Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday: The Snow Bagel

Today we are thankful for the much needed Vitamin D we soaked up last week playing outside in the snow under the beautiful blue skies. The kids and Andy built a Snow Bagel. There has been very little talked of since.

We are thankful for such an adventurous Elephant in the family. Corilynn loves to play make believe with her favorite toy "Elephant." When it is time for bed, Mom and Dad get the lovely job of hunting for whatever new place Elephant went exploring. We have found him exploring Andy's underwear drawer, a tool box, a suitcase, and lost of other places. The latest episode of the Adventures of Elephant is the box to one of the kid's games. He got stuck though. Love the face Corilynn!
I am thankful that Andy decided to take this icicle outside before he shattered it.
We are thankful for the many many trees in our neighborhood. It really becomes lovely to have them when we get to see the seasons at their best here. One morning the snow was so pretty I had to go out and take some pictures.

This one below is of the pretty lake near our house, totally frozen over.
This is of one of our trees in the front yard.
This is the picture of the week. I am so thankful to live in such a beautiful neighborhood. This picture comes from the road to our house. Sometimes I like its like a fairytale.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ruby Big Girl

Ruby you are growing so well! You have reached 2 months (and a bit) and there is so much that you have learned. You have learned to sleep really well at night (waking up only twice usually) and you have learned how NOT to sleep well during the day. When you don't sleep well you get pretty grumpy and want to be snuggled a lot. You are such a good smiley girl now and when you get just the right kind of tickle you will giggle too! Your mother loves to make you laugh. Your Dad spoils you by snuggling you extra long before putting you in your bed to sleep. You are so loved by your family. Lyman cannot wait to go into get you when you wake up in the morning and wishes to hold you as often as he can. Your sister Corilynn cannot wait until you are big enough to sleep in her room in the crib.

So here is how much you have grown:
Head Cir: 50% percentile
Length: 23.5 inches - 75% percentile. You grew 1.5 inches Ruby - Good job growing that body!
Weight: 11 lbs - 50% percentile. You are still a tiny one but maybe that is from all the wiggling you do. :)

You are finally big enough to wear the cute daisy outfit from your Aunt Donna. Look at how beautiful you look!Your hair is still brown and seems to be growing. In some spots you have over an inch of hair. You have beautiful, bright blue eyes and the most lovely toothless grin. You have taken to sucking on your hand at night so you give yourself a hickey on the back of your hand. Its the only hickey your dad will allow you to have unless you are like 40 and married.... nope - not even then.
We love our little Ruby Tiny. Keep growing that body!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Milkshake Smile

I got my first nursing smile today! I was nursing Ruby and looking down at her and I smiled. Her little busy face looked back at me and smiled the cutest little smile ever. It is this sort of thing that is my motivation for nursing. I love the quiet moments between us -especially when she is big enough to interact with me.

Official Business

I haven't posted pictures in a little while because we are waiting for our new computer to show up and our old one has gone to a better place. Unfortunately it went to a better place before we could backup the hard drive so that wasn't good. However, I do have some fun family moments to capture here so away I go.

We are potty training Corilynn and may I just say what a complete joke the saying is that girls are easier to train than boys? It's not true in our case at least. She is such a wonderful, smart little girl who is ok with all the aspects of potty training except for the number 2 issue. Well we made a break through last week and since then she has gone in the potty at least half as many times as she has had accidents. That is 50% !!! I know in school that is a failing grade but after the weeks we have spent at 0% - a 50% is pretty freakin' fabulous. I think we may be finally turning a corner.

Lyman decided there should be a 7th Star Wars movie where Luke turns to the dark side and Princess Leah becomes a Jedi. That is the scenario he and Corilynn most like to play.

