Welcome Elsie Mae Mackrory
Our little girl finally was born on April 12th, 2013. She was a healthy 8 lbs 5.5oz and 20 inches long. She was born at 42 weeks and had to be prodded to come. I had to be induced via my water being broken on Friday to have labor finally start. Silly, stubborn girl. We love her to bits though and thankfully both of us are healthy and glad to be two separate entities.
She is a wonderful eater and sleeper and too adorable not to kiss all day long. Many people came to see her. My parents came for two weeks to help out and she decided not to be born until two days before they left. Andrew's mom came then and has stayed this week to help out. My good friend, Cheri, was our doula helper at the birth to write the birth story for us.
Cheri with Elsie
Our wonderful nurse Nancy
First family picture. Funny kid faces.
My adorable dad with her - they look alike I think.
Grandma Putnam with Elsie
Grandma Mackrory with Elsie