Monday, October 22, 2012
Lyman's Baptism
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 11:50 AM 0 Comments
Lyman's Birthday (another one?)
Grandma and Grandpa Mackrory
Nothing says romance like a giant gourd. Be sure to look at the background - see Lyman cheating his way through the hay maze behind us? Nice. Its cool - he didn't get baptized until the next day.
Grandma and Grandpa Putnam
Hay maze - Lyman and Corilynn
Ruby going through one of the tunnels in the hay maze.
Of course everyone had to try this.
I sincerely hope I am not looking into my future with any of the shots with my kids.
Pumpkin mini golf was super fun. Some of us took it quite seriously (cough, cough - Grandpa Mackrory) and others took to making their own rules (cough, cough Ruby who would just carry it to the hole).
Pumpkin bowling or as Lyman liked to call it, smash a pumpkin and laugh hysterically.
Hay ride (without the hay and on hard benches in a tractor trailer) - hello tailbone!
Ruby loved the animals to see.
The girls loved playing house in the teepee that was set up to for the kids. Now I know why there are times I wonder if they are really wild Indians.
Happy Birthday Lyman! We love you very much.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 11:40 AM 0 Comments
Kids and Canines
Our little doggie, Watson, is a delight (and headache occasionally). We love his snuggles and love that he will stay little enough to snuggle forever. Here he is spending time with his Mama while she tries not to loose dinner.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 11:09 AM 0 Comments
Falling Hiking Spree
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 10:53 AM 0 Comments
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Doggy Park Adventure
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 11:35 AM 0 Comments
Labels: Watson
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Andrew turns 35!
My darling husband turned 35 this year on his birthday. He joked that he was half way to 70 which I thought made him sound too old, since he looks like he hasn't aged in the last 10 years. We had a lovely dinner of Cafe Rio pork salads and a relaxing weekend. I cannot express how wonderfully blessed we feel to have him in our home and as patriarch of our family. He is an exemplar husband, an amazing father, and an honorable man. We love him and will happily keep him for the next 35.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 11:04 AM 0 Comments
Labels: Andy
Lisa Comes to the Rescue
While she was here we had a FHE about Lehi's dream in the Book of Mormon. Then we gave the kids the challenge to go and try to make something from that dream out of Lego Lyman made the "great and spacious building" complete with pillars (fancy) and people drinking on the balcony mocking others. Corilynn made the straight and narrow path that lead to the tree of life. We were amazed at the detail they added and loved seeing their creativity.
We ended the week with Lisa with a trip to Amish country. I stayed behind because I didnt want to ruin the trip by loosing it in the car. But everyone else had a wonderful time picking out fudge and walking through the Amish hardware store etc. We were so grateful for her visit, me especially.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 10:56 AM 1 Comments
Kid Chefs
One of the things the kids like to do with Dad when I am not home is to cook with him. They call it being kid chefs. These pictures were from when I was away at a book fair in Georgia during labor day weekend.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 10:47 AM 0 Comments
Labels: Kiddos
Growing in so many ways.
When I logged on today I was surprised to see that I had not blogged in over a month. Well over. Now that I am finally getting to the point where my body doesn't want to protest every tiny piece of food I give it, I feel like I should update what has been happening in our lives. Before I start posting pictures though, I should mention a big thank you to the many friends and family, who over the past few weeks have taken such good care of us/me. This pregnancy knocked me on the ground harder than we had anticipated but we are happy that everything is going well and so far we have a healthy little tiny miracle still planning on coming to our family. I am 16.5 weeks and I can hardly believe that in just a few more weeks I will get to find out what we are having. I can tell you right now I believe it is a boy. But it will be nice to confirm. Other than the baby, we have had a lot of happy things happen over the past few weeks. Andrew turned 35 (wow middle age here we come! ::wink:: jk) and Lyman turned 8 and was baptized Wow, that was a neat experience and Ill have more on that later. We had Aunt Lisa come out for a little over a week and fill our freezers with food and our hearts with love. The kids thought she was just manna from heaven and it was nice for me to get to relax a bit and not worry about food other than trying to consume (and keep) it. Lastly, I found out that my publisher, Meryton Press, has accepted my second book "Bluebells in the Mourning" for publication. A timeline on that one is yet to be determined as a few more editors are being hired right now. But I can say that this little amazing part of my life does not get old.