Monday, December 8, 2008

Holiday Tag!

Hey....lets play. Just copy and paste into your own blog and answer the questions.

I tag YOU!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both

2. Real tree or Artificial? Fake...don't really like my kids poking each other with the "tree needles"

3. When do you put up the tree? When I get sick of my kids begging me.

4. When do you take the tree down? Usually the beginning of January, but i think I might leave it up year round, so I don't have to put it up next year! :) It would be cute with hearts for Valentines and Pumpkins for Halloween!

5. Do you like eggnog? yummy!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Preemie Cabbage Patch with the silk pajamas that matched mine that my mom sewed herself!

7. Hardest person to buy for? Inlaws

8. Easiest person to buy for? my kids, my mom

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, I have 3. One that is glass that the children aren't supposed to touch, but after 5 years of broken appendages, I bought a couple play ones.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail...if I get them done in time!

11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Don't really have any. I loved Christmas as a kid and now that I am married I shop for myself! John is not much of a shopper and I would probably get all my gifts from Cabelas if he did shop! :)

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? SAnta Claus

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? November 'til Christmas Eve.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not YET!

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Chocolate!

16. Favorite Christmas song? Like them all!

17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay at home.

18. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star

19. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning...except for a few.

20. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? traffic

21. Favorite ornament theme or color? Red

22. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Gravy!

23. What do you want for Christmas this year? New panties!

24. Do you go "Black Friday Shopping"? Just online. Don't want to get trampled to death!

25.What is your favorite Christmas cookie? The ones with sugar in them!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Fall and halloween post will come tomorrow. I am all blogged out for one night!

Lotion Anyone?

Making messes is a very common thing for Ally. She loves lotion and make-up and toothpaste, etc. This is how I found her one night after a long day! She had really dry skin...give her a break!

A visit to the Temple!

My nephew, Klay went through the temple before leaving on his mission to Australia and we went to wait outside for him to come out. I took several pictures of my kids, I think because they looked like angels on these beautiful grounds.


This one is alittle less than angelic, but such a stud-muffin!

And of course we had to have one of Madison's model poses!

So cute...shiner and all! At least it matches her outfit!

You see my SHINER!

Ally was jumping and rolling around on our big love sac in the living room when she fell and slammed her eye on the big post. The next morning she had a perdy shiner! She would say to everyone she saw, "You see my shiner!"


My baby turned two! She is not a baby anymore! She has a mind of her own and she knows how to use it!

I made her a Dora cake, just like she wanted! We celebrated Kassi's 3 girls birthdays at the same time. Harlee turned 7, Jordyn turned 6, and Paris turned 4. As you can see by the large whole in the cake...Ally couldn't wait!

She got a dress-up trunk from Gramma Mimi and she was decked out for the remainder of the party and every day from then on!

Daddy's little princess!
We love you big 2-year old!


John and I were able to go on a 7-day cruise to Alaska with his parents and sister.
We had an amazing time and loved every minute of it. I thought 7 days was going to be so long to be away from home, but the time went by so fast and we were having so much fun that I didn't want to go home, except to see my 3 cute kids, of course. Here are just a few pictures. My camera wasn't the best and so I want to steal a few pics from my sister-in-law. We saw a ton of wildlife including many whales that I did not get good pictures of.

This was our ship taken from one of the ports.

For one of our excursions we took dune buggy through the mud and rain and got soaking wet and dirty. We were dressed from head to toe in this attractive gear. The views were absolutely amazing. I could move to Alaska, except for the 285 some odd days of rain they get every year.

This was a very cold day to be out on deck, but we wouldn't have missed the views for anything. We took the small canal that you can see behind me between the mountains to the Hubbard Glacier. I have never seen anything so spectacular. The glacier was huge. The ice was bright blue in some place and it was amazing to watch very large chunks slam into the icy waters below. The loud crash and rumble was heard and felt from the ship.

Sleepovers, Mohawks, Butterflies, Carnivals-Summer 2008 Overview

Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days Carnival
July 20th

Jaxon's first Mohawk! Too bad he wouldn't let me leave it!

Shoe thieves with such attitude!
Harlee, Madison, Jordyn, Paris, Jaxon
Fun sleepover with the cousins!
Popcorn and a movie on the big blow-up mattress.

What is summer without a 2-year old to make messes?!
This is a bag of rice that she dumped and then skated through.
"I skate mommy, I skate!"

Madison got a butterfly habitat for her birthday
and this was the day to let them free! They were so much fun to watch.

We went with Becky, Sari, and Kate to the Thanksgiving Point
Children's gardens. They had so much fun playing in the water!

Ally got her new BIG GIRL bed with new Dora sheets, of course!

Happy Father's Day Daddy! We LOVE you!

Jaxon and Madison called me upstairs to visit their zoo
and this is what I found. The rare white alligator! I was cracking up!
As you can see they even had the blue water and the turtle was food.

Our summers always include a trip to Snowbird with
Grandpa and Grandma Carol.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A little on the COOKY side!

Madison got some 3D glasses with some chalk for her birthday and the kids wanted to try them out in the shower. I think they were trying to look like their daddy in his safety glasses-GOOD LOOKIN'!

Trip to the Zoo

Grandpa and Grandma Carol and Aunt Renie took the kids to the zoo about a week and a half ago. They had so much fun. Irene took some awesome pics, so take a look.

What a show off!

Afternoon snooze

I would be tired too if I had to hold that neck up all day

Playing follow the leader

Feed me dang-it!

Jaxon's favorite-the White Alligator

He looks like Jaxon with his Pooh Bear blanket!

Maddi and Jax with Grandpa and Grandma Carol

Ahhh, cute!

She is a monkey at home, you know!

Not quite Jax, stretch a little harder!

Hang on tight guys!