Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 5:59 PM 2 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Little Lessons
Today was a great day. It didn’t start out great and it didn’t really have anything in it that was that great but I have had a few really wonderful and inspirational moments as a mother today.
I woke up today and everywhere I looked or turned my children were doing something they shouldn’t or having some issue with their potty needs. We had accidents, diaper messes etc. I had to get the kids ready for church alone because Andy was at meetings. Nothing out of the ordinary only it seemed like one thing after another with all of my kids. I got to church breathless and ready to hand the kids off to Andy and go home or at least sit in the car and have a good cry. But I didn’t I just sat there in the pew and asked him to talk to “his” kids about what they shouldn’t do regarding their potty needs. All the way to church I prayed – laying out all my frustrations and irritations and asking for help, patience and fix-its. Throughout church I would continue to pray because I was still sitting there fuming about it all and not getting anything out of the talks, lessons etc. I love how Heavenly Father works when it comes to personal revelation. I kept asking for what I thought I needed but he would keep giving me nudges towards realization of what I really needed. Here are a few of the great things I learned today.
While praying one of the times about how hard I had it in life right now regarding this potty issue and feeling a bit like I had more trouble than anyone else I was reminded by the spirit that it could be worse. And instantly I remembered that I am still nursing Ruby and that is a direct blessing given to me. And I thought – yes, it could be worse. And I felt better.
Later, I was praying about how hard it was to be a mother, and how every day was the same. And then we had a lesson on the Israelites and how they murmured about having Manna everyday and nothing else and they were tired of it. All of a sudden I thought of how my kids and my family life – my every day of my life- is sort of like Manna from heaven. I thought about how some days I find it really rewarding to do what I do every day (almost identical to the day before) and how some days I am so very bored at the sameness in my days. The difference is my attitude towards it on that day. I can be like the Israelites and not have gratitude that I have been provided with a blessing and or I can have gratitude for the three little blessings in my life that cause the monotony. I would much rather raise my kids than send them to babysitters so in that way we have been blessed with an income that supports that. So what if it means some days I burn through a few brain cells in the process?
Lastly, while talking with a friend about the whole lot after church, she mentioned in humor how she would like to see one day before she dies where all her kids go to the bathroom and she doesn’t have to be aware of any of it. No cleaning diapers, dribbles on the seat, unflushed toilets, yellow underwear in the laundry etc. I laughed because I thought – YEAH! I’d like to get to the point where my kids can use the restroom and I don’t know about it somehow. Later when I was musing to myself about the humor of it I felt the spirit say to me essentially that “but then they would be gone” – grown and on their own and away from me. It’s not so bad to have to see all the stuff I suppose if it means I can keep my babies babies a little bit longer.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 7:23 PM 5 Comments
Labels: Groans and Giggles
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that I am still nursing. We had a scare a few weeks ago when my milk decided to take vacation without asking but its back and I am sooo thankful for this blessing.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 2:34 PM 2 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Watch out! Picture tornado in the forcast!
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 3:39 PM 1 Comments
Labels: Groans and Giggles, Kiddos
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Ruby is 4 months
25 2/3 inches - 85 % percentile
16.5 inch head cir. - 75 % percentile
Ruby you are such a delightful baby to have around. You love to smile and laugh whenever your family talks to you. You are also a people person. You like to be around and near people in a room. Whether you sit in your bouncer or on someone's lap you just want to be able to see and talk to us. And talk to us you do! You talk all the time and love to share your voice with us until you run out of breath and then again and again after that. The doctor was very impressed with how much you talk! Good job Ruby you are a blessing in our lives.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 1:17 PM 2 Comments
Labels: Ruby
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thankful Friday!
I missed yesterday because it was a very full day in preparations for guests to arrive last night for Ruby's blessing.
So I am thankful for visits from family! Cheryl and Andy's parents are here and its so nice to have people visit us. The kids were really excited to see Grandma and Grandpa and Lyman even wore his Hawaiian shirt to match his Grandpa who wears them all at the time. I haven't seen Cheryl for a few years and haven't met her 1 yr old girl until yesterday. So since she is here and since there are few people in this world that I love as much as I love Cheryl - I am keeping this short so I can get back to visiting with her.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 9:31 AM 2 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Strange Hair
This morning at the breakfast table the kids and I had this conversation:
"Mom, your hair is sticking up right there and there" Corilynn
"Mm- hmm" Me (I had just woken up)
"I guess you shouldnt wear your hair that way or my teachers might think you are strange." Lyman
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 3:31 PM 5 Comments
Labels: Groans and Giggles
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for blossoms, 4-8 mo., and 150 miles to Zion.
