Saturday, January 31, 2009

Atomic Bomb

Arrrrggghhh! You just simply cannot express a groan like I want to in words. So both Andrew and I have felt under a lot of stress during the past couple of days. He has a self prepared to-do list for the house that he wants to complete but doesn't feel like he has the time between callings, work and spending time with the family and I am getting cabin fever for staying in the house WAY to long, along with a personal issue I am emotionally vexed about and yesterday my Uncle passed unexpectedly. So with the combination of our two sour, overly sensitive moods and it being the weekend where we both a) have to work on stuff together, and b)want to spend quality time as a family -- the domestic atomic bomb has been created this morning in our house. Well probably nothing as devastating as that so much but it means that we have been biting at each other all day and then stopping, apologizing and realizing it is our stress that we are taking out on each other and then.... biting some more. We need a really really good date night idea. Something that will be something that will help Andrew feel relaxed a bit and me not to feel on the verge of tears anymore at least for a couple of hours. Any suggestions?

UPDATE: You guys have some of the coolest ideas for dates - we are totally going to use them. In the end we both decided to go to dinner together (of course with the kids since it was late notice) and then we went ice skating as a family. It was really fun and can I say POWER LEG WORKOUT - at least if you are with kids and having to hunch down and keep them steddy as they hold onto the yellow cone. - but it was fun and just what we needed. Thanks guys!

Friday, January 30, 2009

You got me!

Yeah yeah yeah! I know I always said I didn't want to do a blog. But then I got sucked in by many of my friends and family's blogs that I couldn't resist the blog's power any longer. Really you all have only yourselves to blame for this. There are so many reasons I hesitated in starting a blog. To maintain my dignity I will name them here:

1) I always felt that there was a certain expectation in doing a blog that you had to make it cutesy, interesting and worth reading. I felt this wasn't always going to be true for me and my blog if I did one and so I thought I shouldn't attempt. But then I read some of your blogs... and - Just kidding they are all so cute. Actually I read some of your blogs and realized it was such a great away to document life. To express my feelings on a particular day and to relish in the great morsels of cuteness that my children are. I cant laugh at them all by myself all the time.

2) I didn't think I could get anyone to read it. This last one is still a theory untested. But since I may have suckered some of you into coming to read it now - I might be able to get you to follow my humble blog occasionally as well. Especially if I tell you that if your blog is on my blog list, I regularly - this means at least once weekly - look and read your blog if you have updates. I feel the most powerful blog guilting I could do is to name names and make them pay the favor back and read my own blog. However if you dont have a blog on this list it is probably because I no longer have the right URL to your blog and you need to email it to me so I can watch your blog. Also if you have no blog and are reading this simply because you are a friend or family member to me then by default the blog guilt is automatic. :)

3) Lastly, I knew that joining the epidemic of blogism is a life altering, time warping, and hideously addictive hobby. Having accepted the doctrine of blogism and being ready to finally commit to baptism, I made the determination to create a blog. I have been working on it for a little while now because I'm not computer savvy enough to figure out how to get templates and layouts just right etc. I had to take some time to learn the language of Internet blogging. Having done so I am officially publishing my blog.

In another attempt to make sure my blog is more interesting to read (and in suckering some of you to make a habit of visiting it) I have also adopted something that I saw in one of my friend's blog: Thankful Thursdays. Every Thursday I will post things that I am feeling thankful for that day. As long as I am able to keep up with it along with my daily domestic responsibilities I hope to post a new posting every Thursday with the things that I am grateful for. Stay tuned (and be warned) I may name names.

Well that is it for now. I end my first official blog declaration. I could get used to this. Okay now, go comment. :)