Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Absentee Blogger

I have been so terribly bad at blogging and the really bad part is that I haven't much cared about my negligence.  My reason - I have a resident in my womb sapping every bit of motivation I have to do anything other than survive this blasted morning sickness and exhaustion.  There I've said it.  I should be all hearts and flowers announcing this, our fourth and last, pregnancy.  But my state of mind, if you can call it that, has been on continuous buzzzzzz.  I cant think past today for most of the time.  I have been essentially bedridden and it has been so difficult.  I watch my beloved husband working himself crazy taking up the slack, my friends taking the kids and helping as much as possible, and next week I will have a family member come out and take care of us for a week.  Just the thought of that makes me feel a weight lifted.  Sigh.  I am happy for this baby though.  We planned for it, awaited it and definitely wanted it.  Like I said, this is our last.  Which means when I think of this little tiny lime sized person inside me I feel our family is complete.  It is a wonderful feeling to know we are all there, present and accounted for.  So there is your hearts and flowers!  Our little tiny lime is coming to bookend our family.  :)