Anniversary

We have been married ten years and we still enjoy each others company yeah! Clay and I took a five day road trip. We dropped our children off in Salt Lake City they had a blast, they stayed three nights with Grandma and Grandpa and two nights with Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Travis literally cried when we came back because he didn't what to go home (that warms a mothers heart). We went north to Idaho and drove and drove and drove (43 hours driving in all). The main destination was Oregon but we also went to Northern California and Nevada. The scenery was so beautiful. We sight saw, shopped and of course ATE. My pictures are lame from the trip but I did like this one of us in one of the fabulous restaurants we visited. It was a great trip. Clay is such a wonderful husband and friend. Ten years WOW, If I had the choice to do it again I would, even with the ups and downs. Love you Clay!!!!!!
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Monday, March 9, 2009


I haven't posted anything for almost a month. That is a sign of being either too busy or lazy. We had our Larriette (drill team) Review on Saturday night. Of course I didn't think to take any pictures. The Review turned out really well. I was so proud of all my dancers. The drill season has finally come to an end. I have had so much fun and have learned so much this year. I am grateful for the experience. I do believe we are give certain opportunities in life by our Heavenly Father to help us learn lessons and to create relationships that make us better people. This is exactly what drill team has been for me. I love my time with the girls!!!!!
My two beautiful nieces came to stay with us for the weekend. My sister and her husband went on an anniversary trip. I didn't tell my sister I had the Review because I didn't want her to change her trip. She had the weekend planned with me before we scheduled the Larriette Reiew. It was no problem at all and with Clay's help work out just fine. My kids were so excited to have TWO sleep overs with their cousins. We had such a great time. It was a great chance for us to get to know Sariah and Aubrey better. My admiration goes out to you moms of 5 or more children. That is a lot of bathroom trips and food clean up and laundry and.....but it was way worth all the fun. When my sister came back on Sunday she brought all the stuff to make us a fantastic Sunday dinner. Natalie my other sister came over from St. George to see the girls and help with the kids during the Larriette Review. At the end of the stay Travis asked if we got to keep Sariah and Aubrey. So adorable, like they are stray animals that we took in and cared for. I assured him their parents would want them back.

We went to the park on a chilly Friday afternoon. This "posed" picture really didn't work and Travis wouldn't cooperate at all. He was there too somewhere.
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