I got a questionnaire in the mail from the government about one of my friends who is applying for a government job. Its pretty cool to get one of these in the mail because it sort of feels like you are a secret agent and Obama is asking you personally for your opinion. "Mr President - I feel it would be a gross misjudgement on your part if you did not hire this girl immediately. America needs her! Also, I advise you to lower your sodium intake." Even the return envelope has "Official Business" on the from address section. My knowledge is Official Business. Cool.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The good, the bad and the funny - Thankful Thursday

The Good:
Yesterday Corilynn and Ruby had a combined well child checks. It was Ruby's first one with shots. Since Andy hadn't met our new pediatrician yet (she is awesome) he came too with Lyman. It was a whole family affair. Anyway when it came time for Ruby to have her shots administered - of course she started to cry loudly. Lyman started to silently cry too because he was so sad for her to be hurt. It was the sweetest thing that he had sympathy tears for his little baby sister who he loves so much. He was a little inconsolable until we explained that the medicine she received would help her make antibodies (yes he knows what those are because he is a genius) and keep her from getting sick from some really bad germs. I am so thankful he loves his sister so much.

The Bad:
Anyone who knows me right now knows that I am dealing with a lot of stress regarding potty training Corilynn. She is wonderfully skilled at handling number 1 and stays dry most days and nights. Yahoo! However she is not so skilled yet on doing number 2 in the potty. We have tried every idea known to man. Yesterday I think I made a break through moment with her and hope that progress towards our goal is close. I am thankful that even though she may not be fully potty trained until she is like 30, I have the chance to snuggle her lots during the process as a way to ease both our frustrations. Why is potty training the most terrifying job a parent has to do?

The Funny:
Warning: the following contains the word "breast" - do not read on if you are not a fan of this.
Last night Ruby woke up to nurse 2 hrs earlier than she has done in weeks resulting in my body not fully waking up for the job. I uncovered the side that she would be nursing on that time before picking her up like I usually do (saves time and reduces her crying waiting for it) and picked her up. Somehow in my sleepiness I nursed her on the other side though. I don't remember opening up the other side to nurse her there and I didn't even realize I had done that until I was finished nursing her and realized I was SOAKED on the intended side because I was exposed the whole time. Only sleep deprivation could really make one unaware that she is not only exposing completely one breast but wet like a fish all down her side. Nice. I am thankful that I can laugh at myself after nights like last night and say "ehh" with a shrug of my shoulders.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Elastigirl- almost

Never in my life have I experienced anything so personally stretching as motherhood. Everyday I am stretched to reach the demands that are placed on me by my children, my role as a homemaker and as a wife. Sometimes I am up for the challenge, other days I feel like I am completely falling short of what is needed from me. The demands on me are tangible and real. My daily road is long and weary. I knew having children would change my body shape, my outlook on life and my ability to choose things for myself. I didn't realize when I choose to become a mother that nearly every cell in my body was being donated to the cause and that I would feel as if I did not own my body anymore. My children demand my strength, my time, my thoughts, my hips, my arms, my breasts and hands and numerous other parts of me. They don't ask please when their tiny tummies groan with hunger, they don't ask please when they push my book aside as they climb on my lap with their own for me to read, and they don't ask please when they tug at my shirt/hand/leg so that I will look down at them when they excitedly tell me they found their "Cherry Lee" my little pony. They don't even think twice about what I might want or feel when they ask me to fulfill their every need. It is truly an exhausting thing to be a mother.

Today I had one of those days where every part of me was needed or wanted by somebody in my family. Everyone had their need and everyone had it filled. I was exhausted and worn - emotionally raw and mentally limited. I was frustrated that I didn't own my body anymore and that I couldn't do anything about it. After an emotional meltdown with a friend I was reminded that at one time the demands on Christ's body were great and that everyone who ever lived or ever would live had a demand on his body equalling great drops of blood from everyone of his pores. He willingly let others receive from Him what they could not do for themselves. He gave what was required of Him because He loved those he served.

It was a refining moment in my life as mother. Probably wont be the last time something like this happens and probably wont be the last time I need to be reminded of this great sacrifice that was done for me. I realized Christ knows all of my pains and sorrows and burdens and suffering achy parts. He knows what it feels like to have to sacrifice so much of yourself for the benefit of someone who cannot and may never understand or appreciate that sacrifice. He knows my tired road. Unlike Christ, I have not suffered all and my burdens are not as great. He gave without thought and out of love. His infinite example has once again strengthened me and given me what I so desperately needed. I layed my burdens at His feet today as I have many times before and saw in myself the eyes of my children as they look towards me for their strength.

