We went as a family to the Ohio Scottish Games last week. It was so fun to arrive and hear bagpipes from the car. We put the headphones on Elsie to see if they fit just in case the bagpipes got too loud when we got closer. She was so funny looking that we had to take a picture. They were way bigger than her head.
Everyone got their own kilt and here we are sporting them in the grandstands waiting for the opening ceremony to begin. The bagpipe bands were A- MAZ- ING. They sounded so pretty.
Ruby got up and danced on the seat in the way she had seen pictures of Scottish girls dancing (pictured later).
The Caber Toss competition was mind blowing. I didn't realize that this event was a proper competition. Some of these men came as far as Europe to compete and a couple of them were championship winners. We had the world champion competing there. Just so you know how difficult this sport is - I will tell you what is required. The men have to lift this tall log called a caber. It is estimated to weigh about 200 pounds. They have to hold it - stabilizing it - standing up and then run with it. The running gives them momentum to then toss it up in the air (200 lbs remember!) in such a way to make it do a complete 180 degree turn in the air to land straight on the ground. So basically, lift 200 pound pole, throw up in air, make rotate 180 degrees, don't get killed.
The girls liked watching the Scottish dancing and admired the cute pink and purple skirts.
Everyone wore their kilts to church the next day. Ruby looked adorable in hers because it made her look like she goes to some private school. Lyman likes his new Sporran (the bag that hangs down in the front of the kilt).