Happy Birthday Andy! You are 33 today. I told you that you were a third of a century today and you corrected me by saying you wouldn't really be a third of a century until January 30th at 8 AM - because then you would be 33 and 3 months and 1/3 of a day. Always the over analytical engineer huh? :) That's OK that is one of the reasons I love you. Here are 33 ways I love you darling!
- Just what I said above - you are so funny how proudly nerdy you are. I love laughing with you about your little nerd ticks and qualities.
- Last night you watched all of the kids and kept them out of my hair for several hours while I worked on the service project at church. You even kept them alive! I love you
- I love the mouse squeak you make when you are laughing too hard.
- I love how you simply adore your little girls.
- I love that you work so hard at work and that everyone respects you.
- I love that you are the type of dad that makes it a matter of course that your son wants to be just like you.
- I love how even very late at night when we both want to sleep - if you know I am stressed about anything you ask if I want to talk about it.
- I love that you really love what you do. That you enjoy it is one of the best blessings in my life.
- I love that when you talk to the kids about me you call me "Mommy" to them and not Mom. It shows the tenderness you see in my role.
- I love that we have very similar senses of humor.
- When you do something you do it thoroughly every time. I love that I can depend on that.
- I love how you look so young to everyone but that you are getting a distinguishing amount of salt and pepper throughout the sides of your hair.
- I love that are easily amazed by me. This makes me feel good even when I think I haven't really done much.
- I love how you have such a way with people that they always feel that you really do care about them and they like you instantly. They feel this way because you really do care about them.
- You have a real talent with words. I can write down my feelings and express them in a way that satisfies me but you can speak difficult words to people in gentle ways - making hard situations go smoothly. It is simply amazing.
- You are very strong. I don't know where you hide all those muscles but I like it anyhow.
- I love how utterly amazed and surprised you are when someone complements you - it never takes me by surprise.
- I love the little crinkly smile lines by your blue eyes that almost always are on your face.
- I love how completely unobservant you are when you come home from work and I am in my PJs, hair a mess and the kids look like orphans and you casually say "did you go anywhere today?"
- I love how you immediately revert to a 6 yr old whenever you are around something sweet.
- I love how completely and honestly you dove right into the madness that is my family.
- I love how no matter how long I have been married to you I am often caught by the thought of how much fun it has been.
- I love how you make an effort to get to know my girlfriends well enough that you give really good suggestions when it comes to gifts or advice concerning them.
- I love it how your voice gets really high and you show such huge excitement - declaring praises whenever Ruby does something new developmentally. You are such a huge ego booster for the kids.
- I love how you pretend your little no-frills 2004 plain grey Toyota Corolla is a rally car as soon as snowy weather hits in.
- I'm pretty sure you are the coolest person ever - well in the nerd category that is. :)
- I love that you are from another country - it makes this boring went K-12 grade with the same people and lived in CO my whole life girl feel a bit more exotic. I love that you consider yourself an American now though.
- Embarrassing Secret Alert: I love that you secretly love Pride and Prejudice and that you enjoyed the Twilight books.
- I love that you will mow the lawn in stripes even though it takes longer just because you know I think it looks so nice.
- I love the way you explain difficult concepts to the kids and even I understand them better.
- I love the way you look in those jeans. You know the ones.
- I love that sometimes when we go out to eat and you order something that I sometimes make at home - you always say how mine tastes better. And I think you mean it.
- Lastly, I love that I've loved you for 28% of your life and that that percentage is only going to grow larger.