Motherhood has given me the chance to give much of myself to my kids. I give them my hips, arms, breasts, strength, love, heart, smiles, hugs and numerous other parts of me. I have learned from a greater example that love governs my actions even if sometimes I don't feel like it does. I'm not anywhere near perfect - thank goodness for that- but I am perfectly aware that I am not in this alone.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Andy just came home from work and I realized two things at once: 1) it was Thursday and 2) I havent done my Thankful Thursday post. Its the one consistancy I have in this blog and I enjoy it. I am trying to not miss a Thursday in 2010. Since Andy is home and since I forgot - I thought I would put him on the blog (his debut blog post everyone - make sure to encourage him) to write this week's Thankful Thursday.

I'm thankful this week for the snow. It makes driving my little corolla feel like a race car because I can spin the wheels like I have way more power than I do, and then the speedometer goes from zero to 40 mph in about half a second. I can also slide the car around corners like an 80's action movie car chase, and do what I like to call "rally driving in slow motion".
On the other hand, I'm grateful I don't live somewhere where there is too much snow. On the radio today they read a letter from a listener who remembers having outhouses with an upper and lower level. When the snow got thick in winter and covered the lower level, you just use the upstairs instead. I am also grateful I don't have to use an outhouse in this weather, or at all, and that we don't use the SEARS catalog for you-know-what.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Mama Says...

"Once you loose your sanity, you don't miss it." Well it seems that statement is true in our house this week. We have had so much fun and laughs at the kids' expense that having three kids is really like running an institution. Enjoy with us some of the things we have smiled about this week.

First, Corilynn dresses herself now. She loves surprising us and pronouncing "wahlah!" when she is finished. Today she picked this winner out and even though it was horribly mismatched I couldn't make her change even with all the vanity I have because she was just so proud of herself. (Notice the band aid on the forehead - that is what you get when you pretend to be a superhero and jump off the couch -big no no- and don't end up flying but instead end up connecting with the corner of the lamp table.)

The house was a disaster and my neighbor came over for a few minutes which inspired me to get some motivation to tackle the horrible mess. I cleaned the whole house and had time afterwards since I was feeling all 50s housewifey and good about myself to make a roast chicken for dinner. I looked up some good herb ideas and went at it. It looked so beautiful as you can see below - too bad I didn't even know I roasted it UPSIDE DOWN. My husband told me when he got home that it was breast down which caused me to laugh at my pride over my beautiful roast chicken. It was funny but embarrassing since one of my close friends is the one and only "Spiteful Chef" and would probably be mortified at my goof.
Lyman just cannot get enough of his little baby sister Ruby. He will do anything I want him to if he can just hold Ruby as payment. We are working on reminding him that it is important to be a nice brother to BOTH his sisters.

Corilynn cried out to us for help the other day and we came running to find this situation below. Of course because we are the loving and caring parents that we are, we insisted on taking a picture before assisting our daughter out of her handcuffs.
Friday night I took myself on a date. It had been ages since I had left the house without the kids or my husband or both. I decided I needed a little me time and so I took myself on a date. Ruby of course had to come but she is doesn't count because she slept the whole time. I ran a few errands, went to the bookstore to look around and sit and read (uninterrupted!!) and then since things were going so well - I asked myself out to dinner and had a lovely dinner and dessert. When I got home it was snowing pretty bad so the only polite thing to do was to invite myself inside. :) It was a lovely and refreshing date and I recommend taking yourself on dates regularly.
The next morning we woke up to 15 inches of snow and beautiful blue skies. I couldn't believe my eyes because except for some purple mountain Majesties and some decent Mexican food I could have almost thought I was back in Colorado.
It has been a long time since I remember having 15 inches come down in one night. It was the biggest snow Andy or the kids have ever had and so they spent most of the day outside playing in it.
Both kids came in burping from all the snow they ate (I know I did this as a kid but I cant seem to convince them how gross that is.) Luckily they understand never to taste the yellow snow.
After almost 4 hours outside shoveling, Andy was able to come inside and drink some hot chocolate. He had to take this picture to document his long and hard hours of work.
Lyman and Andy took some time last week to visit the lake nearby. It is frozen over and so they had fun walking all around on the water. My boys walk on water. Yeah! Here is a picture of the huge wasp nest they found on a tree near the shore.
Lyman walking on water. He has such strong faith. :)
Ohhh and we invested in some new computers (a laptop and a new desktop). Now we can each be on the computer when we need or want to be. Also sadly it was a much needed investment because our old desktop (Happy Macky) was near his end and literally groaned every time he had to think too hard. Our new laptop came this week and we have named her Betsy. Still looking for a name for the desktop. I like Murphey but the jury is still out on that one.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that today Corilynn has only had 1 accident so far. It is after 4 PM which means this is a huge thing to be thankful for. Considering how yesterday went as well, this is a very big step for us. I am thankful for friends who let me unload on them all my frustrations about the entire infuriating, exhausting and emotionally overloading experience that is potty training.