The spring has arrived in Ohio and I love love love love love and love it! The trees are blossoming into beautiful pinks, whites, reds and yellows. I am thankful for the green leaves budding out and the cleansing rains and sunny afternoons.
{Ruby with Corilynn in their matching bermuda shorts summer clothes}
I am thankful that Ruby is in my favorite part of the first year. So every part of the first year is cute but my favorite part is the portion between 4-8 months of age. They are smiley, giggly, wiggly and snugly. I love when they nuzzle their faces into your neck to pretend to be shy or because they love you. I love when they gurgle out their voices and tell you long and wild stories. I love that they think they are saying something coherent. I love that Ruby has discovered her thumb to suck. I don't care what people say about that as good or bad - I love it and its so cute! She has such a tiny fist and its just adorable. Especially when she looks at me and smiles and lets her hand fall out in excitement. I love it.
I am thankful for the health I have been feeling lately. I am taking it slowly but I have started to get running again it feels liberating! Its wonderful to run and imagine myself carefree. Its even better to do it without hip pain. I feel like I am fighting back to a healthier me. I have set myself a goal to run 150 miles to Zion this year. For ever mile I run on I am going to read a chapter of scriptures so that I can accomplish both areas of my life where I want to be a better me. 150 miles or 150 chapters isn't a lot but its a number I can reach and hope to go past. Anyone want to do it with me?
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 1:44 PM 3 Comments
Labels: 150 to Zion, Thankful Thursdays
Monday, April 5, 2010
Washington DC Photos!
Ive organized and grouped the photos and comments for our DC trip into a few posts. There are quite a few photos to see and they are all really good posts. But if you do not have enough time now - go and see the one on Arlington National Cemetery and come back another time for the others. Arlington was the most amazing of all the things in DC. The posts below are ordered as:
1. Capitol Building
2. Washington and Lincoln Memorial
3. Other buildings and some house that was white
4. People and things
5. Washington DC Temple
6. Arlington National Cemetery
Also if you scroll down and do not see the last couple of posts - either click older posts or the post on the side bar.
God Bless America!
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 3:42 PM 0 Comments
Labels: Washington DC
Capitol Building
Lyman contemplates his future on capitol hill as he eats his Sun Chips and sits under a tree.Our tour of the US Capitol Building as VIP. We had a friend who's uncle works in security there and he gave us a great tour with bonuses not on the usual tour route. Including being able to walk around the front of the Capitol building as it faces the National Mall. It was way better than the normal tour which he hooked us up to do without waiting in lines or having to reserve ahead of time.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 3:41 PM 2 Comments
Labels: Washington DC
Lincoln and Washington Monuments
These were really fun to see. I've seen them in pictures, movies, on TV - but to see them in person was something else. First thing - the walking! Oh the walking! You think you are getting closer to the Washington Monument because you can see it so well and it is so big and you keep walking and walking and walking and its like a mirage- and you think your feet will fall off before you make it there. The Capitol Building and the Lincoln Memorial are on opposite sides of the National Mall and they stand just over 2 miles apart. After making our way to the Washington Monument we walked along the Reflection Pond to the Lincoln Memorial. My feet were dying and I thought "Did they have to reflect so long? What is it they were reflecting on for so long?" Ha ha jk.This picture will give you an idea if you compare it to the one I took looking from the other direction from the Capitol towards the Lincoln Memorial of just how HUGE the Capitol Building was. The Lincoln Memorial was tiny in the other picture and the Capitol building is huge in this one.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 3:40 PM 1 Comments
Labels: Washington DC
Other Buildings and some house that was white.
We didn't get to go into many of these buildings because there is just too much stuff to look at in Washington DC. We'll just have to come back again.
The US Treasury BuildingThe Supreme Court Building
Thoughts and Impressions: The buildings all around Washington DC are some of the prettiest I've ever seen. It was nice to see such a historic city be so pleasant to visit and look at. The whole city gave me a real sense of patriotism. Every American should travel to DC - sort of like a Pilgrimage to Amerecca. (Mecca - get it!) It was defining and refining.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 3:39 PM 4 Comments
Labels: Washington DC