Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My little Gnomeo

The Garden Gnome:

The Baby Gnome:

The Garden Gnome on the lawn:

The Baby Gnome on the lawn:

 Gnome Family pictures to come soon.......

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Awesome Autumn Adventures

Just a quick post of the fun things we've been doing in the past month. We went for a hike to Payson Lakes. Landon loves hiking...or being carried while we hike =)

 He is such a happy baby. We are so lucky. 

We drove to the backside of Nebo. It was beautiful! 

Here is little Lander eating some rice cereal for the first time....He doesn't like it. (I've started feeding him solid food only before bed time to help him sleep through the night because lately he has been getting up 3 times during the night to eat. He likes avocado more than rice cereal so I feed that to him instead and it helps him sleep through the night!)

See...he doesn't really like it. =)

And here we are during our Fall Break trip to St. George. I found Landon's binky at a grocery store in St. George...cute huh =). I also got him one that is a ghost and it glows in the dark. I love cute/funny baby things. So we went on this trip for my 25th birthday and for Kyle's sanity. He deserves a nice relaxing trip after the past couple months of teaching 9th graders. =) Funny story: I forgot my suitcase...okay so it wasn't really funny when I got all the way to St. George and discovered my missing suitcase. It had EVERYTHING of mine in it...clothes, underwear, toothpaste and toothbrush, makeup, hair stuff...everything. I cried for a while and then got over it. It didn't ruin our vacation though. I just washed the clothes that I was wearing in the laundromat in our hotel and then Kyle and I went to the D.I. and I bought a couple shirts and some new pants =) Haha, maybe I will purposely "forget" my suitcase on our next trip so I can go shopping for more clothes again =). JK. 

 And here is Landon at the Tapenyaki restaurant we went to for my birthday dinner...he didn't really like the big flames. 

Kyle and I were lucky to get last minute tickets for the Aladdin showing at the Tuachan Theater. They were all sold out for a while and I just kept calling in to see if they had any available seats. Well one day they had 2 open up so I took em! Lucky lucky. This play was so fun. 

We even got cool 3D glasses to view the 3D part of the play. Funny Kyle. 

Children under 3 are not allowed in the theater but they have a "show care" service for your child if you want to leave them with complete strangers while you watch the play. It was really hard for me to decide if I wanted to leave Landon with people I have never met before but after finding out about how great the show care staff are and their policies, I was a little more open to it. So anyways, we picked Landon up after the show and he was asleep (with his ghost binky) =). The girl taking care of him said that she didn't want to give him back because he was the cutest baby she's ever watched. =) That made me feel good but unfortunately we think he's a pretty cute baby too and so we took him back. =) They did a great job watching him and Kyle and I had a nice night together. 

We stood in a long line to get this picture =) The Genie stole the show. He was AWESOME and just as funny (if not funnier) than the Robin Williams Genie in the real Disney show. Jasmin and Aladdin were alright but Genie was our favorite =)

These next few pics are of us on the Dixie "mountain" in St. George. If you've been there you will know what I am talking about. It was fun.

And these next pics are of the last days' adventures in Zion National Park. Such a beautiful place. Haha, but all the times I've been there I don't remember this land must be new. We called it the "Shoe Tree". So funny. We were kind of bummed that we didn't have any extra shoes of ours to contribute. But hey, if you go to Zions and forget your shoes, we know where you can get some for free!

There were a ton of deer at our campsite just wandering, sitting, and grazing. They weren't scared of humans at all.... neither were the squirles. Kyle sat down next to one and basically pet it...well he would have if I hadn't yelled at him first. =)

And these last pictures are my favorite. Landon has started doing this new thing where he sticks his tongue out at you when you talk to him and it is the CUTEST thing ever. I love this little guy. 

This one is my favorite...cute picture huh =)

And finally here is Landon doing his new trick. He will roll and roll and roll until he ends up somewhere where he can't roll out of like under the bed or under the foot rest by the couch. =) In this picture he started out on the blanket and rolled himself to where you see him now- under the bed. Funny huh. 

Well that's all for now! Next time I will be blogging and posting pictures of our Halloween!!! We've got awesome costumes this year and I'm so excited to wear them! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

4.5 months

This little guy....

 the apple of my eye. 
(and is growing up way too fast)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Up to date

Hello Everyone! I know it is way past time that I'v updated. Here are some pictures in somewhat chronological order. You can see how he is getting so big!

This is his famous "blue steel" face made famous by the movie Zoolander. We call him Zoolander sometimes (lander- Landon... get it?)

....Call me maybe.... =)

Chillen with dad...

Chillen with Grandma Shelley at the Shelley Reunion

I love his sad faces!!! They are so cute

Hangin with Nana

Fun at 7 peaks, Landon LOVES the water! He just falls right asleep =)


Daddy and Landon

The many cute faces of Landon

4th of July fun

 Landon's Blessing Day

Haha, so cute huh!!! I love baby clothes. I made his shoes by the way =)

I love this picture. It just shows how much light babies have inside them.

These pictures are from our Shelley family vacation in Sundance, hiking Stewart Falls

Chillen on the porch

Hiking Bridalvale Falls

Kyle and Ashley just finishing up running the Speedy Spaniard. 

Haha, I was too late to get a picture of them actually running the race so I asked them to pretend like they were running. They were supposed to be running the same way but I like this better. =)

Hard work! They are both drenched in sweat

At the parade

Landon's Spit-up Goatee

Einstein Landon

Chubby Landon

Landon helping me do laundry...I walked out of the room for 5 seconds, came back and found this. So funny. He loves holding onto fabric and blankets and especially his monkey.


                             Landon's 2nd haircut at 3.5 months old. His first one was at 1 month old =)

I love this picture! =)

 I saved the best for last...isn't this the cutest picture you've ever seen! It melts my heart =) We love this little guy!

...And here are our most recent family pictures. Our sister-in-law's friend took them and they turned out SO beautiful! Thanks Kristi and her friend!!! We love them!