Friday, August 24, 2012

First Day of School

First day of school for the kids again and I am just so excited.  Its the first time for Corilynn and when I look at her I think, "she is so big and ready for this."  I didnt think that with Lyman but maybe that is because he was my first.  

The kids love standing for the bus together.  They pretend their backpacks are jet packs.

 Lyman is in Second grade with Mrs. Kortze
 Corilynn is in Kindergarten with Ms. Ellis
 Ruby goes to Mom School and is devastated every time the kids go on the bus and she cant go too.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happily Ever After

A few days ago I dreamt that I had married a man that made me miserable.  That we had married and I had a horribly lonely and sad marriage that only lasted a few years.  Because of being so caught up in my own world of misery, I had lost touch with all of my friends.  Years after my painful divorce, I found myself still without friends because we had lost touch so long before.  In the dream I was at someone's house where I happened to see their wall cork board filled with a couple of wedding invitations.  They were the invitations to the weddings of my lost friends.  I had not received any invite and it made me sad because I was so lonely and then I noticed one was from a friend I had heard had had a similarly miserable first marriage.  She was marrying again and had found happiness again.  I couldn't take anymore of it.  I ran from the house sobbing because I wondered when I would find my own happiness.  As I broke in a round of gut wrenching sobs I was awoken suddenly by the flop of a two year old's arm across my face.  Suddenly reality hit me - I was married.  So blissfully and happily married that I nearly sobbed again but for relief.  I had 3 wonderful children who I loved dearly and a set of friends who love me.  I was not in that lonely existence but most of all - I had the most wonderful husband whom I had been with for 10 years.  It was the happiest, most blissful feeling I have experienced in a long time.

I am so blessed and grateful for my husband who shares with me today our 10th anniversary of dreamlike forever happily ever after.