This is my 146th post for the year and looking back - that is a lot of blogging. I think I wont do another blog until next year. :) Seeing as next year starts tomorrow and 2009 is coming to a close I think I will do a Thankful Thursday year in review.
Here are the things we were thankful for this year:
My family, my 12 siblings and my parents.
The atonement of Jesus Christ, the mistakes I make as mother, and how God has helped me be better.
Answered prayers, funny kids, date night with the hubby and power pump exercise class.
Handsome husband, Corilynn's squeezie hugs, Lyman's 4 yr old logic, rubber dish gloves, automatic mini van doors, my health, and dishwashers.
Yummy salads, the way things look greener in the rain, 2000+ min I spend on the phone with sisters, and king sized beds.
Beautiful Ohio scenery, and my porch swing.
My new treadmill!
The good blessings Ive received, and lucky in marriage.
A nutty, orphan haired little girl named Corilynn, her crazy matted morning hair and the robin's nest outside our window.
Romantic love - Andy takes care of me when I am sick, Friendship love - A friend of mine came over and totally cleaned my "trailer trash tornado scene" mess of a house because I was too sick to do it myself, Godly love - reminded that God loves me and is aware of me and that when I feel really low "Sunday will come" - when Christ died on the Friday it was the lowest the world had been but Sunday came and he rose again redeeming us all from everlasting death.
My parents and their good parenting. stable home environment, and teaching me the value of keeping close to family.
Beautiful 70 degree weather and happy kids made exhausted by a good day at the park.
My garden and getting to 12 weeks pregnant and able to announce a healthy pregnancy.
The new little tiny coming to our lives due December 3rd.
Live near the Goodyear blimp, Ohio is so green, swimming lessons, cute things the kids say.
Priesthood blessings.
My mommy in law who came to help this week.
Thankful to be alive considering all this nausea.
My garden and the bountiful veggies coming forth from it.
Lyman's imagination, rain, Andrew puts up with my crazy pregnancy hormones, Corilynn's baby voice, not gaining a lot with the pregnancy, 3 day weekend, my sister Nancy's example, veggies, and belly bands.
20 week ultrasound and a healthy, happy baby inside.
Chipotle burritos and how they fill my soul when I am pregnant.
Pregnancy nausea is dwindling, and our Disney vacation.
A clean house, a kind comment from a friend, and pregnancy humor.
A quiet, peaceful evening with my hubby.
My son, and being able to teach him about prayer and being thankful.
Reaching 23 week milestone, and that hair grows back even when you are 4 and cut your own hair.
Andy did the dishes, pastrami and cream cheese bagels, and sisters coming out for the birth.
Classic literature.
Andy can take time off to help with the kids when I have to take yucky glucose test again, and friends.
Lyman is helpful, the baby in Corilynn's tummy, and the fact that I have good kids.
Make believe and magic, and fun things together as a family.
The baby is no longer breech but is head down!
Beautiful Ohio in the fall.
Andy put the crib up and things are getting closer to the end.
Funny things the kids do and say.
Thankful to still be pregnant with healthy baby.
Calming spirit of priesthood blessings.
Having someone to talk to about worries and stresses - Andy.
Hypnobirthing and having only 4 weeks left.
Excited kids on Christmas day, snow and great gifts from family.
Quiet nights alone with my baby girl.
Non-stress test and ultrasound show healthy baby, and a fun week with sister.
Made it to my due date, decorating for Christmas.
and today - I am thankful for the happy weight blasting miracle that is birth. Down 25 pounds in 3 weeks!!! The best part is - I only gained 20 pounds with this pregnancy.
We have had a great year to be thankful for and are looking forward to many more things to blog about next year. Happy New Year people!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 5:56 PM 2 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Thanks
Happy thanks for the first snowfall of the season to arrive just before Christmas.

Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 5:24 PM 2 Comments
Labels: Baby, Groans and Giggles, Kiddos
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Oh say can you see...the doctor.
In Ohio the pediatric doctors want to see your baby at 2-3 days old. This was really new for me since I was used to the 2 week visit being the soonest after birth that the baby was seen by the doctor unless there was some other reason like jaundice to consider. With the other kids the most important thing at the 2 week appointment was to see that they had regained back their birth weight- Since they typically loose anywhere from 8-10 or more ounces in the hospital because breast milk is not instantaneously ready for them for a few days.
