This morning I was dry heaving as soon as I woke up as I usually do 95% of the days of my probation pregnancy. While this happens, I often cannot catch my breath or stop it for some time. My daughter, Ruby, was watching me and then she made a "Ah-ha" noise and ran off. She came trotting back with my jug of water from the side of my bed. I took a drink and could breathe again and stop throwing up. I was so touched by her concern for me and her bright mind. I am so blessed to have her - she is such a wonderful addition to my family.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 8:41 AM 0 Comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I don't know if I am having a mid-pregnancy crisis or what but all of a sudden I feel scared (okay, terrified) to have this baby. I have never felt this way before having the others. The closest I ever felt was a bit of nervous energy about the labor - but never fear. I am not even able to think about the labor right now because all I can think of is how am I going to take care of FOUR kids. A baby - a newborn! Right now, my kids can all dress themselves, handle their own bathroom needs, feed themselves. And yet, some days I feel like I am drowning in their needs. How can I manage to bring in another child - especially if that child needs EVERYTHING! Obviously, it is too late now. I mean I am almost 30 weeks. And it isn't that I don't love this little girl and want her. It is just that I guess I am wondering about my abilities and worried about the changes that need to be made to accommodate this little one.
At the same time... I sooooo don't want to be pregnant anymore. I am just not feeling any of it anymore. I had to take the glucose (drink of death) last week and was only mere points past their cut off. Now I have to endure the 3 hour test. This happened with Ruby and it was a nightmare to experience - I passed the longer test then and will likely this one too but still. I don't want to do it! My hips are killing me and the time I have left seems both freaky short and agonizingly long at the same time. Ugggh.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 8:23 AM 3 Comments
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Thankful Thursday
Its been a horribly long time since I did one of these. Shameful, really.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 2:36 PM 0 Comments
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