One of our favorite days in England was touring Chatsworth. It is the beautiful stately home of Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy - only he calls it Pemberley. Errr -well actually it currently is lived in by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire but it was used as the Pemberley in the film for the 2005 Kiera Knightley/Matthew MacFayden verson of Pride and Prejudice.
This is the clothing the Duke and his family wore to the corrination ceremony for the Queen 60 years ago. They had the invitation to the ceremony from the queen on display too. It was kind of neat to see such tangible history.
There is my handsome Andy. Isn't he just so dreamy?
This is a miniature replica of the whole building.
One of many bedrooms we got to see.
My favorite part of the house was viewing the library. The smell of the old leather books, the secrets and history they hold - it was spellbinding. I wondered who purchased them and who read them and what they contained. Thousands of books, many hundreds of years old - some close to 1000. Beautifully preserved and just amazing. It was particularly fun to imagine this room knowing it would have been a man like Mr. Darcy's favorite place in the house.
A close up of one of the shelves.
This is the statue Andy really wanted to see. He loves how it looks and seriously considered purchasing a miniature replica in the gift shop but it was going to be close to $200. It is called The Veiled Vested Virgin by Raffaelle Monti (1818-81).
The dining hall.
Her Majesty the Queen's place service. If you look closely, the card says that.
The statue gallery was really neat too. There were pieces that were very old.
This one is of Alexander the Great - I cant remember quite right but it dates back to before Christ.
I pretended this one was of Elizabeth Darcy ne Bennet.
And of course, I loved seeing the "Mr. Darcy" sculpture in their gift shop.
The gardens were so massive and I took almost 200 pictures that I couldnt possibly show them all here. But I have chosen a few for you to enjoy.
The maze was super fun. We thought, this will be easy. Then we started it and we kept getting stuck and then we kept thinking we were almost there and then we kept getting lost. It took us about 30 minutes to get to the center in the end.
Andy starting the maze.
This is us at the center when we finally found the center.
It took us almost 3 hours just to see the inside of the house and another 3-4 to tour around the many many beautiful gardens. It was such a dream of a home and although I dont think Id like to live in such a grand home, the gardens were spectacular and Id love to have access to those whenever I wanted.