Yesterday I had such a wonderful experience of feeling a special love for each of my kids. It was as if I was being reminded just how special each of them are to me. I am so thankful for these moments yesterday.
The first was when I was laying down with Ruby for her nap. I have mixed feelings about this new development with her. I never allowed my kids to need snuggled, rocked or sung to sleep. I always loved on them and then put them down and they fell asleep by themselves without protest. Ruby still does this at night but during the day she has learned to open her bedroom door and come out (repeatedly). If I offer to snuggle her (such a chore! jk) she falls asleep in 2 minutes flat, but if I put her down, she comes out a few times and we both get frustrated. So, although I hate that she requires me there to fall asleep now, I have to content myself with the fact that its not that she cannot fall asleep without me, it is just that she WILL not and I am saving both of us a whole lot of contention with eachother this way. I also cannot say that I dont love getting a few minutes peace and quiet as I snuggle the sweetest little two year old known to man (when she is sleeping). Yesterday, as I lay next to her, pretending to sleep, I decided to peek at her when I thought it was safe. There she was, sleeping like an angel and I just felt so thankful that she is my child and I loved her so much at that moment.
For Corilynn, my moment of love for her came when I went to her preschool evaluation parent conference. I didnt expect to have any surprises, I know she knows her stuff, and I did not get any surprises. She does know her stuff - go Corilynn! But what they said about her really warmed my heart. They said she was the happiest little girl they had taught ever and they wished more kids would be as happy as she is. They say she is content, and pleased with everything around her. Her happiness is displayed even in the way she walks - or doesnt walk. Instead of walking anywhere, our little Corilynn, has a little prance, skipping kind of walk, like a little dancing fairy. She has the sweetest observations about life and is always so grateful for everything. The teachers only concern months ago was that she doesnt talk much, she just observes and listens. They say that she talks a lot more now, but never at inappropriate times. I felt so much love for her as I listened to them talk about her many lovely personality characteristics and although nothing was new to me, as I get the pleasure of living with her everyday, it was wonderful to hear her so well appreciated.
My moment for Lyman was as I was getting the kids ready for bed. The chances I have as a mother to get any kind of physical affection from my seven year old moms-a-girl-and-girls-are-gross are rare and priceless. I can steal hugs, holding him as he tries desperately to avoid my yucky kiss on his cheek and I can ask till I am blue in the face about his day at school - but it usually amounts to grunts and shrugs. I am told this form of primitive communication is likely to continue into his late teens. But sometimes...sometimes... he will quietly come up and sit next to me on the couch. Usually if I do not call attention to it, and maintain a quiet stillness (not unlike when you are trying to coax a wild animal not to flee from your presence) he will stay and I can feel his body next to mine. At those times, I wish I could wrap my arm around him (in some cases, I successfully do) and snuggle into him. But I am content with the side snuggle, especially when he intiates it. Last night, he came to me and sat right next to me on the couch (there was lots of space elsewhere :)!!!!!) So, I downloaded a favorite book from my childhood onto the kindle in my hands (dont ruin the moment by getting up and getting a book, you ninny!) and started to read to him. He sat there quietly and listened. Then we found a stopping point (its a chapter book, so it will take us some time to finish) and we talked about the plot so far. Then we went up to ready for bed. I was sitting on the floor in one of their rooms, after having put Ruby's pjs on AGAIN (the kid will not stay dressed - little nudist) and along comes my little spooked wild animal. Slowly he climbs onto my lap and I smile. Desperate to prolong the moment, I reach inside his shirt and scratch his back the way I know he loves. And then it happens. We talk. About his day, about Dad, about Grandpas, about whatever. And I know... I know I love him more than anything.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thankful Thursday
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 8:32 AM 0 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that the gospel is a gospel for families and that if lived worthily, our every minute of our lives can be fulfilling and happy. And our families can be together forever.
There have been many instances in the past week where I have felt so blessed by the gospel. I have had decisions that could have been difficult, made easy by looking for the answers within the doctrines of the gospel. I have become aware of times I have avoided difficult problems in my life because of my adherence to those doctrines. I am thankful that the whole point of this life is to be tested, become more like Him and to have families. Is there any greater legacy than these things?
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 7:33 PM 1 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Stuff Love is Made Of
Happy Valentine's Day!