So when Ruby was born I followed directions and scheduled an appointment for her when she was 4 days old. Having to get her bundled up and out in the cold to the doctor's office (where I believe is probably more likely to carry germs than my house) seemed stupid. Not only that but it was really hard on me when I was recovering from birth as well. That evening I was so tired and worn out that I literally needed help getting up the stairs to my bedroom that evening to go to bed. So all in all the trip to the doctor seemed really stupid to me. Not only that but when we got there for it - the only important evaluation they did on her was to check her weight. She was 4 oz lower than her birth weight and my milk was just in a day before. Because she was not back at her birth weight they wanted me to schedule a weight check for a week out.
First off, no baby is back at their birth weight 4 days after their birth. That is why they give you 2 weeks to get it up before they start to worry. But I scheduled the appointment and came in today to take her to it. She of course did gain back her birth weight (and then some- the girl has packed on 7 more ounces above it already). I didn't expect though that I would be billed for the appointment. My insurance does not charge me anything for well baby check ups. So the appointment at 4 days old was free. Today's "weight check" was not free and I had to pay my $20 copay. I was thinking - since like 99.9% of babies are not at their birth weight by 2-3 days old and if they schedule weight checks for all of these babies then the office is getting a big fat copay check from each of the newborns they see. I asked why they don't just wait and see the babies when they are 1.5-2 weeks old and they just said they like to keep track of the babies this way.
Other than the happy fact that my little girl is chubbing up nicely, I was pretty upset about the needless doctor's appointment. Now that I know I think I wont bother to schedule an appointment with the next one until they are almost 2 weeks old. This is what is wrong with health care now - its not about the patients health but the money behind it.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 2:18 PM 2 Comments
Labels: Baby
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for the different kind of silence I hear in the middle of the night when the room is dark and I am alone with my new beautiful girl. The different kind of silence that is marked by quiet swallows of milk as my arms are wrapped around a tiny body. The different kind of silence that has tiny heaves of little lungs as my little girl snuggles into my chest while I burp her milk drunk body. And the different kind of silence that is there as I look down in the near pitch darkness at a perfect face peacefully sleeping in the small of my neck.The nights are long but little moments of silence make them still some how restful.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 12:30 PM 5 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Welcome Ruby Evelyn!
Ruby Evelyn Mackrory (Baby Tiny) - The whole story!

Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 4:28 PM 16 Comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thankful Thursday?
I cannot believe I am here still pregnant writing a Thankful Thursday. This was supposed to be my yippee skippee I am not pregnant thankful post. Well I guess there are a few things I can say that I am thankful for with this pregnancy despite the fact that it is still going on.
Today I had to have a non-stress test for the baby where they watch the baby's heart rate as it is resting and while it moves to make sure its heartbeat goes up if it moves. Apparently this tells them whether the baby is still happy inside there despite apparently metaphorically setting down roots and building a summer home. During my test the baby happily played kick the monitor and his/her heart rate behaved appropriately for the activity. So that was good. At least the baby is happy to be inside me still.
Then I had to have an ultrasound to see if there was enough amniotic fluid in there. Sometimes when you are past your due date you can have less fluid in there which can be bad for the baby too. During the ultrasound the technician found that I had plenty of water which was a good thing. She also measured the baby to give an estimate of size. Though she couldn't get what she called "good" measurements on a few places and had to guess with the shots she got. The computer calculated a 9 lb 4 oz baby!!!! Holy Moly! When she saw the calculation she and I both didn't believe it. For one thing, Corilynn was 9 lb 1oz and she felt much bigger than this one. This one just does not feel that big and still moves so much more like it has a lot of space in there. She didn't believe the calculation either and said it could be off by as much as 2 lbs. Plus when you combine the lots of fluid assessment and the big baby assessment it would mean my abdomen would be the size of Pluto and it is not and I am not measuring big so nobody is taking the assessment too seriously except to confirm the baby has enough fluid.
So I am grateful that today's tests did not make anyone want to threaten an induction for me. I just don't feel right about it and if the baby is happy and I am healthy then I don't feel the need to push things along artificially. Of course "Operation Home Induction" is still underway and we will keep doing the natural induction practices we can so that we can encourage labor to start on its own.
