Today I am thankful to all my friends and family who supported me throughout the last year as I wrote, submitted, edited and now published my first book. My book came out this week and was available to purchase. I have had so many people excited for it and jumping at the opportunity to purchase it for no other reason than that they know me and are happy for me. I cannot tell you how wonderful it feels to know that they would support me enough to buy my book. The most humbling part is I know that they would do the same thing for me even if the book was a total piece of junk (bonus - it isnt). Thank you friends and I love you!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Thankful Thursday
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 12:14 PM 0 Comments
Labels: Book, Thankful Thursdays
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Thankful Thursday
Its starting to come together.
After putting the kids to bed, he and I worked long into the evening putting it all together.
And the final product turned out great and the kids agree!
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 8:38 AM 1 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Monday, April 16, 2012
Poops and Woop Woops!
There is a phenomena that occurs at our house. It happens when any of our children venture into the world of unknown perils (and adventures) of a place called, "The Basement." It is a wonderland of toys and imagination. And most of the time we are quite happy to have such a space in our house. Most of the time not including those times it needs cleaned. But returning to the phenomena that occurs at our house. When our children so much as take the first step down the stairs into "The Basement" - their minds are warped, wiped clean completely of the memory of what a toilet is, what its purpose is or how to use it. We don't understand how this works either. We have investigated it - spent hours down there ourselves but the phenomena only affects our children.
On a related, though side note, Ruby is potty training. We have started her just this last Monday (a week already?) and she is doing... blessedly fantastic! Its almost as if she was born potty trained and we just put diapers on her instead. She nearly never has accidents and she is just a dream with this. I just wish the other kids (cough, cough Corilynn, cough) would find the same satisfaction in this kind of maturity as Ruby does.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 3:36 PM 2 Comments
Friday, April 13, 2012
Classic New York -- The Times.
Church of Scientology - sweet.
Times Square. Our hotel was right here - at the Marriot Marque. It was super fun to be in the middle of the crazy, so alive it felt like we were in the heart, part of the city.
We attended Phantom of the Opera while there and I gotta say - loved it!
This is the view from our 31st floor hotel room.
Charlotte and my niece, Misha, teased me for taking this photo of this couple caught in an amorous embrace in front of the NY Public Library. I had to take it though because after all those romantic movies like "Sleepless in Seattle" and the like, NYC is a city for lovers. I found this romantic. Certainly, I wouldn't wish to view this scene for extended periods of time, but it was sort of sweet and very NYC-ish to me.
A cool shot I took of the tulips in bloom in front of the NY Public Library - see the lion in the background?
NY Public Library during the day.
City streets are so fun and it makes me feel so small but so sophisticated at the same time.
Here we are at a delicious Japanese restaurant for dinner. Thanks Tomoko for introducing it to us. Also, for teaching us how to eat (and encouraging us to try it) some raw fish. A bite or two was enough for me, even though I actually liked the taste of the tuna. I ordered chicken with curry.
I believe this is the Chrysler Building - standing behind Grand Central Station.
NY Public Library at night.
The lion at NY Public Library
Another very iconic NYC scene - though very sad. I took this picture because I could not believe how many homeless people we saw, right a midst the wealth and opulence. Its not right.
Column view of the NY Public Library
Charlotte in front of the library doors. They wouldn't let us in. It was closed, darn it.
Empire State building lit up for Easter.
Times Square at night.
NYC taxi - they really are everywhere!
We went to M&M world, where every color known to man can be found on an M&M.
This was a crazy looking dude driving his little pink bike around Times Square and so we took a picture with him.
View at night from our hotel room.
Here is one of those nifty elevator car parks. I saw ones that were 5-6 cars high. It was super cool looking.
The U.S.S Intrepid
The skyline as we left - ::pout::
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 4:34 PM 0 Comments
Labels: Groans and Giggles, NYC
NYC via Princeton
The open window in this tower is said to be the one that the professor/math genius/schizophrenic featured in the movie, "A Beautiful Mind," is said to have thrown his desk from. It is a true story and my brother said that the man still teaches at the university.
The rest of these pictures are of buildings I have no idea what they are used for but are beautiful and picturesque non-the-less.
Gates into the University.
Charlotte poses as F. Scott Fitzgerald (from Princeton) for some hopeful extra credit with her English teacher.
My brother is pretty much a genius like Einstein. However, with less hair.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 3:56 PM 1 Comments
Labels: Groans and Giggles, NYC