Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lots to blog about!

So I have slacking at the journal/blogging. So I am going to try to make up for it with allot of pictures and some words mostly pictures!! We will start from the recent and work backwards!
To Start off WE ARE HAVING TWINS AAAAAA... their expected arrival is End of April first of May!

October 2011
I got to make our Halloween Costumes this year... we were barn yard animals. Graysen made the cutest chicken I have ever seen. And Kam was the biggest sport he got to be the cow!! Love that mans guts!
 Graysen and his Aunt LuLu and Uncle Budda.. Coolest pirates around!
 I put my pig nose on for the picture and Gray was afraid of it he was in tears and then he would laugh. He is a nerdo.
 Barn yard family!
 Love that kids face.
Graysen loves his GIGI

Grey's River Camping Trip August 2011
 Our annual trip to the Greys River in Wyoming. He was pretty much a dust bunny the entire trip.

 4 wheeler ride with dad in the mountains.

 Graysen caught his FIRST fish.
All tuckered out from camping.

Lovin' Me some Ketchup

 This boy loves his DIP DIP just like his dad. He will sit and dip a fry in sauce over and over again until the fry is so soggy it just falls off!
 We went to Logan to the Pumpkin walk with Aunt Kenzi, Grandma and baby Happily... you thought the lights were so cool. 

 This is Graysens new favorite perch he eats and watches TV here. Funny kid.

 Poor kid was so hungry and so tired at the same time but I think he tireds won this time!
 Graysen has a pretty large obsession with Buzz and Woody. We found these Pretend tattoos at Walmart. He thought they were so so cool! Dad even got one!
 Naked pool time. Hadlie and Graysen were at Grandmas and they decided to go swimming. BUT they didn't have any suits so.... next best thing Naked Swimming whoot whoot.
Love this bum.

This was Graysens first time eating hamburger. He loved it for a minute. But check out this amazing smile. I love this baby boy! 

 Lunch with the cousins.
 This is my boys first fat lip. Poor guy!
 Poor tears Break my heart.
 Graysen was so afraid of the dinosaurs. I don't know how he know they are scary.
Awesome Face

 He didn't want to ride in the wagon... He wanted to help push!
 ZOO trip with Grandpa Foster

 Ground Hog hole with Aunt Tiffany
 You love slides so much!
 You are my little monster.
 Poor boy this is your first breathing treatment. He was so sick.
 This crazy fox in socks is Graysens favorite toy He calls it Meow.

 Love my family so so much.

 I think this is what you call a Meany
 Our neighbors had this cute little sprinkling system out back and Graysen was having a hay day. He loves the water so much.

 Another sleeping while eating picture. GiGi made these suckers for Graysen's first birthday and he LOVED them. He couldn't stop eating them.
 Papa re built this old Burton Lumber semi truck Graysen thought it was pretty cool.
 BIG BOY's First Birthday- What an amazing kid!
 I told him to give me kisses so he did!
 Love his face!
 We went with the Airplane theme.

 Graysen didn't want to get dirty... I didn't get my good cake picture.

 I had to make him put his hands in the cake little stink.
 Big kisses for baby Hadlie
 We got pictures of the Ogden temple before the renovation.
Allot has happened thi year and allot will happen this year but here is Jan-October in a nut shell!