Spring came so beautifully this year. It might have taken a while but once it showed up - it was breath taking. This is from a tree in our front yard that blooms so profusely that it looks like its covered in snow not blossoms. I love it. Best part - it stays that way for over a week.
KaraLynne is an amazing mother who never makes mistakes, never gets upset with her children and never ever has a dirty house. Ever. She always has her dishes done and the floors spotless and dinner is always prepared and ready on time. Her kids are always clean, polite, respectful and loving, especially to eachother. She never gets irriated with her husband when he doesnt turn his socks right side out for the laundry and they always agree on everything. She delights in nothing else but to serve her family and never wants or needs time for herself. She takes great care to shower every day and put make up on so that she is always beautiful and presentable. She never wears her pajamas all day or for days in a row and she is the epitome of womanhood. Most of all, she has a great sense of humor.