Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm Alive

Just wanted to let everyone know that I finally got around to posting on the other blog. It has been a long time so I just wnated to remind everyone to click over to the other blog to keep up with us. It's been a long and rough year already but things are starting to look up! See you all over there.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Some Changes

Hello there everyone. Things have been so cazy around here that I am making some changes until things slow down a little. I am starting this thing called Mine On Mondays on my photography blog. It is going to be a great opportunity for me to document our lives through my blog. I just can't keep up with two blogs right now. So I am asking you... no begging you please come and visit me like you do now but just at a different location...HERE. I love all my visitors (thats you Galen) make sure you change my blog site on your links to the new one so that you can still keep in touch with me and know when I update. I will miss you dearly if you don't. Also don't be afraid to leave your comments like you do here. This blog is for you as much as it is for me! I love all of you and hope to see you soon on my other blog. Wishing you all a Happy & Healthy New Year!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Tree Shopping

This Saturday we went looking for christmas trees. It's a little tradition we have done since we moved up to St. George. It is so fun getting everyone together, going up the mountain and searching for trees in snow that is knee deep. This year we decided to not get a tree but we went for the ride anyway. Here are some pics of our fun times!
This was the road we had to go up to get trees! Now that I see this picture I wish I would have gotten the family out for pictures. I love how the trees line the road.

Grandpa holding Haylee.

This was Haylee's first time in the snow where she got to sit and play in it.

I was taking tons of pictures and I swear all of my pictures of Chris look like this. I told him he looks like a inmate and that he needs to smile!

So What do I get...This cheesy smile! Gotta Love Him.

Aunt Teresa, Mom, Aunt Tammy

I want to leave you with my favorite image of the day! Isn't she cute!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Time is Flying Way To Fast.

My little girl is getting so big way to fast. This picture is already 6 months old. When I took this picture she was such a happy, non mobile, napping baby. Now she is non stop moving investigating and getting into things. I swear every other word that comes out of my mouth is "NO" and yes my house is baby proof. But she finds everything and anything I would have never thought she would get into. Just to catch you up, she is standing very good now, walking along couches and loves to dance. I wish I could video her in the car. She bounces up and down to the music and has started snapping her fingers like me! How dang cute is that.Photobucket

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone. We enjoyed our 1st real Halloween with Haylee. We had so much fun dressing up with her and going out to get candy. We all dressed up up, Haylee was a lion, Chris was a scarecrow and I was Dorthy. My Mom and Dad came over for dinner and went trick or treating with us. My mom was dressed as a Devil and let Haylee wear the ears before we went out. I can't wait for next year when Haylee will be able to walk up to the the doors herself.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Exhausted From the Weekend

As you all know I was at the What A Woman Wants Expo this weekend. I am so tired but I had a great time. It went by so fast and I can't wait to do it again. If you visit my photography blog you can see the pictures from the expo. My girl friend Aimee shared a booth with me. She is starting to scrapbook for people, so if you are too busy to do it yourself she will do it for you. She also makes these really cute St. George books. So go over and check it out!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What A Woman Wants Expo!

Okay everyone...I wanted to let everyone know that I am going to be at What A woman Wants Expo this Thursday & Friday. So clink on the link and read more about it, plus you will get to see my new up and coming site. Yeah!
Trust once this over I will post some more FAMILY pics. Love ya All!