Laura, from Provo, Utah asks: "What's the recipe to your favorite homemade treat?"
That is a very good question Laura. I think the favorite changes from time to time but currently my most favorite homemade treat is homemade cinnamon rolls. Here is the recipe below. Super easy and super yummy (even if you are one of those people who think they cant make bread - you can make this recipe!
Make dough in METAL bowl
1.5 C Almost HOT water
2 T Sugar
1 T Yeast
(combine above and let sit for 10 min - until frothy)
Add flour to mixture until it is consistency of yogurt then add
1 t Salt
1 T oil
Mix and add flour until you have a dough ball that will spring back when you poke it.
Place dough back in metal bowl and place metal bowl on top of oven preheated to 350 degrees F.
After dough has doubled in size (20 minutes usually), take dough and roll out into one big 1/4 inch sheet. Generously brush melted butter on top of dough sheet, sprinkle cinnamon all over and brown sugar every where too. This is where you can add diced apples and nuts if you prefer.
Tightly roll dough into one long roll, use a piece of dental floss to cut through the dough roll at 1 inch sections. Place sections on greased cookie sheet (allowing at least 1 inch between or more for rising) and place cookie sheet on warm oven top to rise a second time. Cook until golden brown (15 min maybe? I just wait until I smell yummy bread and then check until it is golden brown - what can I say - I cook like my mom.) Let cool and serve with fresh cream cheese frosting. YUM
Jen from Arizona asks: "What do you get a 2 year old girl for her birthday that will rock her socks off?"
Thank you Jen for your question. Well if the girl you are thinking of is anything like my girl (ie all girl, thinks she is a princess, and super duper feminine) then you could get her anything from pretend high heels to a tinker bell dress up outfit. A purse and pretend make up are always big but most of all shoes, shoes, shoes.
Kirk from New Zealand asks: "Where in the world would you most like to travel? And how about to live?"
Great to have you participate Kirk! Oh the places I would love to travel are many. Ill start first with your second question. I think I would only love to live in the United States of America. Although I think it would be so good for my kids to get a cultural experience of living abroad, I still think that my American patriotism will hold out in the end. I love America probably like you love New Zealand. Sure we have our problems but it feels like home and there isn't much else I can write it isn't incorporated into that last statement.
The place I would like to travel to the most in the world is probably Italy. Is there any place that is more romantic, with beautiful scenery, great food, and world history? I would also love to travel to Egypt, The Great Wall and many places in Europe. We both really want to visit New Zealand - so if we ever make it there - we'll be staying at your house! Ohh and I would love to go to Jerusalem and the Holy Land... oh now you've got me started.....
Cheryl from Seattle area asks, "How do I sell my condo and move into your neighborhood....okay maybe that is rhetorical..."
Oh Cheryl how wonderful it would be if you could be in my neighborhood. I think then it would be perfect. We loved living by you so much back in Provo a few years ago. So Im thinking - play the lotto, retire rich and raise the property value of our house significantly by moving right by us.
Tiffany from Lawrence, KS asks: "Tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?"
If only we knew that, Tiffany, I think a lot of the world's questions could be answered. At least regarding geography. Interestingly enough, the show was one of the longest running children's game show in history - having 296 episodes. (little factoid from our friend Wikipedia)
Thanks friends for your questions. I think this was fun and I plan on doing another questionnaire probably in a few months. Love ya!