I am grateful for the fun week I had with my sister Betsy. She had to go home today - babyless. It was really sad for both of us. Going this over due was just not how it was supposed to be. We did have some great talks and fun times together though. I know I did everything in my power and good conscience to encourage the baby to come before she left so the fact that he/she did not just means it wasn't the right time.
I am grateful though that I might not be totally sisterless when I have this baby as my other sister, Donna, flies into town tonight. If I can have the baby before Monday morning then she will be able to be there instead. Please let me have this baby before Monday!!! I don't need to be a billion days overdue.
One last note - while Betsy was here we conducted a survey of my 8 sisters and how their deliveries went with regards to early, on time, late and if they were induced in anyway medically. Of all my sisters there were two that could have gone full term or beyond like me if they were not induced a few days early but we will never know. So as it stands, I am the only one that has consistently gone past my due date. We also asked my mom about her 13 deliveries. And we found the problem. My mom delivered all her babies without induction and they all came anywhere from 2 weeks early to a few days early with exception to two of her kids. Betsy and I. So we were bad influences on each other this week. That is why I am overdue - because she and I were the only ones to come late and we both arrived 8 days late. Tomorrow marks 8 days late for me - will history repeat itself?
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 3:54 PM 3 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dont swallow watermelon seeds or you will grow a watermelon inside
Still pregnant. I woke up this morning early at like 1 and needing a snack so I went downstairs to get one and hoped that I could get contractions to start since I was sitting up but I got nothing. So of course I was a bit frustrated and was praying and the only thought/impression I got was that I should go to bed. Which of course wasn't what I was hoping for. But I went to bed and got another several hours of good sleep. So despite the unproductive (labor wise) night, I got a good sleep which I am thankful for. I woke up this morning and had a good cry (emotional breakdown) to Andrew about it all. It felt good just to vent a little. And of course afterwards when I had gotten it all out of my system I could feel the spirit calm mine and I started to see all the things I could be thankful for about these last few days - the tender moments with Andy, the good conversations with my sister, the feelings of love I had for my already born children (at least they had the good sense to come out -jk) etc.
So my strategy for today is to ignore the fact that every day since Friday I have had a day full of regular contractions that amounted to nothing in the end. I am going to play reverse Psychology on the baby and pretend I don't care if I stay pregnant forever. Maybe that will work. :) But at least I am consistent - Lyman DD +2, Corilynn DD +3, and baby #3 DD +4 or more. This goes against my grain a little. I'm pretty sure I don't enjoy being pregnant and that my body doesn't either but apparently I am wrong. My body is holding on to dear life to this one. I'm in a better place now than I was a few hours ago about it all so that is a blessing. We will keep this updated as to when (and if) this baby decides to grace us with his/her presence.
Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 6:55 AM 2 Comments
Labels: Groans and Giggles, Kiddos, Thoughts
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thankful Thursday!
Phew! Thankful Thursday is today and I have a long list of things to be thankful for that I wanted to mention. Of course I have to start with the most obvious one to me - Today is my due date! I have made it to the end of the pregnancy and now every day I spend pregnant feels like I'm pushing the envelope just a little more. Despite the incoherent thoughts I sometimes have about maybe being pregnant forever, it feels like nothing can stop me now. Labor and birth are the most special and precious moments I have had in this life so far. It is the beginning of what "makes it all worth it." My most favorite daydream right now is holding my baby (with a head of dark hair- a girl can dream right?) tightly against my chest listening to the contented gulp gulping of him/her nursing and watching the drunken ecstasy in their eyes as they roll back and forth into their head enjoying nature's milkshake. I love that feeling- I always feel like such a good cook whenever my babies have nursed to a contented slumber with sloshy milk bellies.

Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 12:01 PM 1 Comments
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Corilynn!
Happy Birthday to our Princess Corilynn Olivia! It just doesn't seem like its been 3 years already since she has come to our family. We are so happy to have her and love to see the tender personality that she has. Here are a few things that we love about Corilynn.Lyman: "I love that she plays with me. I love that she plays superheros with me"

Posted by KaraLynne and Andy at 7:55 AM 4 Comments
Labels: Kiddos