
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I will be updating soon, until then, enjoy the view that I have.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hadley and Bella

Hadley asked if I would take some pictures of her and her doll Bella. So of corse I said yes,, and I"m glad I did we had such a great time, she is a riot to be around!

She quickly went from sweet tender Hadley to....

Crazy Haddie Child!

She she said "Mom look I have a flower in my shoe!" 

 And then there she goes right back to her sweet Hadley self. Ah that girl!

   This gazebo in our yard is Hadleys favorite place to be. To her it's her house, a stage, a hideout, and a perfect tea party.
As soon as we were done taking pictures that's right where she headed.

The year of the butterfly

Little yellow butterflies are EVERYWHERE! They cover the roads, and the front of our cars. I have never seen so many butterflies.  The girls love to catch them.  One afternoon I dropped Aubrey off at the tractor with Kev and the other two girls stayed by an alfalfa field to try to grab the butterflies. They were very successful, Madelyne had four in her hand at one time. Hads was a little nervous so Mads stayed close to help her.  Their grandpa drove by and asked what they were doing and they said "oh just catching butterflies."  They were in heaven.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A little trip

Kevin and   I traveled back to Jerome for a few hours. I had a tooth that needed to be worked on and kev bought a grain drill  from a guy he knows in twin so we left around 6:00 pm and had a 7 hour drive ahead of us. We arrived at two in the morning to the Hixson's Vaughn knew we were coming  but  Alison had no idea.  I was super excited to surprise her. She was in bed dead asleep so I jumped on her and said wake up wake up, the poor girl didn't know what was going on, I could not go to  sleep because I kept laughing when I thought of how she screamed and woke up the whole house! It was totally awesome! I was also able to visit a couple of friends, it was so nice to see familiar faces'
I gave Mason the no button for his birthday, I could not wait to give it to him!

I had to take a picture of the canyon as we drove by, I really miss this view.
Kevin's grain drill that he was so excited to pick it up! And I was excited about. This.....

Under that blue blanket is a air hockey table, it is Vaughn and Alison's. I can't wait to play it when they come to visit in a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This week

This week Tayla melted my heart 
I pretended to be a farmers wife, by helping him. My pink nails soon were destroyed.
We all helped daddy dig a hole 

The Girls worked with daddy by plowing, picking up seed and taking daddy lunch.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Awe so much better

After four hours at the spa little Ivy looks much better. Yes I do realize that will we live where  getting dirty is part of the fun, and that she will be a regular at the spa, but I am just happy that for right now she looks  ( and smells) good,


Kevin took us to a store today that he went to as a kid. So apparently the store opened in 1938 , and it's name is Griggs. It's totally pre Walmart. When we got there Aubrey said " oh this is really old , it reminds me of Idaho because everything is old in Jerome." It was so super ghetto, when we were getting out of the car Kev started hiding all the iPods, and anything of value so they would not get stolen. Crazy enough the store was  totally awesome! They had name brand things and their prices were soooo great! So what did we buy? Four pairs of black ugly but very sturdy rubber boots. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Oh Hadley

I'm in the kitchen and look around the corner to find this sight. Hads is sitting on top of a blow up air mat ( thanks aunt kay ) wearing snow boots and the infamous Shane hat. Her plans are to do just what it looks like... Sledding. She was successful in her attempt. Not ten minutes later she meets me in the office wearing swim goggles, it's just never ending with this girl!