Monday, August 31, 2009

Prince of Peace

Corilynn loves to play princesses and princes. She often pretends she is a princess and we have to call her Princess Corilynn when she is playing one. She even has a princess dress pajamas and whenever those are clean she is so excited to get to wear them. So it didn't surprise us that when we were teaching her about the different names Jesus is called by she would pick up on and remember that Jesus is the "Prince of Peace." She seemed very happy to learn that Jesus was a prince. Oh well - I suppose that everyone has to have a personal relationship with Christ and its probably different for everyone. :) It looks like Corilynn's infantile relationship revolves around the fact that He is a prince.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for clean houses. My house is almost never clean and when it is clean it does not last long. With the pregnancy the house even more rarely gets a deep clean. The last two days I have been feeling better and combined with the fact that we are hosting a party on Friday for some friends that are moving soon - the perfect storm could arise and make it possible for all the elements in the earth to align and my house could get a deep clean. I started with the half bath. I am embarrassed to say it but it was nasty. You know it is time to clean the bathroom bad when the white porcelain of the toilet is starting to look more yellow than white. And thanks to Lyman even the outside of the toilet was changing colors. The sad thing is that I clean the toilet pretty often and it only lasts 3 days or so before it is gross again. Everything in there now is sparkling white and shiny and smelling like chemicals.

Yesterday we also attacked the downstairs playroom. The kids had pretty much destroyed all sense of order down there and it was time to dump out buckets and reorganize the toys. I am thankful today that Andy was home and could help with that huge task. We took before and after pictures of that one but looking at the pictures I am sad to say that the before picture isn't as bad as it has been in the past. You will notice though on the after picture that cleaning the basement was quite a good idea because we found our kids again in the process.



Today I attacked the kitchen (well to be honest I started on the kitchen yesterday- it was bad enough it needed two days) Now the floors are all clean of sticky junk from under the kids chairs, the stove is shiny and bright and smelling like oven cleaner and the counter tops are completely empty of anything. I did every dish in the house and I am currently without a dirty dish. YEAH!

I am thankful for a comment I recieved yesterday at the park. A lady from church heard me say something about the pregnancy and said "oh good, I was wondering if you were pregnant but I didnt want to ask". She had just relialized I was pregnant and I was in shock. I looked at her and then I looked at my ever impressive girth and then I looked at her again! I told her it was nice to have people "wonder" if I was pregnant because I was feeling pretty huge and its pretty obvious that I am pregnant with the size of my mid-section. I have never gotten a "wonder if you were pregnant" statement at 26 weeks before. I should post a picture of my belly so you can see how totally impressive a comment like that would have been to me considering what I really look like. I am actually wondering if she might have depth perception problems - cause I am totally sticking out there.

I am also thankful today for the good laugh I had when I opened my weekly email from the pregnancy website and saw the diagram of the woman's profile that shows the baby inside and her hand on the small of her back. I laughed at how even in the drawing they made sure to pose the woman in the typical Hollywood version of pregnant women - hunched back with their hands on their backs. Also I was pleasantly surprised to see that I have reached the "less than 100" days left of my pregnancy point! YEAH! 100 days might sound like a lot to those of you not pregnant but to a pregnant woman that sounds like heaven is in my reach because when you start the pregnancy with the middle 200s you feel like death might come sooner than that baby.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Dr. Is Not In

Unbelievable! Yesterday I had a Dr. Appt that was just that - Unbelievable!

Throughout this pregnancy I am supposed to see a endocrinologist along with my regular OB appointments due to my lovely thyroid deficiency situation. The prescribed plan is to see the Endo Dr every other month and get my blood drawn at my OB appts every month with the results forwarded to the Endo Dr. This way I am monitored closely for my thyroid levels throughout the pregnancy. My Endo Dr calls on the off months to tell me either to change my dose up or down depending on the blood results or to keep it the same because the hormones are where they should be. With exception to probably the first three months of the pregnancy the hormones have been where they need to be and I haven't had to change my dosage of thyroid hormone.

That was the prescribed plan: this is what I have experienced throughout this plan. Everything has happened as mentioned above only every time I go to the Endo Dr I end up waiting in the waiting room for a minimum of 30 minutes past my appointment time before I get called back to see the Dr. When I see the Dr it is usually for about 20 minutes and consists entirely of a report on my blood (in person but the same as I get on the phone each off month) and a few taps on the knees and joints for reflexes and of course a rudimentary hand search of my neck glands to make sure my thyroid gland is apparently still there or something. I cant get a babysitter for these appointments most times because I have no idea how long I might be because it always takes FOREVER to get to be seen by the Dr.

