First off, I hate that term. It implies that my husband is not in my life anymore due to his new calling at church. Gone he is a lot, but he is definitely still present in our lives. Andy was called a little over a month ago in to the bishopric in our ward. Although some of the time demands are not different from his previous calling, this one is making him gone more.
I am and always have been an Andy hoarder. I love my time with him, cant get enough and don't like to share it much. When we are on vacation I want to spend as much time with him as possible. When he is at home I want to be doing things with him even if it means I am sitting outside on the porch just watching him mow the lawn. I usually get very frustrated when things take him away from home very much - working OT, traveling for work, callings etc. I'm selfish that way - I like him around to help me with the kids and sit next to me while I watch a show on TV.
This calling has meant that every Sunday as essentially become an Andy Mirage day. Where I can see him at a distance (upon the stand, talking to someone etc) but he is almost unreachable. Ha ha ha - today was literally like a mirage cause I would see him, try to walk to him to give him something or tell him something and get side tracked by one of my billion children and look up and he is gone. It was sort of funny. He is off to meetings early, at various Sunday School classes during church, on the stand during Sacrament meeting and busy after church. Tonight he had a baptism to attend to, a youth fireside and a few other things.
I have not felt neglected by his increased absence. I haven't felt jealous, or frustrated at being left to fend for myself against the throngs of children in our house. I haven't felt any of the irritations I have felt with various other callings or work related tasks that have taken him away from me. I cant explain it other than that I know that God is supporting me and allowing me to manage the tasks I have to. I hope this feeling lasts since I know this isn't a temporary calling. More than likely we are looking at several years. I keep wondering if I will break down and wish it would end but so far I just love seeing Andy grow from having to be more out there socially and having to address the needs of the ward. He looks so in his element which is surprising to both of us. Neither of us would have thought it would be so natural for him to serve and interact with so many people.
That isn't to say that it isn't hard on me. I wake up alone on Sunday, get the kids up alone, drive to church alone, sit alone, drive home alone, feed the kids alone, hopefully get a short break when Andy gets home at around 3pm, and then often times am alone during the evening hours as he is swept away to something else, then I put the kids to bed alone......The day is a lot of alone. Even so, just because something is hard doesn't mean it's impossible. Ha ha, though I do think I can really relate to Elastigirl better now and I can feel myself being stretched in many tiny directions.
Onward we go, I suppose.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Church Widow
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 8:35 PM 5 Comments
Labels: Andy, Groans and Giggles
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Thankful Thursday
I feel particularly disconnected from the world right now. I got very little sleep last night due to Ruby's choice to be inconsolable for about 3 hours last night from 1-4 AM. I've got that tingling nerve feeling all up my arms from exhaustion and I am wishing I hadn't gotten to bed after 11:30. I'm not sure what to do with this situation. Recently she has switched from sleeping entirely through the night from 8-6 to waking up somewhere before 3 and crying hysterically. I wonder if she is having stranger anxiety like episodes where she wakes up and then gets afraid that we are not there. Though during the day she doesn't seem to have any problem with other people holding her. I just don't know. My inability to think around the problem is probably due to the road trip back into Lackofsleepville. Andy, who is usually dead to the world of baby sounds at night has even been waking up to her screams.
In another area, I am seriously lacking motivation on my goal for 150 Miles to Zion - where I am trying to run 150 miles before December 31st. I haven't lost any weight from it and even though that was never my "goal" in it - I think it could help booster my motivation right now if it were happening. I am about 1/3rd of the way through my miles and every time its my "run" day I feel like I am trying to tread through syrup to get my limbs to even attempt doing exercise. It could be better if I could just taste the syrup not just feel it - then you know it would be like a sugar boost. :)
Anyway, it is Thankful Thursday and these are the things on my mind. I want to think of something positive about either one of these that I can be thankful for. So here goes with the Ruby issue. I am thankful my other daughter Corilynn has a twin bed that is huge for her that I can take a spare pillow and lay on it in the middle of the night when Screamfest 2010 stops and starts up. And about my running: I am thankful that I have a good sports bra. There that is all I can muster at present for that.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 9:42 AM 4 Comments
Labels: 150 to Zion, Ruby, Thankful Thursdays
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Ruby's Half Birthday
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 12:50 PM 0 Comments
Labels: Ruby
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Dad's Day!
Happy Dad's day to the awesome Dad of my kids. He is really such a great dad. He shows them all the little bugs and creatures outside and will hold Corilynn tight when she is afraid of them all. He will play light sabers with Lyman and play Princess Leah with Corilynn. He will refuse to put Ruby down when he needs both hands because he doesn't want to let her go. He teaches them about the gospel and how to become good people. He reads the scriptures to them every night and helps them to learn the stories. Lyman's favorite thing about dad is "he's nice to me, he gives me hugs." Corilynn loves that her dad "snuggles her and plays with her."
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 1:29 PM 0 Comments
Labels: Andy
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sometimes I Worry
Sometimes I worry...
...that I don't know what I need to do to raise kids that love each other.
...that I might not be able to keep them from harm.
...that someday when they grow up and move away - they may not want to visit me.
...that I am not doing enough to teach them the things they need to know to turn to the right sources for comfort.
