Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pickle and her apple

Doug brought in all the groceries and usually Paisley will drag them over to the kitchen. Area for me but this time she quit early! Why? She found the apples! :) we were laughing at how cute all the little bite marks were! She is so much fun!

She is eager to eat the strawberries when she sees them in the grocery cart and we don't even take her by the pickles because she LOVES them!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

My baby

I love taking naps with Paisley even though I'm sad she won't fall asleep in her crib alone anymore! However, I love waking up to this even if she is laying across me!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Someone found the string cheese this morning. She always wants some and yet spits it out most of the time!
She was doing pretty good until I found this right when I had vacuumed this spot already!

Water girl

I hate refilling the fridge with enter but good news....Paisley loves it! She did it all by herself. The only thing I did was open the packaging and push back the water so she could put more in. After she was done she even threw away the trash! Hahaha! Doug and I couldn't believe it. Proud mother moment! :)


Simple pleasures

I love that's little one can do random funny things that make me laugh because she thinks their funny too....like sticking her two pointer fingers up her nose an then say "hello!"

I love that she will throw things away when I ask her too and even put dirty clothes in the dirty clothes basket!

The other day when I needed to change her diaper she even laid down for me all by herself! I didn't have to grab her! She knew it needed to be changed and was willing to help a mother out!

I love that when she wants to get me up she will find my hand. She will grab either my pinky or my thumb and wrap her whole hand around it it and then lift up! It's so precious.

Friday, November 16, 2012

What a gal wants

I think we know what Paisley wants for Christmas! :) We saw this in Costco and I about died. Paisley was in heaven!

Binky buddies

I was cleaning out my diaper bag and Paisley found one of her binky's. Whenever she finds one she'll play with it for awhile. I found one too and showed her. She took both for awhile but then came and put one in my mouth! She wanted me to have one too!