Once upon a time the most romantic gift was given to me. It was a blank book with nothing on the pages. There were no words, no pictures, it was absolutely empty. It was romantic because it symbolized a promise. The promise was that every year on Valentine's Day, my husband would write on one of the pages to me. He would write to me a love note. And when the book was finally filled on every page, no longer empty, I would have a book of love notes through the years. It is one of my favorite things to look forward to each year and I love reading through the other years as well. Here is a piece of the lovely note I received this year.
"It is really exciting for me to be planning our 10 year honeymoon to England with you right now. I think it's a little like how our relationship is: we have the same dream, it's beautiful and special and exciting and it's filled with high hopes, with what will become lots of great memories."
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 6:17 PM 1 Comments
Labels: Thoughts, Valentines Day
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Thankful Thursday
I think today's thankful Thursday needs to be about the book. It is going to sound really self-congratulatory on my part but FREAK I am getting excited about this thing. I feel as if I have been so blessed with this thing. I mean writing it started as just a fun experiment for my friends and I. I never imagined it go this far and I am utterly humbled by the whole of it. Okay, so here is a bit of an update on why I am so excited:
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Note: Not actual cover art, just temporary one. |
My publisher, Meryton Press, runs a couple of websites and one of them is an online community for Jane Austen fans to post their fanfic. You have to sign up for it but it is free. You can check it out here if you wish. Anyway, on this website you can post your short stories and even full length books or you can simply go and enjoy other people's stories. It pretty much is a like a Jane Austen addict's dream. In fact, many of Meryton Press' books happen to be full length books posted on this website previously and now edited, spruced up and published. So I decided to post a couple of my short stories on there. I have written three of them. On Sunday, I gave them a quick edit and then posted them on the website. It has not even been a week and one of them has well over 500 views, another 450+, and one I posted only just two days ago has over 300. People can comment on them too and that has me most excited. I have received some fantastic and super positive comments. My posts have a "signature" at the end links to my profile on the website and also to the publisher's website for further information on my book. Several of the readers have commented on their interest in my book and wishing to get it when it comes out.
I have to say it feels good to get such feedback and from strangers. Okay, I am not being entirely honest. It feels GREAT! It makes me feel that maybe this love of mine, this passion for writing is not too terribly unpleasant for others to read. The website has over 8000 members so it is good to feel like I am getting my name out there among those most interested in my genre.
Also of an exciting note. My sister's best friend is a librarian for a private HS in Illinois that is directed under the University of Illinois. This friend has read my book several months ago and has asked several times for updates on when it might become available so she can order it for her library and possibly set up a book signing there. I have heard recently that she has also put it on her Pinterest page and has had lots of emails regarding it. So double YAY!
As far as the book goes: we are working on the cover art. The artist is currently in the reading the book/coming up with preliminary write ups for cover ideas stage. We finished writing the teaser for the back of the book so keep an eye on the publisher's website for an update there to show the book plot description added to my profile. All in all, I feel pretty happy about the whole thing. Cross your fingers that when it is finally published that this Pinterest, library book signings, and online JA fans can combine to make me enough money to take my family to Panera to celebrate! :)
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 3:22 PM 1 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful today to be among the living! The last few days I have been sick (again) with a bout of the stomach flu. Before the time earlier in the month when I was sick, I had not had the stomach flu for a decade or more. Twice in one month is not super fun to endure. Thankfully, I have a great husband and good kids who are understanding when Mom feels like puking instead of making pancakes.
I am also thankful today that the scare I endure earlier today was not worse. I was downstairs when I heard Ruby call for me from her room upstairs. She was calling me to "Help you" (her way of saying "help me" and then following her plea with "big poop." Heart stopped. I raced upstairs to find her naked looking into her open diaper on the floor containing, yes, a big poop. At least she did not get it anywhere else. I sincerely hope this is not the beginning of a phase of diaper removal she is going through. I haven't had one of those yet and hope not to ever.
Lastly, I heard from Meryton Press and the cover artist. We are starting the cover art and I am excited about it. Though I have to say I am suddenly struck with a bit of fear too. I mean the cover is what people will base their first judgement off of when deciding whether or not to read it. I feel like a 8th grader again thinking that my outfit looks "rad" and in reality it looks like a bad Eastern European knock off of a New Kids on the Block video. Only my fear is, like in 8th grade - I wont know it looks bad. Cross your fingers people!
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 8:50 AM 1 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays