Happy Birthday Lyman! Today is Lyman's birthday capping off a great weekend of festivities.
Presenting Interview With a 5 Year Old
What day is it today? "I don't know. Oh my birthday!"
What happened to you on this day 5 yrs ago? "We went to Disney World, right?" "Oh I was in your tummy and then I came out and then I grew this big and now I am five."
What is the coolest thing about being 5 yrs old? "It takes the whole hand." (when you show how old you are)
What do you want to be able to do this year? "Well am I stronger now? Cause when you are five you are stronger from being four."
What are you going to miss about being 4 yrs old? "I don't know cause in the list in my brain there is zero" (ideas)
What is your favorite color? "Blue"
What is your favorite movie? "Indiana Jones"
What is your favorite thing to eat? "Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches"
Who is your best friend? "Bowen"
What do you like to do the most? "Do five year old stuff now. Like being a big boy."
What do you want to tell the world about being five? "The world cant hear me, it doesn't have any ears."
At Lyman's Costume Birthday Party we had a fun time doing our "Costume Parade" up the street a few houses and back. Lyman leads the pack in his Hulk costume.
Then each kid got to color and design their own superhero cape to take home with fabric markers. Yes I did sew 17 superhero capes and yes it did take a long time.
Lyman had a big group of friends at his birthday party. The guest list included: an athlete, a ninja, a fairy, an angel, Tinkerbell, Superman, a train operator, a construction manager, Madeline, a jockey, and a Power Ranger.
Lyman gets to blow out 5 candles on his cupcake cake. Who knows what he wished for.
Commentary from Mom: Lyman loves to play make believe dress up. His favorite characters are a doctor's outfit, Indiana Jones, Luke Sky walker, the Hulk, Transformers and Pirate. He loves going to preschool and will write me love notes for me to find in his backpack afterwards - "I love Mom, From Lyman". Lyman loves to do math problems. He is good at adding single digits up to 10, but especially likes doing subtraction cause "they are harder". Sometimes he can do multiplication on smaller numbers. He can write and recognize all his letters and can read some words. He will ask how to spell any word he doesn't know. He loves to play with his dad as soon as he is home from work and their favorite activities are soccer, light sabers (glow sticks with the lights off), and Indiana Jones with his father - Dr. Jones. Lyman 100% loves to play with his sister and mostly because she will play anything he wants to do. He likes to dress her up as a pirate or Indian. She usually plays the bad guy in their schemes. In the morning he has taken to greeting her like Mom does with a "Good morning, Baby Girl!." With his mom, Lyman is always the gentleman. He loves to open the doors, reach things that are low, hold her hand, snuggle her and give her spontaneous hugs. He also will do almost any little errand around the house for her if she asks including gathering and bringing down the laundry from upstairs. He always compliments her and tells her that she is pretty.
We couldn't imagine life without Lyman and cant believe it has already been 5 yrs since he joined our family. Happy Birthday Lyman, we love you!