Once in the past they called me to see if I might be able to come in for an earlier appointment (about 45 min. earlier than my current appointment time) and because I was flexible that day with my schedule I agreed and came in about 55 minutes early (10 minutes before my new appointment time). I ended up waiting to see the Dr until 20 minutes PAST the original appointment time before I was even called back and it wasn't until I went up to the receptionist and complained that I had now come in early at their request but still waited over an hour for my appointment. Whah lah! Miraculously the Dr was ready to see me then. Right!

Yesterday I came for my appointment at 11:30. I always get there about 5-10 minutes early to an appointment. I had my kids in toe because I had numerous errands afterwards that I needed them for and so I figured even if I had to wait the usual 30 min after my appointment time to see the Dr finally then at least I could save time by not having to go drive somewhere out of the way to pick them up at a babysitters. At over the hour mark after my appointment time I decided it was time to make sure somebody noticed I was still there waiting. I went up to the receptionist again and this time requested to see the office manager because I had now waited over an hour for my appointment and still had not been called back or even notified that the Dr was running behind and that she would be late getting to me (isn't this common courtesy?).

When the office manager called me back to her office to talk to me I had two totally burned out of their good behavior children and all she could say to me was "sorry" but the Dr is running behind today. I told her that I was frustrated because I have always been called in late and that I was expected to be on time but apparently I did not deserve similar treatment in the reverse. I asked if any of the other Drs at the office were always late. I got an answer that one was a bit better, one was worse. Basically there was no solution and that I should talk to the Dr about my feelings. Irritated but resigned I turned to leave the office and she informs me that they are ready for me now cause apparently I was "next in line" (wow I thought I should have been next in line at 11:30 and not at 12:45. So the nurse took me to my room, did the blood pressure routine, asked about medicines etc. I had cooled a bit and was feeling sorry for chewing out the staff of the office when if it was the Dr running behind then it probably had little to do with them.

So I apologized to the nurse and said that I was sorry to have taken my frustration out on her and her staff about the tardiness and that I was just at a loss for what to do because I had never ever had to wait that long at a Drs office past my appointment time. She informed me that the Dr's priority was her patients feelings and that I should express these feelings to the Dr so that hopefully something could be resolved.

Moments later the Dr came in and obviously already informed that her next patient was less than happy with her she came in on the defensive and the moment I started to express to her in a polite tone how frustrated I was about the reoccurring tardy tradition I was experiencing at her office she jumped at me about how she was running behind and that that was explanation and justification enough. She also informed me that I shouldn't get so upset about having to wait so long because she "saw sicker patients" than me and that several of them were "elderly" and required help since they came alone. Holding my tongue as best I could I told her that I felt that maybe the solution here could be that I just get phone call results when my blood looks good like we do in other months and that I should only have to come in if the blood results come back bad. Reasonable right? Nope, cause she said she "cant charge the insurance for phone consults." Ahh pardon me for cutting into your paycheck by proposing a solution to your overbooked schedule and my less than severe level of sickness and age.

I then asked for her if at least in the future the front desk could inform me that she was running behind so that I don't sit in the waiting room wondering if someone forgot to inform a nurse I was there. A little notice as to the situation would have helped a long way towards my ability to have patience in the situation. She told me that even that was impossible because a lot of time the front desk does not know how things are going in the back. Are you kidding me? It is impossible to inform the front desk, "Dr. ___ is running a bit behind would you please inform the patients she has that are checked in that they may be called back later than expected." This way if some have no flexibility in their schedule to wait they can reschedule and hopefully help the with the over jammed Dr's schedule a bit.

My Dr's only solution for me was to ask for an appointment time first thing in the morning because she was "never behind" first thing in the morning. Thank you for your compassion and consideration of how you wasted my time Dr. So in the end I went to schedule my next appointment for mid November. Oh well the Dr is only in town one day a week throughout all of November so the earliest I could get was a 10:15 in the morning. Right smack in the middle of Lyman's preschool time which means if I got in on time then I should have plenty of time to go pick him up before preschool is over but if I have to wait an hour then I would have no time. Guess I need to plan on having someone else pick him up that day. Longest of days long, I was late to every errand I had to do after that and Lyman was 20 minutes late to a birthday party that afternoon because of it.

At what point does trying to have charity towards your fellow men mean you have to be walked all over?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Favorite

Below is one of my favorite poems by James Montgomery - it is also a familiar song I grew up singing at church and one that I have never heard my Dad sing without tears in his eyes and his voice breaking with emotion. It also touches my heart.

A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
James Montgomery, b.1771 - d.1854

A poor wayfaring Man of grief
Hath often crossed me on my way,
Who sued so humbly for relief
That I could never answer nay.
I had not power to ask his name,
Whereto he went, or whence he came;
Yet there was something in his eye
That won my love; I knew not why.

