Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We are home!

We just got back from our vacation in Disney World last night and although we had a "magical" time there we are very excited to finally be home and in separate bedrooms from the kids in our own spacious king sized bed. However the Magic Kingdom sent us home with two kids coming down with the beginnings of a stomach flu and the magic nausea cure I felt during our vacation seems to be worn off as this morning it was back with a vengeance. Despite all of this we are still in high spirits and glad we went. A full report to come over the next couple of days complete with pictures. Hope you all had a wonderful week too! I cant wait to catch up reading all the blogs I have missed over the last week - and shame on me - I've missed two Thankful Thursdays in a row! Today I need to take the kids to the doctor, do a lot of laundry and get some groceries so this is probably it for today! Stay tuned.....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

David and Goliath

When Andrew reads to the kids from the scriptures he likes to tell them the stories from the scriptures. He will paraphrase and translate the story in his own words to make them understandable to the kids and then read key verses word for word. The other night he was telling Lyman about the story of David and Goliath.

He started out telling him about the two groups of people. The Israelites (good guys) and the Philistines (bad guys - not sure on the spelling here but I don't care). He then told about how the bad guys had a really big giant that they were going to send to fight for them named Goliath. He told him that Goliath and the Philistines were saying rude things (meaning blasphemous etc) to the Israelites. The following conversation went much like this:

Lyman said, "rude like saying Poo"
Dad replied, "yes" hiding his smile.
Mom and Grandma hid their faces behind their books laughing because Lyman has been taught that saying rude/gross words like poo, pee and toot just for the fun of it and to be funny is not good and we say it is rude. It was also funny as we tried to imagine Goliath really saying things like "poo" and "pee" to the Israelites to upset them.

Then after a little while of composure forced on by reading a few verses verbatim, Andrew finished the story with how David slew Goliath by flinging a stone and hitting him in the forehead. It was a fun evening for all of us and Lyman learned its a good idea not to say rude things.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Not Me Monday!

I haven't done this in a while so I thought I would do a few.

I didn't stay up later than I should re-reading the first Twilight book because I wanted to relive the sparks between Edward and Bella - Not me!

I didn't agree to come 45 minutes early to my doctors appointment today when they called to ask and then sit angrily while they didn't even call me back until 40 minutes after I got there (nearly to my appointment time anyway) and only after I reminded them that I had come early because they called and now had waited the whole time - Not me!

I didn't lay worn out the rest of the afternoon with a headache and invigorated nausea after the appointment because I don't really get sick during my pregnancies - Not me!

I didn't secretly laugh and conspire against my son when after a full morning of his grumpiness I told him he would have to lay on his bed for five minutes - and I didn't wait longer than 5 minutes to get him, knowing he would probably fall asleep - I didn't then let him sleep for 3 hours enjoying the peace in my house again - Not me.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Disney World!

Yeah! In one week from today we will be in Disney World as a family. It is our family vacation for this year and the first time we will get to do something as a family for us - no event, reunion, holiday etc to visit for. None of us have been there before and we are super excited to go. My 17 yr old nephew, Micah, will be coming with us to give us a hand on the kids so that we can go on some rides bigger than the teapots.

Hopefully this pregnancy will give me some relief by then and I wont be dead for this fun trip. We are also going to go to Sea World and the Kennedy Space Museum. I am excited to get to see Sea World because I have always wanted to see some of those whales and dolphins up close.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thankful Thursday

It is late and I need to get to bed but I didn't want to forget to do a Thankful Thursday for today. I like having to contemplate what it is that I am thankful for each week. When I miss a week I feel it and I cant afford to loose some of the faith and hope I gain from having gratitude.

Today I am thankful for my mommy in law, Carolyn who came into town really late last night to come and take care of me. This pregnancy has taken a toll on me and more than ever we needed assistance just to get things going again with the house and with my health. Today she happily made short work of my filthy kitchen and laundry and living room. She was so great to have around and I can feel the strength that I am getting from getting to rest a bit more.

I don't have a lot of energy left now and if I push my day longer I will pay for it tomorrow. But I wanted to say a heartfelt moment of gratitude for the sacrifice I feel she has made for me. One more happier note to add: I think I have felt the baby move for the first time today. I cant be sure of course since I havent ever felt it this early before (I am 2 weeks earlier than I felt it with Lyman or Corilynn) but they say that happens with each pregnancy. Im not a rookie though and I know the wonderful feeling of a baby's movement and it was also a strength for me today.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Deep Thoughts

So I have been wondering at the new talents I have acquired from this pregnancy - ones I don't particularly want. Why is it that as soon as you are pregnant you can burp, hock loogies, and pass gas with the best of the Truck Drivers' Burping, Loogie Hocking, and Gas Passing Championship contenders (I'm sure this exists)? Isn't being pregnant the most exclusively feminine things in the world? And these other things are pretty much the requirements for passage into manhood? So why does pregnancy give is these great man talents - or malents as I like to call them? Actually I just made up the malents thing - hee hee hee -I'm so funny.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thankful Thursday

For Thankful Thursday I am going to write about a typical day in my body while pregnant. Afterwards you will see why I am thankful today to be alive - even if I don't feel completely sane.