...that when I am older and gone - will my kids want to still keep in touch with each other?
...that I yell too much and hug not enough.
...that I'm going to make mistakes as a mother that I cant fix.
...that my kids are going to grow up and make their own choices and I may not like some of them.
...that some of the choices they make may break my heart.
...that one day my kids are going to read this and realize I didn't know everything.
Sometimes I worry....
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 8:09 PM 3 Comments
Labels: Thoughts
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that we are home in our own beds. Every time I crawl into our bed I am grateful for having invested the money into a little piece of heaven.
I am also thankful for the sunny day we are supposed to have tomorrow. Kiddie pool will come out. I will play too and I will concur this horrible farmer's tan. :)
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 9:32 AM 0 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Canada: That place to the north
We just got back from our trip to the great wilderness north of us - a land they call Canada. It was a 10.5 hour drive from our home in America to our first destination in Montreal, QC Canada. We took 12 hours to drive it because we stopped once in Palmyra, NY to see the church historical sites. After a few days in Montreal - where the boys got to go to the Formula 1 Racing Grand Prix of Canada, we traveled 3 hours farther into the wild north to a small city called Quebec. That place was amazing. The city was so rich with history and beauty. The buildings and streets of Old Quebec were breathtaking with their little cobblestones and old style buildings. It was such a lovely place. After only just a day there we embarked on our journey to discover America again and to tackle the 13 hr drive back home. I have broken up our trip in pictures in the following posts in greater detail.
But first, a review of Canada.
Maybe it was because we were touring the province of Quebec mostly, where they speak French but I was surprised how much Canada DID feel like a different country. We have friends from different parts of Canada and it never seemed like they were very different in their culture to us. So I expected to go to Canada and feel like everything was much the same as the US. That didn't happen. In fact it was sort of an unshaky feeling to have a gruff Canadian mounty question our motives for wanting to see Canada before letting us enter. Then once you get in the scenery even looks different. Untouched, wild and natural. It was beautiful and it made me wonder if that is what our landscape would have looked like just south of the "border line" if we didn't have it all broken up into farms and ranches. Though even as I was thinking how pretty and untouched it was I was proud of our industry down south. It was a weird combination of feelings.
Where Canada is wild and free in its wilderness - it is tight and restrictive on its taxes. Woah! There is like 3 different taxes put on everything you buy and gas is almost twice as expensive in Canada than it is in the states -25% of the price of gas being taxes. Maybe we can work out a deal with Canada to let us go across for medicines cheap and them come across for cheap gasoline. Maybe this is why even with a very stable economy Canada struggles to get and keep their dollar above ours in value. Everything is more expensive in Canada. It made me miss the "Land of the Free" terribly.
Canada is funny. Everyone knows it. That is why it is so easy to make fun of the Canadians - like call them America Jr. There were so many funny signs and things in Canada that we were laughing the whole way -which helped a lot when we saw our vacation money go down the Canadian government tax toilet. Anytime we needed the kids to do something or not to do something else we warned them not to do that because "Canada doesn't have...(insert any number of things: washing machines, etc)" It didn't help the situation that they speak french in that part of Canada either. The french are so easy to make fun of. Be sure to check out the blog post on the funny things we took pictures of during our trip.
The people of Canada were beyond polite. They were lovely. Everyone was so helpful and so courteous. They are really a very nice people. I wished we had more Americans like them. Their real concern for others has spilled into other habits there. We went to the grocery store there to stock up on delicious Canadian chocolates and other goods and EVERYONE there shopped with the reusable shopping tote bags. They even had machines in the stores to recycle the cans - and its like the change machines at the stores - you deposit your cans and you get money back for them. I can see how it makes people inclined to recycle. There is a real "green' initiative there. Recycle bins in your own hotel room? Cool.
The french speaking. Ummm I can't for the life of me understand french - the language takes 26 letters of the alphabet and chooses at least half of them to be silent and the other half to make the wrong sounds. They speak it in Quebec and so luckily most of them could also speak English. I had one time in the hotel in Quebec where I called the housekeeping to request something and the guy answered in French. Usually then all I had to say was "English?" and they would respond in English. However I think this guy did try to respond in English and for the life of me I could not understand a word of it. I had to call the front desk to have them relay the message since I couldn't understand it at all. It was like that part of Finding Nemo where Squirt (the little turtle) is giving instructions to Marlin and Dory on how to exit the East Australian Current and Marlin says "Its like he is trying to talk to me, I know it." {then to Squirt} "Look, you're really cute, But I cant understand what you're saying. Say the first thing again."
Click "older posts" to make sure you see all of our Canadian Adventure posts.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 12:41 PM 1 Comments
Labels: Canada
Canada: Temples and Palmyra
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 12:40 PM 0 Comments
Labels: Canada
Canada: Bridges to Nowhere
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 12:39 PM 1 Comments
Labels: Canada
Canada: If you're funny and you know it...
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 12:38 PM 2 Comments
Labels: Canada
Canada: Grand Prix
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 12:37 PM 1 Comments
Labels: Canada
Canada: Quebec City
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 12:36 PM 0 Comments
Labels: Canada