Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for the almost 10 months we have had with Charlotte.  We have watched her grow and mature into an even more beautiful and wonderful young woman than she was when she arrived.  She has another two weeks with us and then she's off to bigger and better things back in Denmark.  But no matter the number of miles that separate us, we will always consider her our adoptive daughter.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Corilynn Graduates

Corilynn graduated from preschool.  I hope this doesn't I have to accept she is big enough to go to Kindergarten next year.

 We love Miss Mary and Miss Joyce.  They were also Lyman's teachers.  I hope they are still there for Ruby.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Every time I place a seed in the ground, I am doubtful that it will amount to much.  And every time that seed starts to grow, I am ever in awe at the miracle of it.  I am not sure whether I have little faith in myself as the gardener or if it is the seed I do not trust or even if it is the process that holds my doubts.  Strangely enough, I think this process is the same for me in a number of areas in my life from parenting to writing to strengthening my relationship with my Father in Heaven.  I have so many miracles in my life.  I think I must have a master gardener somewhere up above.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I am so, so very thankful for the lazy day I had today.  We have had such busy weekends and weekdays these past few weeks that for the first time in quite a while I could say I had NOTHING going on today and it was marvelous.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Family Roles

We talked about different roles people have in our home on the way home from church because Charlotte's lesson in YW was about fathers and their roles in the home.  These are some of the answers we got.

Lyman (about fathers): They keep the family safe.
Corilynn (about fathers): They fix things.
Lyman (about mothers): Take care of the children.
Corilynn (about mothers): They do the dishes.
Corilynn (about big brothers): They protect the little sisters.
Lyman (regarding little siblings): I would think having a little brother would be more fun than sisters.
Lyman (regarding sisters): They play with the brothers.
Lyman (regarding grandparents): They play with the kids.
Corilynn (regarding aunts/uncles): They take care of the cousins.
Ruby (feeling left out): About me? About Ruby?
Lyman and Corilynn (regarding the role of a Ruby in the home): To be cute and make us laugh.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Book Release Party

My good friends threw me a book release party and we had a great time.  We labeled all the foods with spoofs off of books like "Withering Bites" "Fried & Tater Chips" "Jane Air" - that one was an empty bowl. :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Charlotte's Senior Pictures

I took Charlotte's senior pictures this weekend.  They turned out so beautiful.  So proud of our little girl--- it seems like yesterday that she came into our lives and now shes all grown.  ::tear:: :)