Diary of a Crazy Pregnant Lady
Here is the digestive happenings of my body today - good and bad.
Wake up - throw up - these two go hand in hand every day this pregnancy with exception to probably 5 days or so.
Toasted blueberry bagel with cream cheese.
Glass of cool- aid
(yummmy for a while)
Uhhh-oh the stomach God rejects my offering and I am forced to worship at the porcelain thrown (this time at the yucky YMCA porcelain thrown. eeewuuuu. Stupid toilet has automatic flush sensor and it doesn't sense I am there - probably because I am so pitiful looking with blobs of buggers and tears all over my face. I have to clean my face and try to dance to get it to flush. Not working - oh well I did my best - sorry to the next patron who might have to see that.
Nectarine - cool, refreshing - at least this is something in the tube going down the right way - glad I brought you nectarine to Corilynn's swim lessons - good thinking Mom.
Visit the pharmacy and receive miracle nausea fighting super hero drug. Pop one of those suckers right away.
Chicken tender with ranch dressing. Pretty good but I think I want BBQ sauce instead.
Chicken tender with BBQ sauce - yeah that's better.
Potato wedge - ranch dressing is good for this one.
Fruit by the foot snack - yummy sugar boost.
Cool-aid - want to have milk but milk and I are not the best of friends right now.
Lay down to rest for a while - uh-oh the nausea in the soul awakens and needs supplement.
Heat up some left over beef au jus from last night.
Eat delicious meat in savory beef sauce. Caramelized onions are just right.
Want something fruity but not fruit.
Grab some fruit gushers from the pantry (try not to let the kids see)
Wait... need a drink again - get cool-aid from the fridge....see pickles...
Eat a delicious, crisp pickle.
Eat fruit snacks (I'm really digging these today - they are like yesterday's manna - cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes in ranch dip), drink cool-aid.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Utah Vacation Rap Up

We had so much fun on our trip to Utah to visit friends and family. The kids enjoyed getting to see their "cousins" in the McKeighen, Anderson and Triplett families. We also got to see cousins on both Andrew's side and my own. It was a fun cousin filled week. Corilynn and Addie even had the same pair of gammies to wear one night and so of course we needed to dress them up as Twinkies. Laura I need you to send me some of the pictures you took. We only had shots of the two girls.If you could see the rest of this shot you would see little Mark wearing my mary jane shoes.

Corilynn loved riding this tricycle all around the Triplett's house.
One day Shannon and Mark came with us to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. Corilynn enjoyed playing in the kids attractions including this cave.
I think they might have been hoping the dinosaur would give them a ride like Daddy does when they sit on his feet here.
One attraction got the kids building their own dinosaur with different body parts. Needless to say our dinosaur sported two heads, two tails and lots of legs, arms and spikes.

Here we pose in front of the huge fake shark head at the museum but oddly enough the kids didn't like being fed to the dinosaur by mom and were not amused at all.
Shannon and I almost got eaten as well. Thank goodness our kids were there to pull us back.
In the end the kids even discovered their own dinosaur fossil under the sand and carefully brushed the sand off it to reveal the bones.
Thanks to all our hosts out there who made our vacation so relaxing and took such good care of us. It was just what we wanted in a vacation. The only downside was that it ended way to soon. Oh well I guess our friends are tagged now and have to come visit us now in Ohio.

Monday, June 1, 2009

We're Back!

Hey folks! We are back from our wonderful vacation in Utah spending some much needed RNR with friends and family there. We had a great time visiting and catching up and hanging out. I will post pictures of our adventure when I get around to unpacking the suitcases - today probably not. I even had so much fun that I forgot to post a Thankful Thursday - shame on me - the first skipped week of the year.

Though I do have something fun to announce - when we left for Utah just over a week ago we had 1 tomato growing on each of our tomato plants (7 plants) and 1 green pepper starting on each of those plants (4 plants). I am happy and totally surprised to announce we have 31 tomatoes growing on the 7 plants and 10 green peppers growing on the pepper plants!!! I cant believe how fast things grow here. A few of my tomatoes are even 2 inches thick already! We have two cherry type tomato plants that take up probably 10-12 of that 31 in their little cherry sized ones but still - what a huge leap in the Mackrory Garden! Also my cucumber plants are about 4 inches higher and with double the leaves! Yummy yummy yummy - gonna get veggies in my tummy! I need to get some pictures of it so I can show the progress!