Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lets settle for ehhh

I will admit to a certain healthy dose of laziness sometimes.  I will admit to doing things as needed instead of ahead.  I will even admit to trying to find the easy way to do things to avoid a more difficult route.  But I cannot understand nor could I ever settle for mediocrity.  I see people settle for the mediocre and I just don't get it, especially if with just a tiny bit of effort with whatever they are trying to do  - it can be fantastic.  I just don't know how to do it, really.  I cannot look at a job and see the "ehhh" effort as appealing.  So that is why it is particularly frustrating to me when I interact with people who are comfortable with mediocrity.  They argue there is no reason to try to make things better because nobody suffered permanent damage when they had to settle for "ehhh" in the past.  I just don't get it and you know what?  I am glad that I don't   I don't want to live in a mediocre world, with mediocre happiness, and mediocre children, or spouse, or a mediocre testimony, or mediocre results from anything I do.  I cannot settle for "ehhh."

Monday, February 4, 2013


Every morning before school is a bit of a nightmare for me.  Mostly because I have to remind my kids to do everything on their list of "to do's" to get ready for the bus.  They have to get dressed, get shoes on, comb hair, eat breakfast, brush teeth, get their bag, gather gloves/jackets/hats etc.  Every morning I have to coach them several times to do each step.  By the time they get out the door I am frazzled and frustrated that again I had to remind them to stay on task and not stop to play the piano, play with the dog, wrestle on the floor together, read a book, or play with their food.  I have even tried to show them how if they do their tasks right away they have plenty of time to do whatever they wish afterwards before the bus comes.  No success.  I want them to take responsibility for their jobs and begin to be aware of the time (and how it is going fast).  I tell them I will not remind them of the time and they have to go outside for the bus on their own at the right time.  This only kind of works.  Like today - they watched the clock - announcing 8:15, 8:16.... (they go out to the bus at 8:17) and then.... play with the dog.  I am now watching the clock - fretting and freaking out.  8:18...8:19...  I don't want to remind them - I told them I wouldn't.  But I am simply not the "late" kind of person.  I am usually 5-10 min or more early.  I cave.  "Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun."  That makes them look at the time and scram for the door.  They didn't miss the bus but I feel like we've gotten nowhere.