Once, when my scanty meal was spread,
He entered; not a word he spake,
Just perishing for want of bread.
I gave him all; he blessed it, brake,
And ate, but gave me part again.
Mine was an angel’s portion then,
For while I fed with eager haste,
The crust was manna to my taste.

I spied him where a fountain burst
Clear from the rock; his strength was gone.
The heedless water mocked his thirst;
He heard it, saw it hurrying on.
I ran and raised the suff’rer up;
Thrice from the stream he drained my cup,
Dipped and returned it running o’er;
I drank and never thirsted more.

’Twas night; the floods were out; it blew
A winter hurricane aloof.
I heard his voice abroad and flew
To bid him welcome to my roof.
I warmed and clothed and cheered my guest
And laid him on my couch to rest;
Then made the earth my bed, and seemed
In Eden’s garden while I dreamed.

Stripped, wounded, beaten nigh to death,
I found him by the highway side.
I roused his pulse, brought back his breath,
Revived his spirit, and supplied
Wine, oil, refreshment—he was healed.
I had myself a wound concealed,
But from that hour forgot the smart,
And peace bound up my broken heart.

In pris’n I saw him next, condemned
To meet a traitor’s doom at morn.
The tide of lying tongues I stemmed,
And honored him ’mid shame and scorn.
My friendship’s utmost zeal to try,
He asked if I for him would die.
The flesh was weak; my blood ran chill,
But my free spirit cried, “I will!”

Then in a moment to my view
The stranger started from disguise.
The tokens in His hands I knew;
The Savior stood before mine eyes.
He spake, and my poor name He named,
“Of Me thou hast not been ashamed.
These deeds shall thy memorial be;
Fear not, thou didst them unto Me.”

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for the peaceful evening I got to enjoy with my husband last night. We sat on the porch swing while he read a book and I snuggled into him. The kids played on the swing set behind us and the breeze was lovely. Hmmm... I love him.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oh baby, baby!

My little mystery child is now 25 weeks and has an increased survival rate of 50-80% if born now! Yippee - and as much as I would like to have full control of my hips again without feeling like they are going to drop my legs out of their sockets - I am glad that the baby is inside and not testing that survival rate. Also the baby should be about 9 inches measured crown to rump and a whole 2 lbs!!

On a side note, we have decided on a name that doesn't require us to know the gender beforehand. We will just name the baby "Another" - that way when we sign our greeting cards it can say "With love, Andrew, KaraLynne, Lyman, Corilynn and Another Mackrory." What do you think?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Andy is home!

Last night Andy got home from his first business trip. They sent him to Denmark and so when he got home he was pushing 24 hrs of awake time and was a walking zombie carrying lots of delicious chocolate for me and the kids.

I am so glad to have him back home. We missed him all week but I never could really realize the gap he left in our family until it was filled again. The kids were so excited to see him they made him a lovely welcome home sign and were nearly bouncing through the airport ceiling when they saw him. He took lots of pictures of the beautiful city of Copenhagen which we will post later in the week as we sort through them. Enough for now, I have a husband to hug on and chocolate that needs eating...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today's Thankful Thursday must be dedicated to my son. I am thankful to get to be his mother and to be charged with the job of raising a confident, faithful, loving, respectful and sensitive adult. I am thankful for the little teaching moment I had with him last night on the very topic of gratitude. It went a little like this:

Last night I sat with him waiting for him to say his evening prayers (he still wants us to sit by him while he prays). He started his prayer, "Dear Father in Heaven, I thank thee...." and that is where he basically stopped. And for nearly 3 minutes I heard him say things like "umm" pause "hmmm" pause etc etc. I finally got frustrated enough with him about not having anything to say that he was thankful for that I stopped him and told him that I was bothered that he could not think of one thing he was thankful for when everything we have "this room, your bed, your clothes, the food we eat, the house, the car and even the chance to get to have a lovely day at the park today was because God blessed us with these things and we need to be thankful for them" I then told him that I was going to go help Corilynn with getting to bed and when I got back he was to have thought of things he could be thankful for and we would try again with his prayers.

