Wednesday, October 12, 2011

its been a while

i finally have a chance to post. mainly because i have another day off. actually i have a week. its been awesome! i love being at home with miss and getting done all of the cleaning and errands i haven't had a chance to get to. brooklyn is getting so big! she is a great army crawler and is pretty fast. she can even climb up steps. she loves her jumper and will jump for hours. she loves food and doesn't really like bottles any more. she is still the cutest baby ever. seriously the cutest baby ever.

hopefully i will post before my next day off which isn't until veteran's day. we'll see.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

no school!

no school tomorrow! woo hoo! ever since i started working again i have been counting down the days until the first no school day and it is here. i plan to do nothing but have mommy brooklyn time and if kason wants to join that's cool too. thank you labor day!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


pre brooklyn i would spend my evenings checking blogs and occasionally posting. i frequently had two thoughts. number one: i have nothing to blog about. once i have kids i will blog all the time. number two: why don't these people ever post? they have cute kids so they should be blogging all the time. well i am eating my words. i have officially become the worst blogger ever. i have a cute kid now but post brooklyn brings a new thought, when do i have time to blog? answer: never. however, since i started work this week and my body is now use to getting up at 5:00 am i have found a couple of spare moments. {actually i should probably be cleaning but who wants to that at 6:00 in the morning?} so... here is a quick update.

brooklyn is now 5 months old and is still the cutest baby in the world. she is still measuring in the 50% for weight, height, and head. at four months she was 15lbs and i am guessing she weighs a little more now. i am pretty sure more than half of her weight is in her thighs. she loves to play and reaches and grabs for everything she comes across. she is rolling everywhere and loves to try and roll away when i change her diaper. she thinks mirrors are the greatest and will laugh at herself whenever she sees her reflection. she is a social butterfly and is such a party girl. it is so fun to start seeing her personality. she is a pacifier addict and loves food. she wants to eat food so bad and always tries to still whatever you are eating. i have given her rice cereal a couple times and she loved it but we have to wait because she was having a hard time switching to formula. {i had to go back to work} hopefully we can start introducing food in the next month or so. i don't think i can hold her off much longer. she is still sleeping for through the night. she goes to between and 8:00 and 9:00 and wakes up between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning. that's right at 5 months she is sleeping 12 hours at night. unfortunately she isn't a very good napper. she is the queen of the power nap and will only take about three 30 min naps. unless you hold her. she will sleep for an hour or more if you hold her. spoiled? yep. she is such a happy baby and loves to laugh, smile, and play. we are so blessed to have her in our family!

kason took the mcat and applied to medical school this summer. brooklyn and i basically never saw him until the test was over because he was constantly studying. we won't know his scores for another week or so. wish us luck. hopefully he gets into a school that will allow us to stay here, but who knows. this semester is going to be a crazy one for him, but only two semesters left and then graduation! woo hoo!

i had a great summer taking care of brooklyn and enjoying my time being a mom. i did work a little bit teaching dance classes. this week was my first week back to work teaching at westwood. leaving brooklyn was the hardest thing i have ever had to do. luckily kason doesn't start work and school for another week so at least she was at home with her dad. over the summer we were able to spend some family time together at the cabin in bluewater, nm and in california and it was great. life is crazy busy but good.

and happy 25th birthday kason on aug 15!

and the whole private thing isn't going to happen for a bit. there needs to be more hours in the day.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


ok so my main excuse for not posting pictures is that we wanted to make this blog thing private before we posted pictures of our baby brooklyn. so... if you want to read this thing and see those cute pics leave me your email address.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


brooklyn loves looking up and watching the fan. add some lights and she is seriously entertained. she is so funny and cute. she is starting to smile and talk to us. precious!

as for the pictures, they are coming. i have a list of excuses. sorry.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy easter

brooklyn is loving her first easter. she went on some egg hunts {ok she was asleep and we just gave her an egg} and got some new pacifiers. she loves them! do i need to tell you she was adorable in her easter dress at church? nope. she is nothing but cuteness.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

living in the moby

brooklyn loves the moby wrap. good thing too. moby = 2 free hands = getting some stuff done. its slow going but hey at least things get clean. does it matter that it takes 5 times as long? nope.

life is good