I am thankful that next week we will receive our new computer and laptop in the mail. I cant wait to have a computer that doesn't literally moan when I use it. I will be thankful not to have to worry that the computer is going to crash and loose all our important pictures and documents.

I am thankful that tomorrow Andy is off work and I can have someone else running to the potty with Corilynn every 30 minutes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pittsburgh Shenanigans

Here are the rest of the photos of our adventure to Pittsburgh with friends that we took on Saturday. We went with some friends from church - the Vaughns. We ate at Primanti Bros. featured on Man Vs Food on the Travel Channel. It was good food. I was worried about the combination of having Cole slaw and french fries in my sandwich but it was really tasty. Both Andy and I had the Sirloin Steak and Cheese sandwiches. Andy asked the waitress what the number #1 seller was since one of the sandwiches on the menu said "our number 2 seller" and she said "beer." I guess it caught him off guard cause he was expecting a food item so he thought it was funny.
Around the corner from the sandwich shop in downtown Pittsburgh we found an ice skating rink and since it was so picturesque and since Ive never ice skated in the middle of the city before (which just seemed so cool and movie-ish) we decided to do it as a family.

The kids were actually really pretty good at the skating. Corilynn was more coordinated than Lyman but that could also be because she wasn't as scared of falling since we held her tight. Of course we had to help both of them most of the time until they were cold enough to want to stay inside with Megumi who didn't want to skate.
Ruby skated in her mind and eventually in her dreams as she dozed cozily in her car seat the whole time.

We got to skate for a while together without the kids after they got too cold.

Afterwards we all got hot chocolate and went home good and tired.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Singing Time

This is a song we like to sing in our house to Ruby. Picture these lyrics to the Scooby Doo song.

Ruby dooby doo
Mama loves you
Mama loves a tiny baby

Ruby dooby doo
Daddy loves you
Daddy loves a tiny baby

Ruby dooby doo
Lyman loves you
Lyman loves a tiny baby

Ruby dooby doo
Corilynn loves you
Corilynn loves a tiny baby.

Also here is Ruby looking lovely in the dress her Mama used to wear when she was a baby.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Why we are the coolest parents in the world...

It is a scientific fact that children are 42.3 % monkey by nature (and not in a Darwin's theory of evolution way). They love to climb up, jump on or swing from anything they can. I remember being a child once (its true) and making all kinds of make shift swings out of the furniture at home - including but not limited to the bunk beds. So when we were in Pittsburgh this weekend as a family (more pictures and adventures to come) we stopped at IKEA to get the kids this fun little item to adorn their basement playroom. It is a swing you hang from the ceiling and it was only $29.99. I love this picture because if you look closely Corilynn is laughing so hard she has tears in her eyes.
Daddy put it up after they went to bed and so they had such a fun surprise waiting for them in the morning.
You can see Corilynn's monkey hair coming to full stature in the swing.
We are SOOO the coolest parents in the world. I mean you cant beat a swing INSIDE the house.

However, if you install a swing in your house - remember to take a minute to look at this picture because just after we took this picture we learned NOT to jump out of the swing because then laws of physics come into full force with the swing pushing back and your head pushing forward onto the floor.
The best part is that when the kids go to bed the swing (which has a weight capacity of 220 lbs) is available to help the parents to remember the good old days of their childhood.