Thursday, April 18, 2013

Welcome Elsie Mae!

Welcome Elsie Mae Mackrory

Our little girl finally was born on April 12th, 2013.  She was a healthy 8 lbs 5.5oz and 20 inches long.  She was born at 42 weeks and had to be prodded to come.  I had to be induced via my water being broken on Friday to have labor finally start.  Silly, stubborn girl.  We love her to bits though and thankfully both of us are healthy and glad to be two separate entities.

She is a wonderful eater and sleeper and too adorable not to kiss all day long.  Many people came to see her.  My parents came for two weeks to help out and she decided not to be born until two days before they left.  Andrew's mom came then and has stayed this week to help out.  My good friend, Cheri, was our doula helper at the birth to write the birth story for us.

 Cheri with Elsie

 Our wonderful nurse Nancy

 First family picture.  Funny kid faces.
 My adorable dad with her - they look alike I think.

 Grandma Putnam with Elsie

 Grandma Mackrory with Elsie

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Neverending Story: A review of my life pregnant.

I haven't posted in a while because at first we were in the whirlwind last few weeks of my pregnancy.  Lots to do to get ready for family coming and baby being born.  Hospital bags to pack, etc etc.  Then my due date came and I haven't posted because the baby decided never to come.

I am currently 12 days overdue and scheduled for an induction on Friday at 42 weeks if she doesn't come in the next two days on her own.  As you can imagine, I have felt a cocktail of emotions about being this late.  Mostly they tend to move my mood up and down and then down and up a little and then down a lot etc etc.  My graph of emotions would probably point mostly down with a few spikes of "Baby just isn't ready" or "in the Lord's timing" where I can manage a little more patience.

I don't like the idea of being induced because I try to eat, live etc in such a way that my body can go through its natural ways when it feels like it.  I like to know that I am not giving myself artificial hormones that might affect the way my body works or is supposed to work.  With exception to having to take thyroid medicine  - I am pretty good at this.  I don't like the idea of forcing my body to anything.  But having my options taken away in such a way has not been as anxiety ridden as I thought it might be.  Only because I know the risks to me and the baby sort of spike after 42 weeks. Otherwise I would not agree.

It seems ridiculous to me every morning when I wake up and I am still pregnant.  Almost like it is a really bad dream.  I even worked out the math with Andrew.  I have been pregnant for over 3 years total with all my kids put together.  Since I am not yet 30 - that is more than 10% of my life.  So I've paid my tithing right?  Sigh.  Come on Baby Elsie!