When I got back he started his prayer again, "Dear Father in Heaven, I thank thee for my hair, my head, my skull, my brain, my eyes, my nose, my ears, my teeth. I thank thee for my spine, my stomach and my lungs and my kidneys and my bum and my pee pee and my legs and my feet and my toes. I thank thee for my arms and my hands and even my fingers. I thank thee for my bed and my sheets and my house and my sisters (Plural?) and my dad and the trees and the park and the car and my toys. I thank thee for my movies and my cousins and my grandmas and grandpas and my bike. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen"

Hooray! My mood went from irritated with him melting to humor to deep happiness. I was nearly chuckling to myself by about halfway through the prayer with the detail about every part of his body and every little thing he could think of he would be grateful for. In the end I was so glad to have gotten to hear him express his gratitude for the things we have been blessed with. I gave him a big hug and told him how much better a prayer that was and doesn't it feel good to be thankful? He agreed. I told him when we show Heavenly Father that we are thankful for the blessings he has given us, he wants to bless us more. **CLICK** "wow, Mom! That is cool, how do you know that" - Because Lyman I am more and more blessed the more I take the time to reflect on the things God has blessed me with.

Lets all be a little more thankful!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beans, beans the magical fruit....

Yesterday I took the kids with another friend to the "Pickin' Patch". Its a local farm not far from our house where they grow all kinds of vegetables (several of which I have never seen in my life and whose name I have never heard before). Its sort of like a vegetable utopia. You get to pick your own and so I thought it might be a good outing for the kids and I.

So we drove out there and decided on a few vegetables to get and we started with Kentucky wonder green beans. The kids had so much fun picking the beans which were plentiful and easy to find. We didn't have a camera because Andy has it in Denmark. After only like 15 minutes my little migrant workers had picked nearly 4 pounds. We decided to stop there with the beans.

After that we got some green peppers at 3/$1.00 and at that price I couldn't resist getting a lot. We bought about 9 green peppers and although there were tons of other varieties of peppers there I didn't know if I would have a reason to use them in the next week or so. All in all it was a fun little activity. The best part was that in the end when we paid for our produce - the total for our spoils was only $6.10. For that price I almost wanted to go back and get more just because.

Afterwards we washed and started to take the ends off of the beans in prep for the fridge or freezer and the kids attempted to help me. Corilynn was the most useless as she just sat and ate and ate and ate the raw green beans until we were finished. So it looks like with all that fiber she may be starting a self colon cleanse here soon. Last night we delighted in lasagna for dinner with olive oil and sea salt green beans under the broiler with Parmesan cheese on top. Deliciouso!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Daddy Daughter Date

Well as promised here are some pictures of Corilynn's date with Daddy. They had a wonderful time at the local park where Corilynn got unlimited time in her favorite park attraction: the swing. She also spotted a frog near the stream. After the park Daddy took her to get smoothies.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful that I didn't do this post earlier in the day. If I had done this post earlier in the day I would not have been able to benefit from it as much as I am able to now. After the morning I have had with my kids - I have really needed a time to be forced to think on the positive and be thankful.

Firstly, I am thankful that I have reached the 23 week milestone in the pregnancy. This isn't really a big milestone but it is the first time in the pregnancy where a baby could be born and have any percentage of living outside the womb. Today my baby has a 25-50% chance of being able to live outside of me. This isn't a great percentage I know but it is more than any of the other weeks. And the amazing thing to me is that in just 4 week more the percentage jumps to over 80%. Go baby!
Secondly, I am thankful that hair does grow back.
And lastly, I am more than words can express thankful that he didn't decide to play barber with Corilynn's hair.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Weekend Update

This is your Weekend Update

Our anniversary celebration was wonderful. We ended up going to this new Japanese steakhouse in town and did the whole Hibachi grill experience where they cook and chop and throw their knives right in front of you. It was so fun and the experience was great. The food was delicious too. One cool thing was that when we got there the wait they said would be 35 plus minutes but they called us back after like 5 minutes (because they fill the whole table and there happened to be a party who was up that was two short of the whole table). It was great and still quite romantic as we got one side of the grill separated some from the rest of the party. Then we went to a few shops and rounded out the evening going to a movie.

Also this weekend we heard confirmation that Andrew is going to be going to Denmark on a business trip this next week. He leaves on the weekend and comes back 6 days later. I am going to miss him a lot especially since we probably will only be able to communicate via email. He is going to miss us too he says but he is quite excited as well. Its like his ultimate nerd field trip. He gets to travel business class which is cool for a guy who only ever gets to travel coach. Also he is staying in this hotel which just looks so charming. He is required to bring me back a souvenir - preferably a Danish nativity set.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

7 Years Together

Today is our anniversary! It never seems to get old to me how wonderfully matched Andrew and I are. Every now and then we both still discover things about the other person that seem totally tailored for us. Happy Anniversary to my Andrew, I love you and I will continue to love you every single day of this life and the next.

7 -Years happily together
6- Long years of college together
5- Thousand, one hundred and ten "I love you"s said at least (5,110 - one per day min.)
4- Different places we have lived together
3- Children added to our family
2- Incandescently and irrevocably in love people
1- house together - undivided.