Towards the end of the vacation we went to my parents cabin again with the rest of my family that was in town or local. We were there to visit together but to also construct the two story addition to the cabin that we were putting up. The kids loved getting to play with their cousins and run wild like feral children. While there I had so much fun getting to know and talking with my nieces and nephews. I was only 8 when they were born and so in so many ways many of them were like my little brothers and sisters. It was such a wonderful experience to get to talk to them as they are becoming adults and to be friends and joke around. They are such good kids and my kids love them so much. They all took turns holding and taking care of Ruby for me and giving Lyman rides on the motorbike. I have really good nieces and nephews and I’m glad to call them friends.
At one point while we were there my nieces and I did almost all the nephew’s hair in tiny ponytails all over their head. It was hilarious and lots of fun. Lyman wouldn’t let us get near him because he didn’t want “girl hair.” It was funny to see him and his boy cousins his age run away as we jokingly chased them to try to get them to get their hair done. I love that age.
There is a natural water fall area about 20 minutes from our cabin and the cousins and my kids had a blast playing in the frigid water and splashing and jumping into the deep ends. It was fun for me to see my kids get a chance to spend time with their Aunts and Uncles and cousins.
The last part of the cabin trip we did a fun little family home evening where we did a “hold to the rod” course. This is where we were blindfolded and led to a rope course where we had to make our way through it and back to our family and parents. It was to symbolize the life we have here on earth and the obstacles and trials we face in our course back to our Heavenly Father. My kids were asleep for this but I got to be the photo taker and it was such a moving experience to see my family work their way back to my parents who were waiting at the end of the course for them. It was really a wonderful evening where we got to feel the joy of having made the “right choices” along the path that led us to be able to live with “God” again.
Just before we left Colorado we had a Pizza Cook-off with my family at my parents house. It was a lot of fun to joke around with each other and smack talk about every one's pizza. We had an outside judge who came in to judge the winner. My brother in law won and although his pizza was good I have to say mine was better and the judge was wrong! jk :) It was a fun evening after which we went to the airport to pick up Andy and drove up to Andy's parents for one last night. We got to see Andy's brother Sean and sister in law Lisa for one short morning before continuing our drive to Kansas City where we stayed at our good friends house. The next day after that we drove to my sister's house in Illinois and visited for a day or so and then finally we arrived back in Ohio - exhausted and elated to see our house again.